
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Water Liles:Chapter Six

Chapter Six:An Unexpected Encounter

The next few days were a blur for Ami, much like Makoto's party. She got up from bed, attended classes, returned to her dorm, attempted to study; only to do it all over again the next day. Usagi tried her best to bring Ami around but her efforts proved futile, eventually she gave up knowing Ami would not stay in her current state forever. And she was right.

After her classes one day Ami wandered outside and sat down on one of the many benches scattered around campus. In too deep of a daze, the wintry cold was ignored as the scene with Makoto and Minako played through her head once again. The lingering suspicion she tried to push to the back of her mind during the past couple of months was now a fact, Makoto and Minako were definitely together. Even betrayed however, Ami could admit she did not have any feelings of animosity towards either women, simply because she had not been in the equation to begin with. How could she dislike someone who was not conscious of her presence as a romantic prospect?

But logical thinking combined with facts could not wash away the miserable ache tormenting her. She wished she could have been the one in Minako's place, her arms around Makoto, her lips on the brunette's. Shoulders slumping forward, she sighed.

"I didn't take you for the brooding type."

Ami jumped, startled out of her pensive mood. A figure stood in front of her, someone she easily recognized. The raven haired woman wore a teasing smile which widened when a faint blush appeared on Ami's cheeks.

"Rei-san! Ah, I was just-"

"-lost in thought?" Rei offered, the teasing smile transforming into a genuine one. "It's too cold out here to be reflecting so heavily."

The short-haired woman realized she had been sitting outdoors in the cold without keeping track of time. A shiver ran through her as she was flooded with awareness of her location. Sitting in a patch of sunlight had not done much to keep the chill at bay.

"Would you like some company and hot tea?" Rei ask, as she adjusted the red scarf wound around her neck. "My treat."

Ordinarily, Ami would politely refuse and go back to her own dorm but today she surprised herself when she answered in the positive."I'd love to."

Rei smiled happily, "Perfect. There's a wonderful little teahouse nearby that I frequent."

"If it's the same place I'm thinking of then, yes, it is rather wonderful." Ami added as she stood up to join the beautiful woman in front of her.


Wrapping her cold hands around the warm mug, Ami sighed in pleasure after taking a sip of hot cocoa. "Ahh, thank you Rei-san. I needed this."

The shop was cozy during winter, the warmth along with its delicious wares beckoning customer after customer. Ami and Rei sat at a small, round, lace covered table in a corner, out of the way. The older woman had picked their seats and Ami was thankful to be away from the lines that clamored for fresh pastries and perfectly prepared hot beverages.

"Rei." the woman corrected with a stunning smile as she took a sip from her own cup.

Ami found herself blushing and hoped it would be attributed to the warmth of the shop and her cocoa. It was a different feeling, being here with Rei instead of Usagi. It was somewhat exciting in a way, Ami thought. Perhaps because she did not know Rei?

"Rei, thank you."

"No need, Ami. The sad expression I saw earlier does not belong on your pretty face. I'm glad chocolate was able to help. It does wonders for me sometimes." She grinned.

The younger woman thought with the mention of her sadness, Rei would pry but was pleasantly surprised when the woman did not. Instead they carried on conversations of school, tentative future plans, favorite reading materials, shared anecdotes of Usagi and general small talk. The raven haired woman was incredibly easy to talk to, Ami realized. Azure eyes widened in surprise as she glanced at her watch, it was much later than she imagined.

"I'm so sorry, Rei, it's time for me to get going. But it was a pleasure seeing you again," she apologized as she donned her coat. "Perhaps we could continue another time?"

The dark haired beauty looked pleased at the suggestion from Ami, she readily agreed. Gently placing a hand on one of Ami's, she answered, "Of course!"

Ami pinked at the unexpected contact and smiled shyly at the woman. Parting ways, they waved goodbye to each other as they walked off in opposite directions. Not once in Rei's company had the younger woman thought of a certain brunette.


Usagi bit her lip, then scolded herself mentally when worry nipped at her again. Coming home to an empty room at first had been fine but as the time passed she started to worry about her friend. She told herself Ami was fine, the girl was old enough to know what she was doing. The concerned part of her pointed out all would be well and good if Ami wasn't currently walking around in a daze.

