
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: Fragile Flower

"I know! We'll have a party!"

Ami looked up from the textbook in her lap. It took her a moment to realize what Usagi was referring to. "Are you sure?" She asked with a worried frown.

The blonde ignored her roommate's expression, "Yes! It's not everyday a girl turns seventeen."

The younger woman hesitated. "I don't know, Usagi..."

"Stop being such a wallflower!" The blonde got up from her seat and danced around the room, "It's time to become a butterfly. A social butterfly! Emerge from that cocoon of yours." She waved her arms about, as if they were butterfly wings.

Ami placed a hand in front of her mouth as her lips twitched at Usagi's antics. "Wouldn't that make me a caterpillar instead of a wallflower?" She asked dryly.

"Emergggge." Usagi sang, as she fluttered about their living room.

She tried to remain serious, to not laugh at Usagi's silliness but it was a moot point. The battle lost she laughed out loud until tears appeared at the corner of her eyes. Usagi flopped down into the armchair, giggling as well.

After the laughter died down, Usagi's tone was hopeful, "So we'll do it?"

Ami nodded.

"Perfect! I know plenty of cute girls I can invite!" Usagi exclaimed to the younger woman, who flushed an alarming shade of red. The blonde snickered at her shy roommate's color, then smiled as a thought crossed her mind.

"But who would have thought you would come out to your grandmother? Or that she would be into women?"

"Woman, Usagi, not women." Ami corrected, a smile of wonderment blooming on her face. Her trip home during summer break had certainly been illuminating. Learning the older woman had been in love with another woman came as a delightful shock, rendering any objections she might have faced to magically vanish.

Usagi waved off the words, "No matter!It just goes to show, she is one open-minded woman. I think it's incredible! I'd love to meet her one day."

"You will. Remember, she wants to meet you too." Ami assured her while reading.

"You didn't mention anything weird about me, did you?" The blonde raised an eyebrow in question.

"Only every spectacularly strange little detail down to the dumplings on your head," replied Ami, calmly turning a page of her text book.

"What?" Usagi's voice rose several octaves as she stared at the girl in front of her.

Ami looked up with a grin and an unusual twinkle in her eye, "I'm joking. It was a joke." Usagi's jaw dropped and Ami's grin turned to giggles.

Blue eyes narrowed as Usagi crouched to attack her roommate. Squeals, giggles and shouts could be heard by other students when they passed a certain door with the nameplate Mizuno and Tsukino.


A week later, Ami stood in front of the mirror examining her outfit. She wanted to look her best. But more importantly, she wanted Makoto to think she looked good. With the recommendation of Usagi, she wore light colored blue jeans the blonde assured looked fantastic on her and a thin v-necked blouse with puffy short sleeves that draped over the young woman's curves in all the right ways. Upon seeing Ami, Usagi attested Makoto would be drooling at the sight of the teenager.

"Are you sure? I know I'm not that great looking-" Ami spoke without any self-confidence and was quickly interrupted by Usagi.

"Stop right there! You have no idea how cute you are, do you? Despite what some girls think, you don't need to show a lot of skin to be attractive. Anyway, you could probably wear a paper bag and still get people flocking to you." Usagi claimed with a smile.

A blush formed on the younger woman's face. "Thank you," she said shyly.

Usagi waved away the gratitude, "Sure, no problem!"

Just then Ami asked a question that had been plaguing her for a while. "Usagi, I know we're friends but why are you helping me so much with Makoto?"

Usagi gave what was a simple, and true, explanation. "Because I think you'd be good for each other. You might not see it now but you two really complement each other." A flash of emotion-sadness-appeared and disappeared so quickly Ami thought she was seeing things. The blonde winked happily, "And with you as Makoto's girlfriend it means that it won't be some strange person that Mako-chan ends up with but someone I actually like too."

The response left Ami surprised, she had not realized Usagi had put so much thought into the matter. It was hard to remain dry eyed at how much the blonde thought of her friends' happiness. She had never met anyone like Usagi before and she was touched at the amount of caring the other woman put into her friendships. She vowed to herself she would be there for Usagi whenever the woman needed her.

Usagi spotted the sheen in Ami's blue eyes immediately. She shook her head sternly, "Oh no you don't! I absolutely forbid you to shed any tears today!"

Ami gave a watery smile and hugged Usagi. The action caught the blonde off guard, she had not expected any kind of open affection from the blue haired girl. She hugged Ami back for a moment before stepping away.

"Okay, that's enough sappy-ness, time to party!"Usagi shouted with a fist in the air. At that moment there was a knock on the door and the blonde hurried to answer before Ami could get to the door.

The first two guests to arrive were the only two people Ami cared to invite. Naru Osaka was an amiable redheaded girl from a few of her classes that Ami spoke to regularly and studied with once in a while. Through Naru, she met Umino Gurio, the redhead's boyfriend a few times. She thought the couple was sweet, Naru obviously cared for the lanky student with thick glasses and he adored Naru in return, his consideration for his girlfriend very evident in his every action.

