
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Unveiled

Otari Village was a small hot springs village nestled in a region of natural splendor in the Nagano prefecture. An ideal spot for tourists and locals interested in nature during the summer, it also boasted several ski resorts in winter. Despite living less than three hours away, Ami had never found the opportunity to visit the area before. Hana wore a wide smile when Ami informed the old woman she would be going away overnight with the brunette. She assumed Makoto, being a nature buff, had already visited at least once.

"Have you visited Otari Village before?" Ami asked curiously, in spite of her assumption. Her hands were safely positioned at ten and two on the steering wheel.

"Yes, a few times," Makoto confirmed from the passenger side of the mid-size car. She was turning the knob of the radio, hoping to find some suitable music-something that didn't annoy herself or Ami- while they drove along. She gave up in disgust after a minute and rested her hands on the headrest. Her seat was pushed all the way back to accommodate her long legs and Ami couldn't help but admire the brunette's toned thighs in tight jeans every so often. Now with Makoto's hands behind her head Ami had an excellent view of the woman's ample chest covered by a pink polo shirt. "I thought this might be a good way to kill two birds: I get to show you the flora in the area and you get to relax away from home."

"There was no need for you to do something like this," Ami said but she was pleased nevertheless and let it show as she flashed Makoto a smile before turning her attention back to the road. "Thank you, Makoto."

"You're welcome, and it was my pleasure," the brunette replied, deciding to trace invisible patterns on the back of Ami's hand as it rested on the steering wheel. The featherlight touch caused her skin to tingle pleasantly. Makoto continued to skate her fingers over the exposed skin of Ami's wrist and forearm and a pulsing started up elsewhere on the smaller woman's body. Ami blushed. Thanks to the simple touch she was reminded of how easily Makoto affected her.

Eyes straight ahead, Ami's fingers gripped the wheel. "I-If you're going to touch me like that, I don't think I'll be able to drive."

"I'll drive then," Makoto offered with a grin. "Maybe with my hands occupied I won't be so tempted."

A slight flush grew to fully cover her face and neck. Ami gulped. "Perhaps that would be best."


They arrived in Otari Village at exactly four in the afternoon, pulling into the graveled parking lot of a hot springs inn a few minutes later. Snow capped peaks glittered in the distance behind the traditional wooden structure. Ami gaped through the windshield at the pristine sprawling two-story building.

"It's lovely!"

Makoto was already swinging her legs out of the open driver-side door of the vehicle. "Yes, it's one of my favorite places to stay. Most of the other inns around here have hot springs as well but only indoors." She nodded towards the inn. "This one is outdoors and one of the better ryokans. Well, in my opinion anyway."

Grabbing her bag from the back seat she grinned at Ami teasingly, "Coming in with me or are you going to admire from afar?"

"Of course I'm going. I'm just recovering from someone's wandering hands, even though she promised not to be so touchy-feely." Ami blithely mentioned as she stepped out of the car with her overnight bag. Even after switching seats Makoto had found little ways to touch Ami during the drive, running her hand through Ami's hair, placing a calloused hand on the smaller woman's thigh once in a while. Despite her words to Makoto, Ami had truly enjoyed the attention from the brunette.

"Technically, I did not promise." Makoto's eyes crinkled as she smiled down at the smaller woman stepping around the car to join her. Taking Ami's hand in her own they started towards the entrance.

"Mere semantics," Ami muttered, distracted by the feel of Makoto's hand around hers. Walking in this manner beside the brunette made her feel cared for and protected. Their fingers folded together and she stepped even closer to Makoto. It finally occurred to her that it was just the two of them as she continued to peruse the surroundings. Butterflies danced in her belly at the realization.

Though it was summer the air felt nice and cool in the area at the base of the mountains. The afternoon sky overhead remained a crisp blue. Looking toward the building Ami noticed their pace was something more of a slow stroll, their arms occasionally brushing together. Her arm felt electrified every time Makoto's rubbed against hers. She realized Makoto had also shortened her strides to match her own. The friction of their arms had Ami wondering, What would it feel like naked?

With that thought bouncing around in her mind Ami desperately searched for something to distract her. "It's so picturesque here!"

"Yes!" Makoto agreed, "After we check in would you like to hit the hot springs or explore?" the brunette asked.

"There's still a decent amount of daylight left. Let's explore first, hot springs after," Ami decided.

