
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Setting Out

It happened so quickly but to Ami it was a scene burned into her very retinas. She was rooted to the spot, could only stand and stare as Makoto stripped off her clothing. Lean muscles rippled across a lightly bronzed back and Ami's fingers twitched in response. She felt a sudden need to trace her fingers over every contour of that magnificent expanse of skin. Her gaze wandered down to the Traveler's exposed posterior and felt her breath catch. If her fingers twitched before, they positively tingled now at the idea of touching Makoto's perfect rear. The brunette began to wade into the water and every little movement showcased the work of art that was her body. Lean muscles subtly undulated under silky smooth skin.

For the first time in her life Ami came face to face with unmasked desire and it left her stunned and gasping for air. Her entire body felt hot. She had seen plenty of naked forms in her line of work as a Healer. In every one of those cases she had felt a sense of detachment but for her Makoto was so very different. The woman just seemed larger than life and not just because she was much taller. Every time they were together Ami realized her eyes were drawn to Makoto. The brunette was a feast for all senses. Whether it was listening to her husky voice, watching the play of light in her eyes or across her face or simply spending time together, these were all things Ami enjoyed. Even the woman's occasional crankiness was welcome.

"Uh, Ami?" Waist deep in water, the brunette was staring back at her, her left hand held above water.

"Y-yes?" The Healer could see the problem immediately and gladly used it to focus elsewhere besides Makoto's delectable body. "Oh! Your wound!"

"I forgot all about it before I got in the water," Makoto stated as she began to wade towards Ami.

Ami kept her gaze fixed firmly on the bandages of the Traveler's hand. She determined she would be fine as long as she did not look directly at the rest of the woman in front of her. "I will take off the old dressing. It is healing nicely. You can bathe as long as the wound is not completely submerged in water for too long."

Makoto came closer, stopping with a mere foot and a half between them. Ami felt unable to breathe at first, her entire body was hot; her clothes felt uncomfortable and ill-fitting. Makoto on the other hand seemed completely unaffected. Is she in the habit of being naked around strangers? Ami wondered, then shook off the thought.

"Are you okay?" the Traveler asked, concern apparent as she peered into Ami's face.

"F-f-fine," the Healer squeaked and stuttered. How could the Traveler be so calm when naked while Ami suffered a severe case of palpitations at the nearness? Thankfully the ease which she removed the strips of cloth betrayed her training and not her current state. She turned her attention to the injured hand, inspecting the cuts once again, astounded at the rate of Makoto's healing. The wounds were on the verge of closing and the area of discoloration was half the size from the time she first took notice of the injury. It was not the first time the Healer noted the Traveler's rate of healing was twice as fast as that of any Verdantian. It would made perfect sense, Ami mused to herself, Makoto's agility and strength was most likely necessary for her future task of helping Verdantia. It was very possible rapid healing was included on the list.

"Okay, all done," Ami exhaled in relief, letting go of the woman's hand.

Makoto looked at her with curiosity, "Aren't you going to bathe as well?"

Ami cast her eyes around desperately for an excuse and found one when her gaze landed on a prickleberry bush a few yards away to her right, the red, round, spiny berries ripe enough for picking. "Oh, I already did! I am going to gather those prickleberries you see over there." She nodded in the general direction of the bush.

Makoto glanced over to where Ami nodded, a quizzical lift to her eyebrows. "Okay." She waded back into the pool until the water reached the top of her breasts. Closing her eyes, she hummed a tune Ami was not familiar with.

Ami turned away quickly, another sigh of relief escaping her as she made her way to the bushes with the prickly fruits. So close! Too close! Methodically, she began to pick the berries, carefully breaking the stems an inch away from the fruit. The spines on the berries could easily leave the picker with multiple tiny wounds but if handled carefully they were delicious once peeled. Ami concluded they might as well have them for dinner later that night.


Two mornings later they emerged from the cottage at dawn with Makoto raring to go. The brunette was in fine spirits and her mood was contagious. Ami smiled to herself when she viewed Makoto grinning and bouncing on her heels. After her bath in the 'magic glade' as she had dubbed it, her left hand had mended quite rapidly. Now all that remained of the injury were fresh pink lines running over the Traveler's knuckles. Ami was not too surprised at the progress; it was a powerful spot containing magic and the healing could be attributed to the bath. Makoto's recovery was also unusually speedy. It had to be both the water of the glade combined with Makoto's own recuperative abilities, she concluded.