You're not her moth-

Usagi was interrupted mid-thought when the door opened to admit Ami. A somewhat normal looking Ami, with color in her cheeks; not the girl who wandered about in a fugue-like state the past couple of days. She closed her mouth before Ami could note her amazed expression, quickly replacing it with nonchalance.

"Hey Ami."

"Hi Usagi, guess who I ran into today?" Ami asked with a sweet smile Usagi had not seen for a while as she unwrapped her scarf from around her neck and removed her coat.

"Who?" Usagi was rather curious to find out who was able to put that expression back on her friend's face.

"Your classmate, Rei. What a lovely woman." The young woman answered, settling into the couch next to her roommate.

Usagi could not help herself this time, her jaw dropped, mouth forming a perfect 'o'.


"Thank you for bringing me here. The exhibits were so very interesting," Ami said to the woman next to her as they exited the National Museum of Western Art.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you decided to join me." Rei said, shrugging her dark hair to the side so she could look at Ami. "So, what did you think of Goya?"

The young woman was quiet for a moment. "I'm not sure...some of his visions were a bit too dark for me." She shrugged self-consciously, "I don't know much about art, but I do enjoy it."

Violet eyes twinkled. "I like Chagall, myself. But I prefer Japanese works overall. I suppose it's because of my traditional upbringing."

Ami smiled. "I think I know what you mean."

Now January, Ami met with the other woman a few times over the past month. Her burgeoning friendship with Rei was something she deeply enjoyed. The older woman was a mystery and despite all Ami learned, Rei still remained one. And then there were the glances the raven haired woman gave her. While they didn't make her uncomfortable, they seemed to be seeking some sort of answer. An answer she wasn't sure she could give.

"What would you like to do next?" Rei asked.

"How about dinner?" Ami suggested, catching the older woman off guard. She was happy to see Rei displayed a faint blush for once.

Dinner was a pleasant affair; they took their time eating and chatting about light topics. Ami noticed Rei seemed to direct quite a few searching glances her way while eating. The older woman suddenly appeared shy when Ami caught her gaze a few times. It was already dark when they emerged from the restaurant, the temperature dropping with the departure of the sun. An arm slipping through hers caused Ami to freeze for a moment before quickly relaxing again during their walk. She had seen other women walking like this to keep warm, the young girl reasoned to herself.

Her thoughts turned to Makoto. She wondered if the brunette walked arm in arm like this with Minako while out on dates. A lingering sadness washed over her and it wasn't until Rei spoke she realized they had stopped at the spot where they always said goodbye before heading off to their respective rooms.


She turned to Rei who displayed a look of uncertainly. It was the first time she saw such an expression on the woman's face.


"Ami, I-" The rest of the sentence discarded, Ami abruptly felt a pair of soft warm lips on her own. The sensation did not last long, Rei stepped back quickly, worry reflected in her mauve eyes. Ami could only blink in shock.

"Ami, I like you. From the first moment I met you I was intrigued. Every time Usagi spoke of you, I wanted to learn more." Ami was still in a state of surprise. Taking a look at her face, Rei spoke again. "I'm sorry, I suppose I shouldn't have done that. Forgive me, I...goodnight." She turned to walk away.

"Wait!" The frantic tone made Rei turn around quickly.

"I'm sorry, Rei. I didn't mean to freeze up like that," Ami said softly. She thought of Makoto once again, and of the fact she would not ever have a chance with the brunette. Maybe it would be too soon to return Rei's feelings but she had to give an answer nevertheless."I have to be honest, I like someone else but I know it won't go anywhere. I know it's rather unfair to ask you this but could you give me some time?"

Rei smiled gently, taking one of Ami's hands in her own. "Okay."

"Thank you." Standing on tiptoe, before she could lose her nerve Ami pressed her lips to Rei's. Surprised at the action at first, Rei stood still before responding to the kiss. It was a pleasing feeling, the woman's warm lips gently moving against her own. They missed the moment snowflakes began to drift downward slowly, the tiny crystals catching and reflecting bits of light in the cold night.

 Note: There is an actual National Museum of Western Art located in Tokyo, and in early 1999, during January and March they did have a Goya exhibit on display.

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