
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Storm

 Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

The Storm

Ami woke with a sleepy smile on her face. Her eyes closed, she enjoyed the languid feeling that came with the warmth of the comforter that smelled freshly laundered. The sounds of rain could be heard from outside; drops tapping staccato rhythms against the window pane, dancing between the eaves before slithering in snake-like patterns down the walls and windows.

Yes, a nap had proven most refreshing especially since she had practically crawled in from her overly long shift at the hospital. The apartment was dark and quiet when she had arrived home. Stumbling through the door and slipping out of her practical low-heeled shoes, she barely made it to the couch, tucked her hands under her cheek and curled into the fetal position before her eyelids closed and, her breathing evened out.
She snuggled further down into the sheets, the softness rubbing against her skin making her sigh. Skin...she realized she was now only wearing her boyshorts and nothing else. Beyond the walls of the bedroom she could hear a faint humming, and the low voice of the television as the weatherman spoke of the impending thunderstorm.


Makoto must be home. The smile on her face grew larger as thoughts of the brunette made their way in. Makoto's presence explained how Ami moved from the couch in the living room to their bedroom, with her clothing removed. The thought of the tall woman taking off her clothes, piece by piece, made a warmth that had nothing to do with the bed covers crawl over her. She could practically feel Makoto's hands on her skin and it left her tingling.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Fireside Confessions

 Yukikura, three months ago:

"She likes you," Makoto stated, effortlessly stepping over the large rock in her path. The late April day was cool but not cold, a perfect day for hiking the botanist mentioned and Ami had to agree with her. Earlier in the day Makoto had decided to kill two birds with one stone by asking Ami if she wanted to take a hike to see the water lilies. It had been purely a whim on Makoto's part asking her suddenly but Ami was happy to reply immediately with a yes.

"Huh?" The query was a little more than a huff of air as Ami stepped over the rock as well. Apparently while riding her bike gave her exercise, it was not enough to keep her in the same shape as the fit brunette.

"What are you talking about, Makoto?"

"Yuri. She likes you."

Ami shook her head even though the brunette could not see her. "Impossible."

The botanist turned around, "Why is it so impossible? She was beside herself when asking you over for dinner. You didn't see the way she looked at you. When was the last time you went on a date anyway?"

"It's not a date, it's just dinner at her place. She's a nice young woman, that's all." Ami insisted. There was no way Yuri could be interested in her. Although, Ami had in fact noticed the young woman was attractive but that was the extent of it. "Anyway, you shouldn't spy on others."

Makoto made a noise that could be determined as rude but she didn't speak.

"And," Ami added, "I made it a rule not to date people I work with."

Makoto paused, waiting for Ami to catch up. "You have too many self imposed rules. You, my friend, need to loosen up," she said lightly. Casting an appraising eye on Ami, Makoto took in the appearance of the short silky blue hair, deep eyes, pink lips and creamy skin. Ami, as usual, did not seem to know how physically attractive she was.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight: Oblivious

Right before graduation Makoto was offered a job in the botany department of the university. Considered one of the more promising students, she was assured a research and fieldwork position. Overjoyed, the brunette immediately accepted. Not long after, she heard rumors of a new strain of water lilies circulating and she set out north to find out for herself. It was near Mount Yukikura Makoto located the strange and exotic plant flourishing in a large pond. She made note the plant did not seem to affect either flora or fauna in the surrounding area. There were no forthcoming clues about how the plant came to be but she vowed to find the origin. She also wondered to herself why the name Yukikura sounded so familiar.

It was not until she returned to Tokyo and explained her assignment to Ami and Usagi over dinner one night that she discovered it was the younger woman's hometown. She noticed Ami seemed eager for news of her village and Makoto filled her in as best as she could. The botanist was invited to stop by her home once Ami was back in Yukikura, which would be less than a year's time.

Throughout the years, the village of Yukikura along with Ami and Hana saw Makoto intermittently. She visited the young doctor and her grandmother every time she was in the region to inspect the growth of the waterlilies. Calculations were all well and good in a lab but the botanist was in her element in the midst of nature while taking samples and making notes.