They turned north, immediately putting the cottage and the Southern Forests behind them. On their backs they carried packs with three days worth of food split between them, bedrolls, and a small tent in case of rain. The land was green and flat, rolling away into the distance until they could see gently rising slopes and hills. It was quiet, peaceful and gave the impression that there was no one around for miles. Dew drops sparkled on the deep green blades of grass until the rising sun burned them away, as it did the early morning chill.

Two bells later, Makoto paused to remove the blazer she wore and rolled up the sleeves of her shirt. She realized while the nights were quite chilly the days grew conversely hot. There was already a small patch of sweat soaking through the back of her shirt. They resumed their trek once more, Makoto asking another random question out of curiosity toward this new yet ancient world she found herself in.

"Is it always like this here? Cold nights and hot days?" She elaborated further for Ami, "Where I'm from we have seasons-four of them- spring, summer, fall, and winter."

Ami immediately caught Makoto's drift. "We do not have seasons, unless you count rainy or dry. Here in the south of Verdantia it is like you said, hot days and cold nights. But if you go to the northeast you would find the Arctic Forest where even the trees are frozen. That is where my clan resides."

Makoto's brow furrowed. "Your clan? How is it you are all the way here?"

"Because I am a Healer. Just like my mother and grandmother and it goes even further back. It is our fate to wait near the Speaking Stones should a Traveler appear," Ami explained.

"And not everyone is a Healer in your clan?" Ami shook her head in response to the tall woman's question. "It sounds so wrong. Like you're condemned to a lonely life," Makoto huffed. She felt a ripple of anger towards the fate that held Ami hostage to a life of loneliness. A scowl passed over her features and Ami observed it.

"You forget this fate you abhor is the very reason we met," Ami said with a small smile of mischief.

The bit of anger Makoto felt was replaced by a feeling of being chastened by the smiling Healer. A small smile of her own grew as she realized how neatly Ami had corrected her without obnoxiously stating the brunette's very life was saved because of Ami's fate. The woman certainly did not lack tact, that much was evident. Unconsciously Makoto's smile widened further. Having lived in a city where the people were usually very blunt, Ami's subtlety and tact were refreshingly attractive.


By high noon of the second day the flat green landscape gave way to rocky hills. Small holes the size of Makoto's hand peppered the larger rocks half buried in the earth. The tall woman did not like the look of the dark hollows and eyed them nervously. Ami picked up Makoto's anxious mood and immediately sought to calm the woman.

"The creatures, delas, who live inside those are quite harmless," Ami supplied. She pointed to a nearby bush of long skinny leaves and it took Makoto a moment to spot the dela standing still inside the foliage. Sleek gray fur covered the animal that stood on its two hind legs. The brunette thought the dela resembled a weird mix of fox and squirrel except for the short puff of tail which belonged on a rabbit. Beady eyes cast in their direction, it slowly picked a leaf from the bush with its two forelegs and brought it to its mouth carefully.

They passed on, Makoto easily spotting the delas that hid among bushes and rocks along the way. Thirty minutes later they settled down for lunch under a copse of trees. Their meal consisted of leftover stew from the previous night and the last of the dried prickleberries. After eating they sat for a while, enjoying the shade and the steady breeze that came from the west. Makoto removed her boots and socks and laid back in the grass. Ami watched as the Traveler wriggled bare toes in between the blades and thought of doing the same.

"We will arrive at the bridge by nightfall. Once we get there we can set up camp and cross it in the morning. It is just a day's walk into town from there," Ami said, adjusting her skirt instead.

"And all we have to do is find someone who can tell us what needs to be done so I can get back home!" Eagerness shone from the tall woman's face.

"I am not convinced it will be as easy as you think," Ami sad dubiously, "but for your sake I hope it is." She realized if it was as simple as the other woman thought then Makoto would be returning to her own world very soon indeed. She suddenly felt out of sorts at the idea. Going back to her cottage alone did not seem appealing at all.


The temperature dropped rapidly as the sun descended into the west. It was the beginning of twilight when they arrived at the river and the stone bridge that spanned it. Like the previous night they did not need the shelter of the tent and opted to just light a fire and set up the bedrolls. Once the fire was lit they split the chores. Makoto went down to the riverbank in hopes of catching a fish or two with a fishing line comprised of bobber and hook. Ami accompanied her and plucked a couple of plants with large leaves that looked like elephant ears, including the roots from the side of the river before returning to the campfire.
Makoto joined the Healer twenty minutes later with three fish, gutted, cleaned and wrapped in some of the large leaves. She hummed as she strode toward the campfire, quite pleased with her luck and her catch. Ami removed the bones from the fish expertly and placed the flesh in the bubbling pot that sat over the fire.

