
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Six

Chapter 6: The Whip Wielder

Minako Aino noticed them the moment they walked through the door. She knew who they were and what they sought. Although she had never been a patient of the Healer, she recognized the blue-haired woman. She did not know the name of the taller woman, but there was a strange air about her-an other-worldliness if it could be called that. She would be the Traveler. Minako was one of the select few who knew a Traveler had been summoned. If Minako's main occupation was a seller of pleasure then her second would be a collector of information. There was no one who knew more of what was happening in Verdantia than Minako herself. Not even the Neo-Queen and her advisor knew as much as Minako did. Whether it was wild rumors, idle gossip, or highly guarded secrets, somehow they all made it into Minako's den of iniquity where she stored them for further use. Alcohol made short work of loosening the tongues of her customers; she also had some very loyal informants. Of course, because of this the Neo-Queen often made use of her services.

She watched as they walked up to the bar, the Healer leading the way, her expression somewhat uncertain. It amused Minako when she surmised the short-haired woman had probably never set foot in a place like this before. She listened in as they stood a few feet away from her while Naru asked for their orders. The Traveler looked like the drinking type; the Healer, on the other hand, did not seem like she ever partook. They also looked desperately in need of a bath and some sleep. It appeared as though their trip from the Southern Forests had been quite rough indeed. Not surprising really, given the rumors that had reached her ears lately.

"Nothing for us, thank you. We are looking for the owner, is she available?" the Healer asked, her voice surprisingly melodious.

Minako decided it was time to intervene, answering in place of the bartender. "What business do you have here?"

They turned to look at her, and she perceived she probably seemed scantily dressed compared to the citizens out on the street. She did not care however, Minako had always dressed any way she pleased. She adored the color orange and had obtained a special dye at a steep price to dye her favorite clothing. Today she wore an orange-dyed corset and her favorite boots that matched. She knew the tan breeches hugged her lower half, offered a tantalizing view of her shapely legs. The red leather vambraces, choker and ribbon in her flowing blonde hair added a delightful accent to her current outfit. She was quite confident in her appearance.

She smiled flirtatiously as she leaned against the bar. Both Healer and Traveler were very good-looking women, and quite opposite from each other. The Healer was the quiet, reserved type. Not Minako's own preference of course but there were plenty of customers who would appreciate the Healer's looks and demeanor. But as she turned her gaze toward the brunette, Minako's interest was piqued. Now there was a woman who was more her type, one who walked with confidence without being overbearing. This woman exuded magnetism, an untamed wildness. She would be ferocious in bed. This woman could also make her a lot of money. Minako's flirtatious smile grew into a lascivious grin as she took in the tall woman's easy stance, bronzed skin and curious look.

She spoke to the Traveler, half in jest, half serious, "There's something different about you. You would certainly bring in the crowds. Want a job?"

It was imperceptible but she deduced the nature of the Healer and Traveler's relationship immediately when the shorter woman made the smallest of movements towards the Traveler. Hmm? So it's like that.

This time it was the tall woman who spoke, her voice husky. "We're not looking for jobs. We're looking for some information." Despite her apparent weariness the woman's voice carried no trace of it.

Minako was about to answer when her nose caught whiff of a particularly nasty odor. Not again! Her right hand dropped to her waist and grabbed the handle of her whip. With a quick flick of her wrist, the tip of the eight-foot whip connected somewhere behind her and a muttered "shit!" emerged from a corner. She turned to glare at the offender. "Ouga, if I catch you lighting that crap in here one more time, it will be the last time you're permitted entrance! I told you smoking is not allowed inside!"

Ouga, a skinny butch with a salt and pepper buzzcut nodded, offered a "Yes'm" and quickly shuffled out of sight. Minako turned back to the two women and noticed the Healer appeared a little shocked while the Traveler attempted to hide a small smile. Minako beamed at them, "Sorry about that. I just can't stand the smell of smoke. Now, where were we? Oh yes, information. Follow me."


Makoto was still grinning to herself when the blonde turned and led the way further into the building. She was in awe of the woman's quick reflexes and accuracy, had in fact barely spotted the glowing tip of the cigar before it was extinguished by the woman's whip. Is she a bouncer of some sort? A skill like hers would have been very welcome during their fight with the Muur-Kami. Or even the centipede. At the thought of the many-legged creature Makoto recalled they had walked all night into town forgoing sleep for safety. She fought a yawn and followed Ami and the woman past secluded seating and dim candelabras. The blond opened an unobtrusive door and led them inside.

