
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Disclaimers: Characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.
Song lyrics owned and performed by AIR.

If two women together romantically offend you then this story is not for you. However if you do like this type of thing, read on. ;)

The following scenes were inspired by French electronica/pop duo AIR's song of the same title 'Venus'.

'You could be from Venus
I could be from Mars
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other'

Rei smiled, her eyes closed as she felt a warm body laying next to hers before snuggling into her arms. Opening her violet eyes she looked down to see the top of Minako's head as it rested on her shoulder. Her long blonde hair was luminous, even in the dark.

"I knew I'd find you here." Minako's hot breath skated across the skin of Rei's neck which sent a shiver of pleasure up the raven haired woman's spine. Minako felt the shudder, tiny as it was and lifted her head. Pausing for a moment to stare down at the woman under her, a sweet smile grew on pink lips. She looked into pools of mauve, tenderness swimming deep within the depths. She likened the view to a koi gracefully moving in a pond. 


She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back the peal of laughter that threatened to escape but it was too late, Rei already spotted the amusement in her azure eyes and in the corners of her twitching lips.

"What's so funny?" Whispering to the woman, her mirthful smile matched the one her lover wore.

"I'll tell you later," Mina whispered back, her head dipping to capture Rei's lips with her own. The softest brushing of lips followed; leisurely, patiently all the time in the world theirs, for this moment of intimacy. Identical blushes adorned their cheeks when she lifted her head and resumed the previous position of her head on Rei's shoulder.

Water Lilies: Chapter One

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

Chapter One: Down the Mountain

"Maya-san," Dr. Ami Mizuno paused before she completed the rest of the sentence, "perhaps it's time to reconsider moving in with Takeda-san and Yumi-san."

A chuckle combined with a twinkle in the dark eyes in the elder woman who sat across from Ami indicated she was far from offended at the younger woman's suggestion. "Ami-chan," name said fondly, Maya merely smiled as she replied, "I was born in this house and I intend to stay here until the gods tell me it is time to pass on."

Ami smiled back before taking a sip of the tea the older woman provided. It was an old argument between doctor and patient. Concern for the elderly woman living alone halfway up the mountain constantly motivated Ami to persuade Maya to move in with her son and daughter-in-law. Most of the time the argument was in the form of light banter between the two, however the woman was serious about having Maya move in with Takeda and his wife. She did not care that coming to Maya's house resulted in a forty-five minute trip, she enjoyed the routine house calls to patients; at home they were far more relaxed which ensured a better patient. No, the argument existed solely because Maya had watched Ami grow up from a toddler, resulting in a relationship of that of a relative. And the older woman certainly treated her kindly, as kindly as Ami's own grandmother, Hana. The idea that anything could happen to Maya up here in the mountain without anyone knowing anything made Ami press the issue.

But Maya was a stubborn old woman who refused to budge, also much like Hana. Ami swallowed a sigh along with the remaining bit of delicious green tea. There was no point in continuing the conversation now. She glanced outdoors through the wide door left open to provide light and air into the living room of the traditional style house, and judged it was time to get going, Maya was her last appointment for the day.