
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bach and Motorcycles

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. I am merely borrowing the characters for a while to indulge in my own whims. 

Bach and Motorcycles

"Ami..." The exhalation that was her name, caressed by the husky timbre that was Makoto's voice made Ami feel as if molten lava ran through her veins.

"Yes, Mako?" She waited with breath held unconsciously.

"I love you." The words once said, never failed to make Ami's heart race until she felt it would burst.

"I love you too, Mako."

She could hear the smile in Makoto's voice when the woman spoke the next words. "I know... I'll see you soon."

"Hurry..." Ami paused, imagining the breathy word sending one of Makoto's chocolately eyebrows quirking. If they had been face to face Ami would have seen the other woman react; she would have uttered a sweet laugh of delight at being right. Pleasure overtook her at knowing Makoto so well.

"I will. Bye love." In the background, in between the syllables spoken by the brunette, Ami could hear the rumbling of a motorcycle engine. Unbidden, the sensation of the vibrating machine between her legs sprung forth, and she almost gasped.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: The Healer

Makoto woke in a bed she instantly recognized as not her own. Where am I? Wherever she was, she could tell it was late afternoon due to the waning sunlight streaming through the window near the bed. Sitting upright, she absently noted she felt a little sore in the mid-section but her attention was really on her surroundings. The large room, if it could be called a room, was a combination of bedroom, living room, kitchen and eating area. She could see the exposed low wooden beams and rafters would not have provided much room for a second floor had there been one.

The bed she sat in, along with a simple wooden dresser was located in the corner of the room furthest from the door. From the door her eyes were drawn to the kitchen. Dried plants in various stages hung from the low rafters of the kitchen area. They're herbs, she realized.They left a curiously pleasing aroma. Pots and pans also hung down from the rafters. A medium sized pot sat over a low fire in a rustic looking stone fireplace. Makoto's stomach rumbled as her nose detected a delicious scent wafting from the pot. Furniture was sparse but it, like the wooden window frames and door, gleamed softly as if someone had taken time and care to lovingly polish the surfaces.

There was one long wooden table covered in a woven white cloth in the middle of the room. Makoto noted two places were already set with simple mugs and spoons. A small wrapped bundle was placed in the middle of the table and she had a strong suspicion it was probably a loaf of bread. Instead of chairs, two long benches served as seats. The rest of the space in the remaining corner of the room contained two well-stacked bookcases as well as another table. However, this surface was neatly covered by bottles and flasks and items she could only compare to what would be a chemistry set with liquids of all colors.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Sixteen

Disclaimer:  the lyrics for "Do What You Have To Do" is the property of Sarah McLachlan and Nettwerk/Arista Records. 

Chapter Sixteen: A Mission of Love

Ami sighed, staring down at the book in her hands without seeing the words. It had been three weeks since she returned from Otari Village with Makoto. Sitting in the living room, she attempted to read the novel she started a week ago. I wonder what Makoto is doing now? Is she sleeping well? Probably. I'm the only one who had her heart broken for the millionth time. An exhausted feeling swept through her and she sighed again; she had not slept well at all upon returning home. Each night had passed with very few hours of fitful sleep.

Her days at work were not any better; she barely made it through the hours and avoided all efforts made by Yuri to talk outside of work. She was well aware of the concerned looks the young woman kept shooting her way. She did not think she could go through a conversation about her listless manner or an absent Makoto, no matter how well-intentioned Yuri wanted to be.

I did say we were two adults simply enjoying each other's company. Stupid of me really-it was not that simple after all.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen: Painful Reminders

Makoto was glad the day remained beautiful and clear when she stepped out of the ryokan with Ami in tow. She volunteered to drive and they easily found a family restaurant thanks to Ami's recollection of passing one on the way into the village. Ten minutes later they were in a small parking lot filled with cars and the few odd trucks and motorcycles. Within moments they were seated and served beverages by a cheerful middle-aged waitress. Menus were whisked away as they quickly settled on what they wanted to eat: Ami picked a simple salad topped with avocado and pears, and as the restaurant offered an all-day breakfast menu Makoto chose a platter of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

With the waitress out of hearing distance Makoto frowned at Ami. "That can't be all you're eating."

"Why not? It's healthy and delicious."

"It's rabbit food," Makoto growled good-naturedly and Ami laughed.

The doctor's laughter was infectious but movement behind Ami caught Makoto's attention and she glanced beyond the woman's shoulder. Ami's back was to the door and Makoto sat facing her, which provided an excellent view of the entrance. A family of three had just entered, the man leading the way with a grim look on his face while his harried-looking wife trailed after him. A little dark-haired girl all of five years old held onto the woman's hand.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: Of Love and Denial

Makoto stared up at the ceiling, wide awake. All the lights extinguished, it was dark in the room but she had quickly grown accustomed. Ami slumbered next to her, the smaller woman cuddled up to the brunette's side, one hand under her cheek while the other rested on Makoto's bare belly. Ami looked so peaceful in her sleep; a strange painful pang struck Makoto. For the tall woman sleeping next to Ami might have been a pleasant experience except for the thought weighing heavily on her mind. It refused to let her sleep as it floated to and fro in her head. It downright frightened her.

Ami loves me.

She tried to rationalize what kind of love Ami meant, the same argument chasing itself around in her mind. No, maybe she meant love like a friend? That has to be it, she concluded until the next line followed, like it did many times before. Don't be a fool! You think she slept with you because she was bored? Friends don't sleep with each other.
She rubbed her forehead in frustration. Just what had she set in motion with that kiss? Thoughts flew at her, riotous, out of order. How long has Ami been in love with me? It can't have been that long, she never gave an indication. You let your lust cloud your judgment; things will never be the same. I'll never be able to look at her the same. Thirteen years of friendship ruined. Oh god, this is so wrong, I can't do this.

But she knew that last thought was a lie. I still want her. For once, being with someone has never felt so good.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Unveiled

Otari Village was a small hot springs village nestled in a region of natural splendor in the Nagano prefecture. An ideal spot for tourists and locals interested in nature during the summer, it also boasted several ski resorts in winter. Despite living less than three hours away, Ami had never found the opportunity to visit the area before. Hana wore a wide smile when Ami informed the old woman she would be going away overnight with the brunette. She assumed Makoto, being a nature buff, had already visited at least once.

"Have you visited Otari Village before?" Ami asked curiously, in spite of her assumption. Her hands were safely positioned at ten and two on the steering wheel.

"Yes, a few times," Makoto confirmed from the passenger side of the mid-size car. She was turning the knob of the radio, hoping to find some suitable music-something that didn't annoy herself or Ami- while they drove along. She gave up in disgust after a minute and rested her hands on the headrest. Her seat was pushed all the way back to accommodate her long legs and Ami couldn't help but admire the brunette's toned thighs in tight jeans every so often. Now with Makoto's hands behind her head Ami had an excellent view of the woman's ample chest covered by a pink polo shirt. "I thought this might be a good way to kill two birds: I get to show you the flora in the area and you get to relax away from home."