"Welcome, please come inside. I'm Usagi, Ami's roommate." The blonde introduced herself and so did the couple.

Usagi took a good look at Naru before she exclaimed, "Hey! I know you, you're in my English class with professor Honda!"

Naru's eyes widened momentarily, before she smiled and replied in excitement. "Oh yes, you're right! No wonder I thought you looked familiar." She grinned at the blonde.

Ami found herself thrilled that the two somewhat knew each other, the world was not so large. Usagi closed the door and Naru and Umino walked over to her, presenting a small, rectangular shaped present with a bow. "Happy birthday , Ami! We hope you like it."

The younger woman's mouth formed a small 'o', "Thank you! You shouldn't have."
Umino grinned proudly, "You'll love it, it's-"

A nudge in his midsection from his girlfriend stopped him mid-sentence. He laughed awkwardly, one hand behind his head while Naru looked on with an innocent smile. Ami, having witnessed the little scene, chuckled to herself.

There was another knock and Ami looked over to see Usagi swept up in hugs from three people. She smiled at the enthusiastic greeting as they swarmed into the room. It was obvious the newcomers cared for Usagi as much as the blonde cared for them.

Ami was introduced to Haruka Tenoh, Michiru Kaioh and Setsuna Meioh. She blushed prettily when Usagi came up behind her and whispered, "See, I told you I knew some good looking women..."

It was true, Haruka was a tall, handsome blonde who was just as charming as Makoto. Then she happened to notice Haruka casually slinging her arm around Michiru's waist and she blushed again. The pretty green haired woman, did not seem to mind at all as she engaged Usagi in conversation. The tall blonde woman observed Ami's gaze and winked at her before Haruka received a light swat on the arm from Michiru.

Everyone laughed when Michiru turned to Ami and stated, "Don't mind this one, she likes to flirt with cute girls." Ami's jaw dropped a little when Michiru gave her a wink too.

Haruka grinned at Ami. "She's just as bad as I am."

"As you can see, they belong together." Setsuna commented dryly from somewhere behind the couple. Laughter erupted again.

"Where's that cousin of mine?" Haruka asked, looking around, "Why isn't she here with the cake yet?"

"Cousin?" Ami asked.

Usagi answered, "Yes, Haruka and Makoto are cousins. When they were younger, wherever one went, the other followed."

"So did trouble," added Michiru with a deceivingly sweet smile.

"Anyway, Mako-chan will be here soon. She's also bringing two other people." Usagi grinned at Michiru before she answered Haruka's question. Ami felt a strange sensation in her chest, tensing as she heard her roommate speak.

"Who?" Michiru asked, curiously.

Usagi shrugged, "She didn't say, only mentioned they were friends." At the words 'friends', the teen relaxed and tried to enjoy herself.

It wasn't too long before everyone sat around, either munching on snacks or lounging about with a drink in hand. Ami liked Usagi's friends, they were funny and down to earth people, even if they were older. They all treated her like a peer and Ami couldn't help but smile happily, she had never felt so accepted as she did now within this group. Not once in junior high, or high school had she ever felt like this. In a conversation with Haruka and her girlfriend, she looked around and found Naru happily chatting away with Usagi; Umino and Setsuna seemed to be having a discussion about particle physics and thoroughly enjoying the topic.

Everyone seemed to be having a good time including Ami but she felt a bit selfish for eagerly awaiting Makoto's arrival. Once the brunette arrived she knew she would feel complete, the only thing she really wanted was to see Makoto on her birthday. At that moment a knock sounded at the door and Ami's heartbeat tripled. Usagi, who was located closest to the door opened it to a Makoto carrying a square box, with two other guests behind her.

"Are we late?" The brunette asked.

"Yes. Ami said she was taking back your invitation. But, feel free to leave the cake on your way out," Haruka smiled wickedly as her cousin entered.

"Ha ha. Very funny. Who let you indoors? Last I heard Michiru had you in the doghouse." Makoto snapped back with a grin, before placing the cake down on the coffee table.

Her green eyes swept over Ami and the teen felt her heartbeat double all over again when the athlete leaned close and kissed her on the cheek, whispering "Happy birthday, Dr. Ami."
Ami stared wide eyed at the woman, the feeling of Makoto's lips lingering on her skin. Her face felt hot. She might have sat there in shock the rest of the night if Usagi had not made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a 'squawk.'

"T-thank you," she mumbled shyly in Makoto's direction before noticing the attractive blonde woman and dark haired man standing behind the tall woman.

Makoto, realizing she had forgotten something and turned around, muttering a quick apology before introducing everyone. "This is Minako Aino, and Mamoru Chiba," she made fast work of introducing the rest of the room to the latecomers until she came to Naru and Umino whom she did not know.