Unlike the outer hall, the lighting was much better in here due to the open windows; the burgundy curtains pulled aside. The room was spacious, the ceiling high. The office, for it was an office, sported a large wooden desk, easily the length of Minako, in the middle of the room. A comfortable-looking armchair of red upholstery sat empty behind the desk. Makoto had to admit she was more than a little surprised when the woman threw herself into the chair, crossed her legs and beckoned them to sit in the two plain wooden chairs with dark cushioned seats before the desk. They took the offered seating, placing their travel packs on the bare wooden floor at their feet.

Ami asked the question that danced on the end of Makoto's tongue. "You are the owner?"
The woman smiled at them again, a genuine smile without the frivolity she previously displayed. "Yes. I know, I don't look the type right? Some people say I look very young." She did indeed look young, no older than Ami herself who had revealed her age as twenty-five to a curious Makoto. She giggled and propped her booted feet up on the edge of the desk.
The brunette couldn't tell if the blonde was pretending to act air-headed and then realized the woman had to be incredibly shrewd if she ran a prospering business along with being the most well-informed person in town. She vowed not to underestimate the woman behind the desk.

"Er-yes. Anyway, my apologies, we are-" Ami began seriously only to be interrupted.

"I already know who you two are," the blonde nodded towards Ami. "You're Ami Mizuno, the Healer that lives down by the Southern Forests." She turned her blue gaze towards Makoto. "And you are the Traveler."

The brunette nodded, offering her name, "Makoto Kino."

"Nice to meet you two! I'm Minako Aino. Welcome to my Koi Pond. Before we begin, how about some tea?" the blonde asked as she looked them over once more, her eyes lingering on Makoto.

The brunette was flattered indeed at the attention she was receiving from Minako, but she was tired and did not especially feel like flirting. Glancing over at Ami, Makoto noted the Healer seemed especially pale. The smaller woman tilted to the side, her eyes closed and Makoto leapt from her chair with arms outstretched. If it weren't for Makoto's reflexes Ami would have wound up on the floor. Instead the Healer's head rested on Makoto's chest, her body cradled in the brunette's arms.

Makoto's green eyes met Minako's concerned blue over the top of Ami's head. "Follow me," the blonde said, and the brunette stood easily, Ami practically weighing nothing in her arms. She did not expect the Healer to feel so light but that thought was pushed aside by worry.

"This way," Minako instructed, opening another door into a hallway. A flight of stairs, wide enough to walk four abreast, rose before her, the blonde woman beginning the climb upwards. Makoto assumed they were going to the second floor but the woman continued to climb up the well lit stairs. On the way up they passed a woman carrying a tray with empty dishes. She looked curiously at the Traveler and the unconscious woman in her arms.

"Rita, please find Stasha. Tell her to meet me in my quarters. It's urgent," Minako requested of the woman.

"Right away Miss Mina!" Rita answered, her pace down the stairs twice as fast.

"Makoto, what happened on the way here?" Minako asked as they ascended to the third floor landing and continued to the fourth.

The brunette was too anxious about Ami's condition and succinctly told the centipede incident to the blonde. Minako listened without interrupting once. Makoto finished her tale, relieved to find they were on the fourth and last landing. Carrying Ami was easy enough but climbing the stairs were starting to take a toll on her especially after the long night. There was only one door on the fourth landing and the blonde woman held it open for the Traveler. They entered a lavish drawing room, and Makoto paused, unsure where to go. There were four plain white doors, excluding the one they entered, two on the right and two on the left. Across the room directly ahead of her, french doors opened out towards a balcony and provided abundant natural lighting. Gauzy curtains of oranges and gold adorned the windows. Her eyes scanned the room without actually observing anything.

"Through here," Minako directed. She opened the door closest to them on the right and they entered a bedroom. Along with a bed it contained a dark stained writing desk and a straight backed chair with cushioned seating to the left of the bed. The desk was placed strategically in front of a window allowing a glimpse of a small garden. Makoto did not await further directions but immediately moved towards the pristine double bed, gently laying the smaller woman down.

Ami's complexion remained pale. Her breathing appeared normal but it didn't stop Makoto from worrying. She looks so tiny lying there, Makoto thought. A frown of uneasiness glazed her visage. She glanced up at Minako who stood on the other side of the bed.

"This Stasha person, is she a Healer?" Makoto asked, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No, her skills are rudimentary at best but she helps my girls with any problems they may have," Minako said calmly.

"And there isn't another Healer in town?" the brunette desperately asked. Ami had survived the attack with the Muur-Kami which had been a much more harrowing experience according to their mutual agreement. It didn't make sense she would succumbed to the centipede attack. She had not mentioned being bitten or injured in any way when Makoto inquired during their moonlit trek.

Minako shook her head gravely, the curtain of fine blonde hair swaying from the action. "Unfortunately no."

