
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

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p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven:Bloodlust and Battle

She shuddered as scene after scene flashed across her vision; death, destruction, despair, famine, drought, war. A blood-red full moon hung low in a black sky like a fat mosquito too swollen with the blood of its victim. Sickly animals and humans-their ribs exposed as skin clung to their desiccated forms drag themselves across a desolate landscape full of shadows. She could see they had given up all hope for life; resignation flowed from their empty eyes, it was apparent in in the way they moved their limp limbs. The sound of menacing laughter filled the air, it surrounded her, taunted her and each being, human and animal alike turned to stare at her accusingly. Her legs, strong and capable froze as they advanced upon her. Her eyes widened, a frantic look filled the emerald orbs, her chest tight as she screamed but she couldn't hear herself over the jeering laughter that continued to mock her.

What can I do?

What can I do?

I am only one person.


The other knightes had come to a stop just outside the trees and dismounted quickly to join Haruka and Mago in the uneasy silence. The only noises that rode on the air came from their horses who whinnied softly, their hooves pawing the ground impatiently while waiting for their riders.

When the creatures began to crawl forth from trees located in the depression the horses whickered nervously, their forelegs stamping the grasses flat. Inhuman yips filled the air as the beasts raised their heads to the moon. Difficult to see at first, they were covered in dark fur which had concealed them thoroughly while in the shadows. Ape-like faces bore distorted, maniacal grins which finally turned to Haruka and her knightes. Anxiety turned to outright panic in the horses and Haruka not once taking her eyes away from the five advancing creatures called out to one of the warriors behind her.

"Lane! The horses!" Haruka's strong voice carried in the silence of the clearing.

At the sound of her voice all hell erupted. The fur covered beasts charged, quickly leaping from branches and upturned roots. They snarled, exposing huge chunky yellow teeth, the kind that would-and could-easily smash things to bits, be it bones or rocks. Nimble Lane had already slipped back through the line of trees, her feet moving immediately the moment Haruka called her name. The horses quieted and Haruka knew Lane had taken hold of the animals, soothing them with a calming spell the knighte had learned from a young age.

A feeling of not-quite relief filled her and she focused on the task at hand-eliminating the threats in front of her. Ordinarily, Lane's spell would have subdued all animals in the area but clearly these things were an exception;bloodlust still shone in their eyes. Broadsword in hand the moment she had spotted the creatures, she tightened her grip on the hilt, the weapon an extension of herself. She did not have to look to know her knightes were also ready. They were lined up beside her, Sheik and Mago to her left while Dali and Azul stood on her right. The beasts snarled again, their strong thickened torsos almost parallel to the ground as they ran on all four limbs,bloody eyes narrowed with vicious intent. Haruka stared them down, her heartbeat steady, long legs firm planted on the ground yet ready to adjust her stance at any moment.

"Come then," she called to the creatures, "feel the bite of my blade you filthy curs!"



Ami's pale hands were gently pressed to the sides of the brunette's face, pleading with the Traveler to wake up. The Healer had woken with a start in the darkness of the bedroom. Makoto's form lay beside her occasionally shuddering, her head jerking from side to side while muttering something unintelligible. But the syllables fell from the brunette's lips in the same pattern and the Healer realized Makoto was repeating her words in mantra-like fashion.

Worry etched itself into Ami's delicate features. Stark fear was evident on the tall woman's countenance and Ami felt a hint of it enter her. If Makoto's eyes were open, what would she see? Dread at the thought chilled her for a moment before she shook it off. It was no time for her to get frightened, wherever Makoto was, Ami needed to keep a cool head for the tall woman's sake. She called out to the Traveler again.


The brunette stiffened, a low cry emerging from her trembling lips. Tears leaked from the corners of her tightly closed lids and Ami's heart ached to see the incredibly strong and brave Traveler reduced to a shivering, fearful mass. Whatever Makoto was dreaming it was not just a regular nightmare. She stretched her body out beside the tall woman's, her hands refusing to let go of Makoto's face. She brought her own face close, gently lowering her forehead to the brunette's.

"Mako, please wake up," she whispered, imploring the woman to wakefulness, to hear her voice and heed her call. "Please."

The Healer recalled a time from her childhood waking in the midst of a nightmare. That night there had been no moon to shower light down from the navy-blue sky and so she had called frantically for her mother to save and comfort her. The older Healer had not been in bed next to her but at Ami's cry the woman had materialized out of the gloom immediately to pacify her child. She might have been younger than ten years old at the time but the same principle applied even for adults-the need to have someone you trusted at your side upon waking.

