
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Two

Chapter Two : Opposites Attract

Michiru blinked once more to clear the rainwater out of her eyes. Despite the glare on the stranger's face she did not feel threatened at all. Or perhaps she did not feel that way now because she saw her rescuer was a woman. A very attractive woman. Michiru was entranced; she had never seen wet hair look so captivating before. The wind flung her wet blonde locks to and fro, water dripping from the ends. Nor had she ever felt such heat from a navy blue stare.

"What the hell are you doing?" the woman growled at her.

Too relieved to pay attention to the aggravated stranger, Michiru continued to take in the woman's appearance. She was dressed in all dark clothing, and the art student had to admit the jeans, button down shirt and motorcycle boots gave the blonde an edgy looked that appealed to her. Her rescuer did not look particularly dangerous until the woman took a step forward and leaned towards her. Michiru felt a thrill scampering up her spine. The stranger smelled of the rain and wind with an underlying hint of soap and cologne.

"Hey!" Michiru felt the woman's hands on her bare shoulders again. "Listen to me when I am talking to you!" Her skin felt warmer where the woman touched her and she wondered at the odd reaction her body seemed to be having.

"I am listening. Thank you! Thank goodness you came along when you did!" Michiru beamed at the woman, relief evident on her features. "My apartment isn't far from here. Would you like to come up and dry off?"

Dark blue eyes looked at her in stunned disbelief. "You're inviting me to your apartment."

Her shoulders were released quickly as the woman took a step back while giving her an appraising look. "Yes. As a gesture of gratitude," Michiru nodded, suddenly wanting to know more about this woman.

Narrowed navy blue eyes continued to stare at Michiru as if she had lost her mind. Eyes that seemed to peer into her very soul. Or at least past her dress-which wasn't that difficult considering the heavy rain made it all but see-through. Michiru felt that slow sputtering flame again except it wasn't anxiety but something so subtle she couldn't put her finger on it.

"You don't know a damn thing about me yet you're inviting me into your place." The stranger swiped her hand over her face, brushing the wet locks back from her forehead as she sighed in annoyance. "I don't need your thanks."

"Very well then. How about to get out of the rain? We're not getting any dryer just standing here," Michiru insisted. She could see the trace of doubt written on the blonde's face and knew it was only a matter of time before the woman said yes.

"For someone I just met you're pretty annoying and manipulative," the blonde said with a scowl.

"And you're very stubborn," Michiru said alluringly while she flashed her most charming smile. Somehow it was so very important that Michiru found a way to keep the woman around. She had a feeling once the stranger walked away she would not see her again. She dreaded that idea more than she had dreaded facing the three men earlier. Just why was the company of this woman so important? Perhaps it was the reluctant hero act that intrigued Michiru. Or perhaps it was the faint stirring of attraction that became stronger with each passing moment in the woman's presence.

Haruka stared at the back of the elegant young woman in the pale yellow sundress. She had been close enough to hear the exchange between the three men and the teal-haired woman. Even as she moved she questioned exactly why she was stepping out from her semi-dry loitering spot directly into the rain just for this woman-someone she did not know and who seemed quite well off. Haruka had her share of dealing with polite society. Of course she did not know for sure if the woman was rich but her bearing certainly suggested an elegance and grace commonly found in the wealthy. She wanted nothing more than to walk away but she knew sooner or later the guilt would get to her. She scowled as she stepped up behind the woman.

The three hoodlums standing in front of the teal haired woman were familiar to her. The woman in front of her chose to take a step back at that moment and collided with Haruka's long frame. Her belly muscles tightened at the small zing she felt once their bodies came into contact. Ignoring the feeling she placed her hand on the woman's wet shoulder. Her eyes narrowed, she glowered at the three who immediately recognized her. She heaved a mental sigh of relief the moment they moved aside to let her and the woman pass, making sure to keep the menacing facade in place. They crossed over to the next block, the frenzied wind and heavy rain immediately obscuring them from curious eyes.

"Okay, that's enough," she quickly released the woman's shoulder. The skin under her hand had seemed electrified yet soft and smooth and Haruka could not move away fast enough. The woman walking in front of her spun around and Haruka felt a heat zip through her. This wasn't the first time she had felt such a thing, but it was the only time she felt it so strongly. The typhoon was quickly growing in strength and trouble was brewing just as quickly. She made the decision to walk away as fast as possible and instead found herself unexpectedly interrogating the knockout gazing raptly at her.

Why, oh why, didn't I just walk away?

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