She wriggled on the bed, unaccustomed to wearing such clothing or
rather, lack of clothing while she waited for her lover. The heat of
desire wound around in her lower belly, moving slowly but surely as the
cool air hit the exposed skin on her body. Squeezing her thighs
together, she hoped Sawako, her girlfriend of a year, would come home
soon. Every second that passed was making her question this spontaneous
decision to surprise the older woman. Tsumugi Kotobuki, or Mugi as she
was known to a select few shifted anxiously again. The pale pink lace
teddy she wore covered her generous assets while leaving nothing to the
imagination. Garters and thigh-high stockings completed the outfit.
a lingerie store on the way to Sawako's, she made an impulse buy of the
sexy lingerie she now wore. Mugi had sported a faint blush while
purchasing the items; the saleswoman assured that her boyfriend would
love the outfit. She did not correct the saleswoman on the gender of her
lover, instead smiled politely and paid. Despite being somewhat
embarrassed about buying such items she was also quite excited at the
thought of welcoming home Sawako in the barely there clothing. Crossing
her legs restlessly, she stood up and bashfully appraised herself in the
full length mirror. A rosy hue appeared on her cheeks. It was the first
time Mugi had ever worn something so revealing with the idea of "that"
in mind. She wasn't a prude by any means, but sex was one thing she was
hesitant about discussing openly due to her upbringing as a proper young
woman. Sawako, she found had no such qualms in that regard.
shivered and thought perhaps doing this in the middle of January was a
bad idea. Although she was indoors, it was still cold. Then she
remembered the idea she had planned for another day and concluded she
might as well proceed with it now. Sawako wouldn't know what hit her.
Buckling the belt around her middle, she inspected herself in the mirror
and unbuttoned the top two buttons of her jacket. A hint of the creamy
mounds of her chest was now visible, and Mugi nodded approval to her
mirrored self. She remembered there was one more accessory necessary to
complete the look and picked up one of Sawako's spare glasses. She
grinned to herself in the mirror and artfully arranged herself on the
bed. Just in time too, she thought to herself as she heard the sound of
keys jingling. Then the entry door opened.
Sawako Yamanaka was a
bit of a slob at home, but she did not recall leaving any clothing on
the floor when she left for work that morning. Therefore it surprised
her to find a beige coat on the floor. A little farther away lay another
item of clothing, a blouse and further still more clothes. She then
recognized they belonged to Mugi. They formed a little trail leading to
her bedroom and she grinned. She was not one to disappoint especially
seeing how the younger woman took an effort to pleasantly ambush her.
Slipping out of her shoes and dropping her bag in the entryway, she
walked nonchalantly towards the bedroom. Easing the door open she
blinked at the sight, a dash of red appearing on her cheeks. Mugi lay on
her bed in a rather relaxed pose on her side. Her left hand propped her
head up while she smiled cheekily at Sawako. The blonde waved a smart
but graceful salute with her right hand. Whatever Sawako had expected,
it certainly wasn't this.
"Captain Felicia Heidemann, at your
service," stated Mugi. Her usual light and girlish voice, low and husky,
sent a thrill straight into Sawako's lower regions.
had started way back in high school of course. But back then it was
Sawako trying to dress the members of Afternoon Tea Time, mainly Mio in
provocative or moe costumes of various anime characters. Mugi had merely
observed with rapt attention, stars in her eyes. While she did feel
sympathetic to Mio's distress, a large part of her looked forward to the
antics of her favorite teacher. Mugi and the teacher started spending
more time together after graduation; along with dinner dates, they spent
quiet evenings at home watching the occasional anime together. Their
new craze however was a particular anime called Soranowoto which Sawako
declared Rio was totally gay for Felicia and vice versa. Mugi fiercely
nodded in agreement before snuggling up to her girlfriend. However, the
idea to dress as Felicia didn't strike her until the teacher mentioned
Mugi was a dead ringer for the blonde character.
Which brought her
here, laid out on Sawako's bed with the teacher standing slack-jawed in
the doorway. Her nervousness dissipated immediately once she took stock
of the woman's reaction. While Sawako stood still, her cheeks were
crimson, and there was a familiar look in her auburn eyes with which
Mugi was intimately acquainted. She slid off the bed slowly, not once
breaking eye contact. Her skin tingled in response to the way the
teacher looked at her, hunger apparent and Mugi found herself at a loss
for breath. She giggled when she thought of how the woman would react to
what she was wearing underneath the green uniform. Closing the distance
between them she brought her right hand up and caressed the side of the
teacher's face before trailing her fingers lightly down her neck.
The rest of whatever Sawako intended to say remained unspoken as a soft
pair of lips claimed hers. Mugi poured herself into the kiss, trying to
convey all the things she felt for her lover. All the things she could
explain and the ones she couldn't explain not with a million words and
certainly not with three little ones. She thought a miracle had occurred
when she confessed to the teacher only to find she was loved in return.