It was gradual but Ami could feel the easing of Makoto's tremors before the woman's frame relaxed into a restful sleep. Sweet relief filled her and she lifted her head, staring down at the Traveler's now tranquil face. The situation once she awoke seemed incredibly similar to her waking once before but seeing the fear on Makoto's face had immediately resulted in an altogether different mood.

What was Mako dreaming about that affected her so?

Was it related to the brunette being the Traveler? And if so, would they continue to haunt her? Ami could only wonder. She recalled Minako's words, of the Queen and her advisor summoning them. Daybreak was a few hours away and once the sun rose they would be on their way to the castle. Ami could only hope that the Neo-Queen would provide all the answers. A sigh left her lips. Wide awake now, she realized it would be a while before she could sleep again.

Slipping out of the double bed, she made her way to the open window. The curtains stirred gently with the night breeze, and Ami drew it aside to look out into the darkness which covered the town and the land beyond. There was a subtle change in the air these days, she thought. But it was also something inside of herself. She was changing but she couldn't quite discern how. The arrival of Makoto had catapulted them all into the unknown and only time would tell where they would end up.

What did fate have in store for this woman she was quickly falling for? And would it be kind enough to allow Ami to remain with Makoto for as long as possible?


Sweat clung to Haruka's brow, her sword swinging forward in a downward arc above her head. Her opponent-one of the beasts, chest high to her own height-met her blow with a quick strike of its talons. She had not seen the wickedly bladed digits until the things had taken to the air with the intention of attacking from above;the moonlight had drawn attention to the sharp points then. The other knightes had noticed them as well, Sheik muttering 'shit!' the moment she caught sight of the enemies' weapons. They were agile, these things she had never seen before.

A gruff noise escaped the furred throat in front of her before it slashed at her with its other arm. She anticipated the attack and side-stepped. Had its talons connected Haruka would have been missing a wrist. Gritting her teeth she blocked another incoming blow. Growls and the clashing of weapons and talons surrounded her. Her knightes were locked in desperate battle around her. The beast she fought bared its teeth in a grotesque grin and it was all she could do to block its attacks as it redoubled its efforts to rip her to shreds. Her heel hit a stout branch directly behind her and she almost stumbled when she heard Sheik cry out somewhere in the din, the pain in her voice apparent.


The crumpled form of Mago on the ground lay unmoving with the creature looming over her. A large patch of wetness-red blood made black in the dark of the night-glittered in the moonlight as it soaked the area of Mago's right hip. Time froze for Haruka, her grip loosening as shock spread through her. As the head of the knightes Haruka had wanted to ensure their safety as warriors but as one-half of a couple she wanted them to be safe and sound for each other's sake. For a while now she had been aware of the relationship Sheik and Mago shared despite the fact the pains they took to keep it hidden. She had said nothing, respecting the wishes of the two until they felt they could step forward together. The tall blonde more than understood what it was like to be with someone who could be called into a situation where their lives were risked at any given time. It was like looking at a reflection of herself and Michiru. For a moment it felt as if the ground dropped out from under her feet before rage filled her.

Her eyes narrowed, her teeth clenched in a grimacing smile. A muscular arm swung at her again and she neatly stepped under it, spinning in a wide circle at a surprising speed. When her feet came to a stop she was facing the back of the beast, its arm was still outstretched in midstrike. Not a second was wasted as she stabbed her sword forward directly where she hoped its heart was located. Resistance met her blade and a cry rushed from her lips while she pushed the weapon forward with all of her strength.

A low burping sound escaped the creature and she gripped the hilt of her sword tightly before kicking it off and forward from her blade. It fell face-first, the fur around the wound matted with a rusty brown ooze but Haruka hardly noticed. She was already leaping away towards Sheik, lending her assistance from behind by cleanly whipping her broadsword through its muscular neck like she would a knife through butter. Sheik, sensing her leader's intention diverted her attention towards the beast which had injured Mago. Haruka's glance towards the spot where the hurt knighte lay showed Lane had stepped into the fray but quickly stepped aside for Sheik. More than anyone else, Sheik deserved to be the one to make it pay for the sin it had committed.
Haruka nodded towards Lane and the young knighte arrived at her side, matching her pace as they turned towards aiding Dali and Azul. While the beasts were fast they were outnumbered and efficiently dispatched with the addition of Haruka and Lane. Four of the beasts killed they watched in silence as Sheik howled loudly, expelling her pain as she buried her double-bladed ax into the torso of the final monstrosity. It howled with her, simultaneously merging with the knighte's song of agony before falling backwards. Sheik, vanquishing her foe fell to her knees beside Mago's inert form. And in the deafening quiet of the night the only sounds that could be heard was their breathing, ragged from the unexpected battle.

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