Ami quickly jumped in and introduced her friends again. Turning to Usagi she noticed the older blonde's blush and followed her gaze to find her roommate's eyes fixed on Mamoru who seemed just as enamored as her roommate. The teen turned to look at Makoto, who shrugged before walking up to Usagi.

"Go offer him a drink, or something." Makoto said, her voice low enough not to be heard by anyone else except Ami. The frozen blonde nodded then took the brunette's advice and walked off.

"Thank goodness," said Ami with relief as they watched Usagi join Mamoru, "I don't think I would have been able to give her proper advice." She would have said more to the brunette but Minako chose that moment to stand next to Makoto before placing a hand on her arm.
Up close she realized where she had seen Minako before, the brunette and blonde had been walking together the day Ami spotted them from her classroom. The blonde was everything Ami was not; she felt positively frumpy in jeans now that she saw Minako in a miniskirt and a formfitting top. She felt the unfamiliar twinge near the vicinity of her heart again. Sudden despair filled her, she tried to disguise the feeling and turned away but Makoto stopped her.

"Ami? Are you alright?"

"Oh yes, I'm fine, please excuse me." The smile on her face did not feel like it usually did, so she quickly walked to the bathroom leaving a puzzled Makoto behind her. Closing the door firmly but quietly, she took a deep breath in order to calm herself. How could she be feeling this way? It was her birthday and she was having a great time with everyone. That was until she saw Minako touching the brunette who did not seem to mind the affection at all. She did not think she would ever feel so, so hurt to see Makoto with someone else even though she had an idea that it would never work between herself and the botany student.

Completely aware a party was happening beyond the bathroom door she splashed some cold water on her face and practiced smiling before leaving the confines of the small room. Looking around for Usagi, Ami did not see her roommate nearby and figured she might be in the kitchen. About to round the corner she heard Makoto's voice and stopped herself from entering the cooking area, she had no confidence she could face the woman in a normal manner. Undecided, she stood hidden in the spot for a moment.

"-koto, doesn't Ami look pretty today? That girl has no idea how totally adorable she is!" Ami could hear the smile in Usagi's voice and winced.

About to step away, a morbid curiosity overtook her body, leaving her in place to hear Makoto's answer.

"Yeah, she really is a cute little thing, like a little sister I never had. We'll have to make sure to chase away all the perverts that think they can get away with anything funny!" The protective tone in Makoto's voice was too much for Ami, eyes watering, she tried to make her way to the bathroom again and bumped into the last person she wanted to see at that moment.

"Excu-ah Minako-san, sorry-" Ami hiccuped. She did not get the chance to say anything else as Minako looked around the room, making sure no one else was looking in their direction. Grabbing Ami's hand in her own, she led the younger woman to one of the bedrooms. As the tears gave way, Minako pulled out a packet of tissues from her purse and gently wiped away the trail on Ami's face.

"Ami-san," Minako rested an arm around the girl, her voice gentle, "it's your birthday, why are you crying?"

At the unexpected kindness, Ami could only cry harder. "I-I..."
"You love her, don't you?"

Ami nodded, unable to lie.

"I'm sorry. Unrequited love is a terrible feeling. Makoto did tell me Usagi is straight, but she cares for you a lot. I'm sure if you try-"

"Usagi?" Ami asked numbly. It struck her in that moment, Minako thought she was in love with Usagi! Her eyes widened, the flow of tears stopping momentarily. She wanted to laugh but held back the urge. "I'm not-" Thinking quickly, Ami closed her mouth. It would be best to go along with this farce for now and explain to Usagi later, the teen thought.

Wiping her face, she turned to the woman comforting her. "I'm sorry to inconvenience you like this, Minako san, and on our very first meeting too. I think I'll be okay now."

"Are you sure?" Minako asked kindly, "I can go get Makoto if you prefer..."

"No, no it's fine. Thank you for your help, you're very kind." Ami tried to smile at the other woman.

"Okay, and it's not a problem, any friend of Mako is a friend of mine." Minako smiled, a pretty upturn of her lips before leaving Ami alone in the room.

No wonder Makoto likes her. She's beautiful and a good person.

Ami could not find one reason to dislike the woman. It couldn't take away the pain she felt deep inside however.


"I'm so sorry, Ami."

The young woman could see guilt clearly in Usagi's eyes after finding out Ami overheard the conversation in the kitchen. They cleaned in silence, Ami inadvertently pausing when little bits of the party played itself back in her mind. She was not an actress but she had put on the best performance she could as the evening wore on. She felt simply drained now.

She became aware she drifted off in thought again when she felt Usagi's hand on her shoulder. "Why don't you go take a bath? We can talk about it when you're done."
Ami shook her head tiredly, without looking at Usagi. "I don't feel like talking tonight. I'm sorry."

The blonde nodded, "Another time then. Go get some rest, I'm almost done here anyway."

"Okay. Thank you, I'll take you up on your offer." Ami yawned, unaware as she walked away, the blonde was  staring at her friend's frail-looking back with a look of sorrow on her face.

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