Makoto gave her hand a light squeeze. "A woman after my own heart!" she sang out.

Ami laughed out loud. "Well, it helps that we've been friends for so long that I know your thought process."

"True," gesturing towards the wide doors of the inn Makoto asked, "shall we, milady?"

"Let's," Ami replied with a smile, quite enjoying this trip with Makoto already.


With her hand in Makoto's once more, Ami gasped at the sight before her. A vast field lay in front of them; yellow sedge lilies spread over the expanse much like a large golden blanket. Snow-sprinkled mountains combined with the cloudless sky provided a perfect backdrop for the nodding flowers. The tall woman had suggested Tsugaike National Park as their first stop and Ami immediately comprehended why the moment she set eyes on the beautiful scenery. Awed, Ami could barely speak and instead settled for communicating by giving Makoto's hand a squeeze.

"I take it you like it then?" Makoto asked. Her voice implied she wore a smile.

"Yes. It's beautiful here," Ami answered, her eyes sweeping over the view in front of her once more before glancing up to the brunette standing closely at her side. The smile was still seated on Makoto's lips, a warm light of happiness flickering in her green eyes.

"Thank you for showing me something wonderful." The doctor was already standing on tiptoes, her hands placed on Makoto's shoulders for balance before her mind had made itself up. She wanted to thank Makoto properly and felt a kiss would demonstrate some of the gratitude that came with the brunette's gift. Makoto reacted in an instant, her head tilting to meet Ami's upturned face. Their lips brushed together, her arms wrapping around the smaller woman and a sigh left Ami at the resulting rush of rightness. In a field of flowers and within Makoto's arms, Ami had never felt more at home.


After several hours of exploring the rest of the village followed by a satisfying dinner Makoto and Ami now sat in the outdoor hot spring immersed to the top of their chests. It was another clear, cool moonlit night, sprinkled with an abundance of stars. Makoto had never felt so at ease with anyone as she did with Ami at this moment. The entire afternoon had been wonderful, observing Ami's reactions and seeing everything differently, the way Ami was seeing it for the first time. Makoto had realized earlier that no matter where Ami went, her eyes were drawn to the smaller woman.

Like now, with Ami sitting a few feet from her, Makoto couldn't look away. Steam drifted off the surface of the water, seeming to create an intimate atmosphere just for the two of them. The doctor's head was thrown back as she stared at the stars above. The slim graceful column of her neck was exposed, beaded drops of water clinging to flawless skin. Makoto stared for a moment, her gaze flicking up to see an expression of contentment grace Ami's features while taking in the view overhead.

It occurred to Makoto then that she wanted to be the one to cause Ami to display such an expression. But not just contentment, she wanted to be the cause of Ami's laughter, of surprise, and of passion. She wanted to see Ami's passion, blue eyes stormy and full of excitement, climb to heights never achieved before. She drew closer to the smaller woman, only the splashing of water alerting Ami that Makoto had moved. Just a few inches apart, Makoto was unaware her eyes were filled with sudden confusion as she looked into Ami's still face.

"Ami...what's happening here?" The words drifted in the space between them. Makoto had no intention of asking that particular question but knew it was not something she could retract.

Obviously surprised, Ami took a moment to think of her reply, all the while doing her best to return Makoto's gaze. Her voice when she spoke was soft, but not effortless. "We are two adults- simply enjoying each other's company."

Makoto understood there was more to the answer than what Ami was giving but before she could follow the thought she felt two soft hands clasp one of her own. She looked down at their hands together then up at Ami again. The smaller woman took a deep breath, her chest rising as her lungs filled with air before exhaling slowly. Her face looked utterly serious, almost scared, Makoto realized. What could possibly make Ami look so anxious?

"Makoto," Ami whispered, and the tall woman nodded for the doctor to go on. The hands holding hers tightened. "Would you come to my room-please?"

Makoto nodded once more, knowing no answer existed but yes.


Long mahogany hair damp and loose of its usual strip of green ribbon, Makoto stood in front of Ami's door clad in an indigo yukata. Her fingers twitched and she wondered, Am I doing the right thing?Makoto had never questioned herself when it came to other women she had slept with, she had easily gone with her instincts knowing she just wanted to feel good. Those women had no objections either, they gave and took as much as it pleased them, simply moving on after all was said and done.

But this is Ami, her mind disputed. Ami your friend, it went on. Ami was the one who requested I go to her room, she argued with herself.