She found the woman returning her kiss ardently, her waist suddenly
enveloped in warm arms. They eventually pulled apart to look at each
"Okaeri," Mugi whispered. Her thumb brushed against the pulse of Sawako's neck as she stared into the woman's eyes.
responded Sawako in kind, a smirk tugging at her lips as her fingers
slipped through the strands of blonde hair. "That was quite a welcome."
Mugi stepped back out of reach and Sawako found herself bereft of the
warmth that was Mugi.
"I thought I'd give some fan service. What do you think?" The blonde twirled in order to show off the costume.
The teacher grinned widely, glasses glinting, an outstretched thumbs-up directed at the younger woman. "Good job, I approve!"
Mugi beamed happily. "I am so pleased you like it. I have another surprise, but you have to close your eyes."
surprise?" Sawako repeated. "I don't think my heart can take any more,
you're going to kill me with kindness!" She clutched her chest in jest.
Mugi giggled at the silly display.
"Come on Sawako-sensei. Close
your eyes. And no peeking, please!" Mugi urged. She took off the glasses
and kept an eye on Sawako as she quickly undressed, letting everything
drop to the floor at her feet. Nervous again, she took a deep breath and
quickly let it out, her cheeks burning.
"Okay, you can look now Sawako-sensei."
my -" The words died in Sawako's throat as she took in the vision in
front of her. Mugi stood fidgeting nervously but that didn't take away
the effect of the outfit. She was in awe of the lengths which the young
woman was willing to go for her. The teacher felt a surge of love and
lust among other things prompting her to step forward and kiss the girl
until she was senseless. Mugi grabbed her shoulders, the fabric of
Sawako's dress clenched in her fists. The older woman kissed her deeply
their bodies flush against each other. She felt something suddenly
against the back of her legs and realized Sawako had maneuvered them to
the bed. She moaned, falling back into the mattress, yearning to feel
Sawako's body on top of hers and as Mugi fell, the woman followed,
loathing the idea of her mouth leaving Mugi's.
They finally broke
apart, gasping for air. "Mugi – you look…so astonishing. I just have to
ravish you." The auburn haired woman groaned to her girlfriend.
The blonde smiled, still out of breath, "I thought that's what you were doing Sensei."
took Sawako's face in her hands, the blue heavy lidded gaze taking in
the falling hair, the red of her cheeks, the puffy lips, and last of all
the smoldering eyes. She slipped a thigh in between Sawako's legs.
Gasping for air her chest rose and fell quickly as she felt the pressure
of Mugi's leg. Sawako dove for the blonde's lips again, breathlessness
be damned. They were past the point of playfulness, urgency overtaking
their movements. Mugi clutched at Sawako's hands, waist, and shoulders -
anywhere, desperately clinging.
Sawako's right hand found its way
between their bodies, trailing down to the slopes of the younger
woman's breasts while she placed kisses along her neck. Mugi moaned as
she felt a hand gently graze her nipples. She arched her back in order
to continue the contact between them, but Sawako was already moving
lower. Whimpers turned into a loud cry of surprise and pleasure as the
teacher's hand found its way downward into Mugi's lacy panties. Her hips
bucked against the probing fingers affecting Sawako as well. They
gasped in unison, but did not ease their movements. Mugi grabbed the
teacher's head in her hands and brought their lips together for a
searing kiss. Breaking apart, Sawako lowered her head and gently bit
down on a rigid nipple. The stimulation coupled with the quick stroking
sent Mugi over the edge as she called out Sawako's name.
took a few minutes for their breathing to return to normal and to
untangle themselves from each other. Sawako was still dressed although
she looked rather disheveled. Mugi thought she looked sexy in spite of
the disarray. She laughed out loud.
The teacher looked her way, a questioning gaze, and Mugi could practically see a question mark forming over the teacher's head.
"I just wondered what your students would say if they saw their beloved Yamanaka-Sensei like this." Mugi explained.
Sawako grinned as she stepped out of her dress. "I could tell them I was attacked by a nymphomaniac."
Mugi blushed hotly at the retort. "You wouldn't! Besides, I didn't attack you."
Sawako now completely undressed, stepped forward and loomed over Mugi.
"So you're saying you don't mind being called a nympho?"
blonde's eyes went wide. "I-I…" She trailed off; a naked Sawako was
distracting, and she couldn't think, much less provide a reply. The
teacher leaned even closer until her face was a hair's breadth away from
the younger woman, a wicked smile on her face. Mugi gulped, feeling her
heart starting to race again. Sawako's proximity combined with her
scent and expanse of silky skin made Mugi tingle.
"Mugi…" The
young woman's eyes drifted close in expectation. "I think we
should…eat." Her eyes jerked open, a rush of cool air filling the space
vacated by the retreating Sawako. Mugi couldn't help but feel a little
disappointment. She recognized Sawako had effortlessly taken the lead in
this encounter of theirs and smiled wryly. The teacher kissed Mugi
quickly on the lips.
"Don't worry; we're definitely continuing
this." The auburn haired woman winked before picking up her phone. "How
does sushi sound?"
