
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve: Plans

An incredibly pleasant breakfast several hours behind her, Ami was lost in thought at her desk in the clinic. The pen stood still in her fingers, its task of entering notes into a patient's chart at a pause. Years ago, if anyone had asked her if it was possible for Ami to fall deeper into love with Makoto Kino, the doctor would have shaken her head and replied with a negative. However, after last night she had been proven wrong. Even so, she could not shake the idea that this was a dream and eventually she'd have to return to reality once Makoto left for Tokyo. The thought hurt but it was far too late to go back to the way things were now. No, right now she would simply accept what the other woman was willing to give no matter what the future held.

In the midst of an intense kissing session with Makoto, Ami could think of nothing but getting closer to the brunette. How she had burned to feel the woman's skin against her own all these years. Rational thought and patience deserting her, Ami had been reduced to simply enjoying the sensation of Makoto's strong hands, warm body and hot mouth. Slipping her hands under the hem of Makoto's tank top, Ami moaned heavily at the sensation of toned abdominal muscles covered in velvety soft skin. It was the first time she had ever felt something contrast so wonderfully; Makoto was hard and soft all at once and it staggered her senses.

The brunette kissed her then, lips and tongue demanding and full of need before clasping Ami's hands in her own, moving them away from her body. A small whimper escaped the doctor's lips at the loss of contact and when Makoto finally ended the kiss, Ami's why? was very apparent in her blue eyes. Makoto saw the unasked question even in the dark and answered accordingly.

"I don't want it to be like this, here in the grass," Makoto whispered, her breath dancing upon Ami's lips as she spoke.

The sweetest feeling entered Ami's chest at the response; she closed her eyes and placed her head on Makoto's shoulder to prevent the woman from seeing her overflowing emotions. The brunette had always been very considerate towards the smaller woman, it was nothing new. What was new was the consideration of a lover. It struck her that never in a million years did she think she would be experiencing such a thoughtful gesture from Makoto. Tonight she had been more than willing to take what she could get, throwing all consequences aside for another day.

A small hope bloomed, one that deciphered Makoto's statement that this wasn't just a whim she had succumbed to at that very moment but something she had obviously put thought into. And Ami had fallen, harder than ever at that one whispered sentence.


"Huh?" She came awake, the closeness of Yuri's presence and voice startling her.

"Are you okay?" The younger woman displayed concern as she peered into Ami's face. "Your face is flushed, are you coming down with something?"

"I'm fine," Ami reassured with a smile. Giving a slight push with her foot, she rolled her chair back a few inches. The sudden proximity of Yuri had unnerved her. If there was anyone she wanted near at that moment it was Makoto.

Yuri sighed in relief, straightening her tall form. "Okay, well all blood work has been shipped off to the lab and there is one more patient arriving in ten minutes. After that we're done for the day."

"Great! Then I can steal you away for the rest of the weekend!" Makoto exclaimed to Ami as she came through the open door of the clinic. The brunette knew she was being petty by only addressing Ami but seeing Yuri bent so close to the other woman had riled her up. She suddenly felt the need to stake her claim to Ami in front of Yuri. Sending the medical assistant a none-too-friendly glance she strode around Ami's desk, positioning herself behind the seated doctor while placing a hand on the nape of Ami's neck. The fading flush on the smaller woman's face found new vigor when she felt Makoto's hand and fingers on the back of her neck playing with the baby hairs that grew there.

Yuri took in the averted gaze of the blushing doctor and the narrowed green eyes glaring at her. It was so very obvious something had changed between the two women and she quickly decided she no longer had any intentions of stepping into the middle. For a botanist, Makoto could be downright intimidating. Scary even.

"I'll, uh, go take care of those insurance forms now." An almost imperceptible nod was thrown Makoto's way in acknowledgment before she turned and walked back to her desk.

The brunette withdrew her hand, wheeling Ami's chair out another few inches before walking around to face the seated doctor. With Yuri out of earshot Makoto relaxed considerably, resting on the edge of Ami's desk. A glimmer of satisfaction coursed through her when Ami's eyes landed and stayed on her jeans-clad thighs as she crossed her ankles. A devious thought popped up in her mind and she smirked while speaking.

"Ami-up here," Makoto's right hand pointed up to her face.

The doctor looked up quickly, mortification apparent at being caught staring, tomato red blush deepening when she noticed the sly twist of Makoto's lips and the mischievous look in her viridian eyes. The tall woman had quite liked the bold Ami from the night before but shy Ami was also great fun.

Clearing her throat Ami attempted to steer the conversation to safer pastures, "What's this about the weekend?" She resumed writing her notes knowing Makoto would not feel offended. Besides she needed something else to distract her with the brunette so near. It was ironic; she received what she wished for a few minutes ago and now that Makoto was here she had no idea what to do, her thoughts a were whirling, conflicting mass. Last night, under the cover of darkness she could easily say what was on her mind. She had acted unlike herself, full of courage but now in the plain light of day that bravado fled leaving her in a wordless, fluttering state.

"Do you have anything else planned?" Makoto asked, refusing to fall for the bait. She wanted to surprise Ami but it would be no good if the smaller woman had other things to do. Her fingers tapped on the desk impatiently as she waited for Ami's reply.

"Not really, no," Ami answered, caught by the dazzling smile Makoto exhibited. The physical beauty of the woman was breathtaking, the light coming through the window behind Ami's desk casting highlights in sienna locks. The glow of happiness in Makoto's eyes clearly indicated Ami's answer pleased her, and the smaller woman wished to freeze this moment in time, to preserve it in her mind and heart forever. She would hold onto this very moment and the one by the lake, something to cherish when the inevitable heartbreak arrived.

Unaware of the heavy thoughts that flitted through Ami's mind, Makoto was buoyed at the idea of the plans she made for herself and Ami for the rest of the weekend. "Fantastic! We're going on an overnight stay to Otari Village."

"Otari Village?" Ami was very surprised indeed, a trip was the last thing she expected.

"Yep. We'll leave the moment you're done packing." Makoto leaned down to place a quick peck on Ami's cheek and then turned to leave, her long strides leading her out of the clinic and into the outdoors before Ami realized what had occurred.

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