"Besides...I want her, too, I can't seem to stop myself..." she whispered, raising her right hand to knock.


Ami was expecting the knock the moment she left the bath, but when it finally came she reacted with a jump. She glanced at the futon laid out neatly in the center of the room, its presence sending her heart crashing into her ribs. Taking a breath to calm herself she straightened her immaculate belted yukata before sliding the door open partway.

Makoto stood in the hallway, dressed identically and wearing a smile Ami had never seen on the brunette before. If she had to guess, Ami would have assumed it was a smile of nervousness.

"Hey," said Makoto, the crooked smile still on her face.

"Hi," Ami greeted, her voice low. She stepped aside to provide room for the other woman to pass. "Please come in."

"Thank you," Makoto said, falling back on politeness since she was at a loss for other words.

Ami closed the door and turned to look at Makoto, whose green gaze was on the futon. Ami flushed, her cheeks staining a brilliant red as she wondered exactly what Makoto was thinking. The brunette turned then and their eyes landed on each other, blue tangling with green.

"Looks comfortable!" The tall woman grinned toothily, the smile her own this time.
Ami coughed in surprise.

"Are you alright?" The brunette leaned close, concern evident in her features. Her right hand rose, gently grazing her fingers on Ami's cheek.

Ami's breath caught in her throat and it took a moment for her to recall how to breathe."Ah-yes," she nodded then gestured to the low table situated in a corner of the room. A tokkuri was present with two cups on a small tray on the table surface. "I ordered some sake in case you wanted to have a drink." God knows I do!

Makoto nodded, and spinning swiftly on her heel she strode to the table and immediately poured two servings. Picking up the cups she walked back to Ami, giving one to the smaller woman before tossing back her own drink quickly. She placed the cup back on the table, running her palms down the sides of her yukata nervously. She took a deep breath and stared at Ami, a determined look in her eyes.

Perhaps it was the sake that instilled the determination she saw in Makoto's eyes, Ami needed to know if Makoto wanted to be here or not. Ami asked, "Are you okay? Makoto-if you don't feel comfo-"

"I want you, Ami," Makoto interrupted, coming to stand before the doctor again. Her voice was low, the tone heavy. "It scares me, but I want this. Please don't give me the option to leave now."

"Okay." With that one word she drank the sake she held quickly, her throat and eyes burning from the alcohol and emotion. Walking past the brunette she slowly moved towards the table, giving herself time to regain her composure. She bent gracefully, placing the cup next to the one Makoto used. When she turned around again Makoto stood by the futon, her arms hanging at her sides.

"Come here." Makoto said throatily.

Beneath her yukata Ami trembled from the gentle, husky tone of Makoto's voice to the emerald fire that seemed to build slowly in the brunette's eyes. For years Ami had waited for the tall woman to look at her the way she was now. Her eyes watered and her vision blurred just as she made it to the circle of Makoto's arms. She let the brunette hold her for a moment, knowing Makoto could probably feel the faint tremors. She could feel the coiled tension within the tall woman and was momentarily awed that she could inspire such a state.
When Ami finally peeked up she noticed the look of tenderness Makoto directed at her. Stretching up to meet the brunette's lips, she clutched at the yukata covering the strong form that held her. Lips parted, she detected the lingering taste of sake and then a honeyed taste that only belonged to Makoto.

The kisses exchanged were slow and sweet, their breaths mingling together. Ami lost the ability to speak when Makoto laid her gently upon the futon and untied the belt to her yukata. Fingers traced patterns on her skin, wonderment apparent in their gentle caresses. Ami found herself lightheaded from holding her breath so often. When Makoto finally shed her own yukata and lay next to Ami, the doctor could no longer hold back the tears of relief she held at bay.

At the sight of the salty trails Makoto stilled her caresses, and asked gently what was wrong. Ami shook her head vehemently, taking the woman's face within her hands and pulling her down for a kiss. She gasped in amazement and pleasure as Makoto kissed her skin everywhere and tenderly stroked her breasts. The brunette took her time, holding Ami's hands away whenever the smaller woman tried to return the favor.

When Makoto settled between her thighs and tasted her, Ami's whole body shook, her back arching off the futon, her toes digging into the sheets. Pushed over the edge and beyond she came hard, riding the waves of pleasure, her tears flowing freely, unaware as she climaxed she called out her love for Makoto.

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