They ate in
companionable silence interspersed with anecdotes of the day. Mugi
mentioned how the saleswoman at the lingerie store assumed the sexy wear
was for her boyfriend. Sawako jokingly responded, Mugi should have
corrected her and said it was for her girlfriend. Mugi giggled before
asking, "Do you think she would have said bring your girlfriend next
time?" They both had a good laugh at that, but deep down Mugi was
suddenly heavyhearted at the fact that society ostracized them for
loving each other. She smiled at a joke Sawako made. It would have
fooled anyone else, but the older woman knew too well something was
wrong immediately. She set down her chopsticks and hugged Mugi from
"What is it?" she asked the startled girl who began to answer.
Sawako quickly interjected. She took the sting of word away with a kiss
on Mugi's shoulder and then another on her neck. "Is it because of us?"
She placed her chin on the young woman's shoulder. The teacher was
definitely astute and picked up on the issue right away. She rubbed her
hands along Mugi's arms as if to warm them while waiting for an answer.
Mugi exhaled. Her eyes downcast. "I hate that we can't be ourselves. We
can't even go out in public while holding hands." Sawako listened
silently. She knew exactly what it felt like. She also knew it was
something that deeply affected the young woman from time to time. The
word hate rarely fell from Mugi's lips otherwise. "I hate that there are
people out there who cannot accept us simply, because they refuse to
understand." She grew quiet.
"Me too," admitted Sawako. "We're
still lucky though. We have friends and family who are more than willing
to accept and love us." Mugi turned around so they could face each
other. Wrapping her arms around Sawako, she laid her head on the
teacher's shoulder, her nose buried in the crook of the older woman's
neck. She didn't respond to the woman's words, knowing she spoke the
truth. Sawako rubbed Mugi's back in a comforting manner. They stayed
that way for a while.
"I love you."
The words tickled her neck, and she smiled for two reasons; one,
because her neck was extremely sensitive there, and the other, because
Mugi had spoken those words.
"I love you too." She realized suddenly
instead of rubbing Mugi's back in a comforting way she had taken to
slowly caressing her instead. She laughed to herself. That would
probably explain why Mugi felt a little tense in her arms. Come to think
of it she was breathing a little harder too, Sawako thought.
wave of heat passed through her when she felt Mugi's mouth on her neck,
and she uttered a low growl when the young woman bit her, swiped her
tongue over the spot. She gasped in surprise as she was pushed back onto
the floor, and Mugi straddled her hips. The young woman leaned forward
and kissed the teacher gently before speaking. "It's your turn now,
Sensei." She took the teacher's hands in her own and kissed the inner
palm of each before making her way down to the crook of her elbow on one
arm. Sawako squirmed and moaned as Mugi licked the hypersensitive spot.
this payback for earlier?" She asked the younger woman who was now
nipping at her collar bone. A beatific smile appeared on Mugi's lips.
back?" She parroted in between kisses. "Surely I am not as crass as to
exact revenge Sawako-Sensei." She held the teacher's hands away to
prevent the woman from returning any of the touches and lifted herself
up in order to grab the hem of Sawako's long t-shirt. Before dinner
arrived the auburn haired woman changed into a comfortable shirt and not
much else, which now worked to the blonde's advantage. She pushed the
fabric up exposing Sawako's breasts and flat stomach. The older woman
shivered; her nipples hardening as she felt the hot scrutiny on her
Mugi lowered head and placed a kiss in the valley between
Sawako's breasts. "Yes definitely payback," muttered Sawako, as Mugi
proceeded to kiss her everywhere while avoiding the tender peaks aching
to be touched. Mugi entwined her fingers with Sawako's before finally
brushing her lips against her nipples. The teacher drew in her breath
sharply as the young woman teased her with her tongue and lips. Her eyes
drifted close, arousal and pleasure coiling in her belly before
spreading to all parts of her body. Mugi's mouth was venturing further
down; Sawako eyes flew open, and she tensed in anticipation. She grew
impatient at the young woman's pace but refrained herself from urging
her on. Ecstasy surged through her when Mugi arrived at the juncture of
her thighs and tasted her. It didn't take her very long before to
climax, shuddering as she clutched at a pleased Mugi.
They kissed;
Sawako wrapping her arms around the young woman who stretched out along
her length. "I love you, Tsumugi." The blonde lay in her arms, face
tucked into the curve between Sawako's neck and shoulder. Mugi looked at
her, a beautiful smile overtaking her lips and entering her azure eyes
as she gazed at the teacher. She responded to the teacher's words, not
just lip service but meaning it with every breath in her body. They both
hoped to themselves that there would be more days like this in the
future. They lay there lost in their own thoughts completely content in
each other's arms. The auburn haired woman broke the amiable silence.
"Do you think we could move to the bed? I'm really not as young as I
used to be."
A/N - For those of you who don't know "Tadaima" means "I'm home" and "Okaeri" means "Welcome back."
If there is anyone who thinks I mistranslated these two words then please feel free to enlighten me.
Thanks for reading.
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