"What else is in the pot?" Makoto asked as she settled down onto the ground across from Ami. The fire sat between them, the flames dancing at the whim of the wind. Shadows and firelight flickered across the Healer's face; the light of day had disappeared and only the faintest streaks of vermilion lingered in the western sky.

"The eddo plants I picked earlier. Both the roots and leaves are edible. Eating them raw is not a very good idea, however." The smaller woman added a little bit of dried herb from a small pouch and stirred the contents of the pot.

A whiff of the concoction reached Makoto's nostrils causing her to salivate. "Well, it smells heavenly!" The brunette praised.

Ami pinked, and even in the firelight the brunette could tell the woman was blushing. "It's almost finished." She removed two wooden bowls and utensils from their travel packs, ladling a healthy amount of the thick, soupy liquid into them.

Once more Makoto moaned in appreciation the moment she brought the spoon to her lips. "Oh! This is taro!" she said a moment later as she bit into a starchy, almost sweet chunk of vegetable. "Yet another thing our worlds have in common."

The rest of the meal was spent in agreeable silence, as was the cleanup. With full bellies they both relaxed by the warmth of the fire, occasionally yawning. The stars appeared, one by one until the sky glittered in all directions. A crescent moon slowly rose to accompany the diamond bits of light. Makoto yawned again. Looking over at Ami she noticed the Healer did not appear as droopy as Makoto herself felt. It must be all that walking, she mused to herself. I'm just not used to it, even with all the working out I did back home.

Her eyes drifted closed.

And shot open a moment later when Ami screamed. Jerking upright Makoto's eyes widened in horror at the scene before her. A hugely repulsive red and black centipede wrapped itself around Ami's torso. It noticed Makoto's movements and swerved its upper body towards the taller woman. A squawk filled the air and the Healer shrieked again as the legs moved along her immobilized body. The dying fire was reflected a million times along its body and Makoto realized instead of segments the centipede was covered in tiny scales.

She grabbed the longest piece of firewood and jabbed the red-hot end towards the head of the creature. Revulsion and rage swirled inside her.

"Ami! Spin to your left on three!" She didn't wait for confirmation, instead she began counting. The centipede squawked at her again, the mandibles of its mouth opening wide and she jammed the firewood into its exposed throat. Its upper body lurched and she yelled, "Three!" Grabbing the neck of the disgusting thing she jerked its body to her own left while Ami spun to her right. This move served to free Ami from the centipede as its legs scrambled for purchase while Makoto dangled it as far away from her body as possible.

She dashed it to the ground, stomping down on the head as hard as possible. "Agh! Die already!" She stomped again, the heel of her boot coming down on the head. A sickening crunch was heard and behind her Ami drew shuddering breaths. She gave one final stomp to ensure the thing could no longer move and it was in fact dead before she turned to the woman.

"Just...what the-What the fuck was that, Ami?" she screamed as she scrubbed her hands furiously on her jeans.

Ami drew as close as she dared to the five-foot-long dead centipede. Her blue eyes were wide with horror when she gazed at Makoto.

"I have no idea. I have never seen anything like that before."


After the centipede incident they quickly packed their things and crossed the bridge, heading towards town on a smooth, well traveled path. There was enough moonlight to illuminate their way. They moved as fast as they could with as little sound as possible, refusing to stay camped near the dead thing. Ami had no answer as to what it was, why it was so large and where it came from. The thought that there might be more of them in the vicinity caused them to quicken their footsteps. Ami was silent for most of the walk, occasionally shuddering as the scene from earlier replayed itself in her head. Makoto had taken the Healer's hand in her own as they continued north for the rest of the night. They did not have to mention it but the warmth of their hands together comforted and kept them going.

It was dawn when they finally came upon the town, sleepless and bone-weary. Makoto heaved a sigh of relief the moment they passed the gates. As beautiful as she found the outdoors lately, she was also quite sick of it. Who knew what lurked out there; among people she found she could breathe a little easier. The Traveler immediately recognized they were on a main road of the town, the street was filled with people going about their daily business despite the early hour. Vendors hawked wares in front of stalls set up along the side of the road, while various wooden buildings consisting of two floors or more sported signs advertising the names of businesses. They all appeared to be in English and could be easily read. Makoto sensed there was something odd with the town and it wasn't until they were in the midst of the throng did she realized what it was.


"Yes?" The smaller woman had taken the lead and did not notice when Makoto began to cast confused glances all around her.

"Ami...I only see females here..." she mumbled, unable to believe her tired eyes.