"Goddammit," the brunette said quietly, her green gaze drawn back to Ami's ashen face. She took the smaller woman's hand in her own, squeezing it gently. She fervently wished to see Ami's beautiful blue eyes staring up at hers again.

A soft knock sounded and Minako responded at once. "Enter!"

A dark-skinned woman with a boyish haircut appeared. She purposely strode towards the Healer and the brunette figured she had to be none other than Stasha. Makoto released Ami's hand reluctantly and stood out of the way while the woman examined the brunette's first Verdantian friend.

"Makoto?" She glanced up at the sound of her name. Minako beckoned and Makoto followed the woman outside into the drawing room. They made sure to stay right outside the bedroom, should Stasha call out.

"What's up?" Makoto asked, eager to return to Ami's side.

"What happened last night, what you told me, I've been hearing a lot of rumors. So it didn't surprise me. But I think it would be best if we were all present when sharing information. I'd like to wait for Ami to recover first. If I had to guess, it could be fatigue or shock which made Ami collapse. You look terribly ragged as well. Why don't you get some rest? I can sit with Ami until you wake up," Minako offered. She pointed to a door directly opposite the bedroom they first entered. "You can sleep in that room."

All flirtation had disappeared and in its place was a deep kindness Makoto had not expected. "Thank you. I appreciate your offer, but I want to stay with Ami."

Minako smiled then shrugged. "That's fine. I'll have someone bring your things up from my office."

"Thank you," Makoto said once again. They reentered the room in time to see Stasha stand.
"I'm not sure what the problem is. Physically she is fine, she's breathing well. It just appears to be a deep sleep. My best guess is to let her rest for now," the woman addressed both Minako and Makoto.

Makoto took the chair in front of the writing desk, moved it towards the bed and sat down. Getting up once more she moved toward the desk and opened the window. The faint scent of lilac flowed into the room. Sitting down again, she took Ami's hand in her own, simply watching the Healer who was now under the covers asleep. Stasha left and Minako lingered for a moment at the doorway.

"I have a few things to attend to but I'll be back. Is there anything you'd like in the meantime? Food? Drink?" Minako asked in a low voice. Makoto shook her head in refusal, mouthing the word 'thanks' and the blonde exited.

Her hand feels so warm. I really hope she's okay.

Makoto felt helpless and frustrated. She was a person of instinct and action and most of the time it worked out well. But Ami did not need either of those things right now and it bothered the brunette greatly. However, there was nothing she could do for the woman but wait. A few minutes later a huge yawn overtook her. She was asleep a short moment later.


She shook her head in disgust, raven hair dancing in the wind. Violet eyes narrowed, reinforcing the sentiment. Rei Hino had spotted the first of the vile creatures two days ago as it dropped from a tree branch directly onto the prey she had been following silently. The red and black thing with many legs had wrapped itself around the berk and fastened its mandibles to the berk's long neck immediately. The animal had dropped onto its haunches in less than a minute before the forelegs gave away. It uttered a weak bleat before lying still. The bite from the thing's mandibles did not appear to do much visible damage; therefore, she speculated the bite must be poisonous.

To Rei's skilled eyes, it seemed the flesh of the animal no longer appeared firm but suddenly had an almost gelatinous texture under the hide. The mandibles of the beast opened again and a thin, needle-like red tube emerged from its throat. The tube flickered in the air before swiftly injecting itself into the skin. She could hear the sound of something sloshing. Her skin crawled as she noticed the wiggling of the creature as it consumed the berk. It had liquified the insides and was now slurping it up! It was like nothing she had ever seen before in all her years of hunting. She had seen some spiders do that to their prey but never before had she seen any of the larger creatures do it to another. The body of the thing grew fatter and rounder; the berk quickly turning into a desiccated corpse. Beyond vexed she let loose an arrow then quickly let a second one fly as she considered how the nasty thing had taken her future food supply. She would have to find another berk and who knew how long that would take.

Now, two days later, she viewed a third creature fifteen feet away. They seemed to latch onto any living thing that crossed their path. This one had a dela in its grasp, its upper body poised to strike. She gritted her teeth, spine rigid as she pulled back on her bow. One arrow was all it took to kill the creature this time. Her aim was accurate, the arrow puncturing through the throat at an angle before the arrowhead exited through the head in a clean hit. An oily black liquid oozed from the wound. Its legs loosened in death and it toppled backwards; the dela, unharmed, took off into the undergrowth. Rei drew closer, another notched arrow at the ready, and kicked the serpentine corpse with its many scales and legs before relaxing her pull and shouldering her bow. She moved on, footsteps silent as she slipped between the trees.

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