"You mean there are males in your world, Mako?" Ami's footsteps paused. They were both too tired and interested in the conversation to realize Ami had shortened the Traveler's name.

"Yes," the brunette answered, "it's how children are conceived, both the male and female are needed. Yet, I see kids of all ages here...how is that possible? " They resumed walking, Ami leading the way again.

"It ties into the history of Verdantia," Ami began. "Before the lands were formed there was a deity known as Ashtarte. She became bored of wandering between the stars. On impulse she gathered the rocks of the sky, pushing them all together to form a large mass. She created trees and plants, and animals. Many forms of life. Eventually she became weary and could only create two more lifeforms. She made both of them women in her own form. Exhausted, she lay between the mountains of the north to rest. And as she slept her body dissolved into water. The water flowed out all over the land and settled into vast depressions forming different seas and lakes. There are many other countries like Verdantia but it is said all life began here, with Ashtarte. Whenever couples wish to conceive they make a pilgrimage to Ashtarte's Body, also known as Sacred Lake, to consummate their union on the banks. The one who wishes to carry the child must then enter the water and receive Ashtarte's blessing."

Ami could see the skepticism in Makoto's eyes. "It is how I was conceived."

"Then how do you know about the males?" Makoto was puzzled, Ami's knowledge did not match with the history she provided.

"The Travelers before you brought tales of their world when they came. Their stories did not always correspond, they came from many different places. But there was one consistency in some cases and that was about the males of in their societies."

"I see", Makoto said, choosing not to comment further. The more time she spent here the more she realized she really was in a place that greatly differed from home.

"Ah, here we are." Ami paused in front of a wooden, two-story building. The double doors were wide open, inviting all in to peruse whatever goods were being offered. A musty, spicy smell emerge from within the doors that made Makoto's nose itch with the urge to sneeze.

"Do you want to come in and look around while I ask for some information?" Ami asked the brunette.

"No, I think I'll wait here and people watch." Makoto grinned tiredly at Ami and was gratified to see a smile in response. In the light of day the Healer appeared in a much better mood. Ami entered the store, instantly swallowed in the gloom within the building and Makoto turned her gaze out towards the crowded street. She shook her head in amazement at the fact that there were only women present. Women in dresses, pants, shorts, tunics, and even armor with weapons at their sides. Women with all manner of haircuts. Blondes, brunettes, redheads, all types of hair colors. A smirk danced on her lips and a few women threw appraising glances her way. She smiled at them and they smiled right back. Some even winked at her. Her grin widened. This sure beats Greenwich Village any day of the week.

Ami returned to her side a few moments later. "What is so amusing?"

Makoto glanced down at her, "Oh nothing. What did you find out?"

"I was told there is only one person in town who knows a great deal of information. Apparently this woman owns an establishment a few doors down." The Healer led the way again, Makoto following easily in the crowd due to her height. They stopped once again in front of a four story building. There was no sign in front but it was quite obvious it was a business of some sort. The second and third floors boasted wide verandas. Makoto observed the steady flow of foot traffic in and out of the place. Deep burgundy curtains covered the lower windows and prevented people passing by from looking in.

"This must be it," Ami remarked.

Makoto trailed in after the Healer, suspicious of the nature of the establishment. Women in various stages of dress served customers seated at round tables throughout the cavernous room with a high ceiling. The lighting was dim, provided by large clumps of candles on stands placed conveniently around the space. A lavish and polished curved bar was the centerpiece of the room with the seating arranged around it. A large round chandelier with concentric layers hung above it. Each layer sported a dozen stout candles which provided light around the area of the bar. Ami's footsteps faltered and the Traveler speculated the Healer finally realized what kind of establishment they had walked into. Ami picked up her pace again and Makoto followed. She cast her eyes about again. For a bordello, it did not seem quite as seedy as she first expected.

A redhead with shoulder-length hair dressed in a short skirt and what could best be called a bra was wiping down the surface of the bar. She immediately looked up when the two women approached. "What can I get you?" She picked up two glasses, ready to fill their orders.

"Nothing for us, thank you. We are looking for the owner, is she available?"

A sultry voice to their left spoke up lazily, "What business do you have here?" Ami and Makoto turned to look at the woman with the red bow in her impossibly long blonde hair. A flirtatious smile hovered on her lips while a coiled whip hung from her right waist. She leaned against the bar nonchalantly, her blue eyes flickering over Ami's form before they moved onto Makoto. The flirtatious smile grew into a salacious grin as she openly stared at the tall woman from head to toe.

Ignoring Ami, she addressed Makoto. "There's something different about you. You would certainly bring in the crowds. Want a job?"

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