
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012



Characters depicted below are the property of Naoko Takeuchi.

This story depicts sexual acts between two women. If this is not to your taste please find other suitable reading material. If you are a minor/and or breaking any laws kindly hit the "back" arrow. However if this is your cup of tea then by all means, enjoy! ;)


Love of mine, do you know?

Do you ever wonder why, in the midst of a perfectly innocent conversation I have to shift my gaze? To look at the floor, my hands, the wall directly behind you; that patch of wall located in the space about your shoulders and below your ears. Averting my gaze to anywhere but your shining emerald eyes and your laughing mouth with its pink-tinted lips. While the blood rushes to my cheeks I attempt to regulate my breathing to prevent my breath from leaving this pale body in harsh little pants as the urge to caress your slender neck overtakes me.

Every day that urge grows stronger. And every night, in the safety of my bed I dream of you in all the ways one could possibly dream. In my arms, you are above me; sweetly serious in your exploration of my body. Or below me your autumn hair loose and flowing on my pillow; your brilliant tresses muted in the dark, your bronzed skin contrasting sharply against my white sheets. Your eyes squeezed shut as I pleasure you as best as I can with my inexperienced hands and mouth.

I dream of you in all the ways possible and my heart races while it simultaneously aches for you.

Makoto slapped the diary shut but it was too late. Her eyes had quickly wandered over the sentences following the neat characters of Ami's handwriting. They grew wide with wonder as the words sunk into her consciousness. Guilt gnawed at her for glancing at Ami's personal confession. It didn't matter that the small green notebook had fallen, open and page up, the words staring her in the face, daring her. Once she caught sight of one word her eyes had greedily, unconsciously gobbled up the next word and the next until they formed sentences. They brought to light a side of Ami no one else was aware existed. Oh, but that was wrong, Makoto corrected herself, she knew all of the senshi were that way. No matter how close their bonds, they all hid parts of themselves; those particular pieces reserved only for a lover to see.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven:Bloodlust and Battle

She shuddered as scene after scene flashed across her vision; death, destruction, despair, famine, drought, war. A blood-red full moon hung low in a black sky like a fat mosquito too swollen with the blood of its victim. Sickly animals and humans-their ribs exposed as skin clung to their desiccated forms drag themselves across a desolate landscape full of shadows. She could see they had given up all hope for life; resignation flowed from their empty eyes, it was apparent in in the way they moved their limp limbs. The sound of menacing laughter filled the air, it surrounded her, taunted her and each being, human and animal alike turned to stare at her accusingly. Her legs, strong and capable froze as they advanced upon her. Her eyes widened, a frantic look filled the emerald orbs, her chest tight as she screamed but she couldn't hear herself over the jeering laughter that continued to mock her.

What can I do?

What can I do?

I am only one person.


The other knightes had come to a stop just outside the trees and dismounted quickly to join Haruka and Mago in the uneasy silence. The only noises that rode on the air came from their horses who whinnied softly, their hooves pawing the ground impatiently while waiting for their riders.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten: Above and Below: Part Three

So cold. It was the coldest Rei had ever felt in her life. Teeth chattered in her mouth as she lay shivering on the dusty floor of the humongous cavern, the ground almost cradling the side of her face. The voice she heard no longer spoke but its presence was unmistakable. She could feel the condensed hatred of its aura without even trying.

"Why?" The one word question emerged as a dry croak from her parched throat. There was no answer and she realized the thing that lingered there several yards in front of her inert form did not deem her worthy enough to respond. She was a meal, a source of energy to be used up until only a husk of herself remained before it moved on to something else. The thought made a small part of her inside burn with fury. But the anger inside of her was nothing compared to the despair she felt. The light was growing dim and it took her a moment to comprehend it was not the lights; her own vision was fading.

Oh Ashtarte, I survived that fall and that run across mushrooms only to become food for this, Rei thought. She willed her eyes to stay open but sheer force alone was not enough. Her body, already shaking with fatigue and coldness seized with the effort. This was it; her eyes were closing, she would cease to exist beyond this moment. It pained her to even breathe.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Puppy Love

Disclaimer: Rei Hino and Minako Aino are the property of Naoko Takeuchi.

Puppy Love

"Kumi, fetch!" sunlight sparkled in Rei's ebony hair as she threw a rather chewed tennis ball forward into the air. Her long mane was pulled into a ponytail to prevent the locks from being blown into her face as she ran about. Mauve shorts and a dark blue wide v-necked t-shirt fit her frame comfortably while her feet were  tucked into a pair of flat shoes.

Kumi, the dark-haired mutt with a fluffy coat Rei was currently petsitting took off after the ball, tail a-wagging, a series of excited barks emerging from her throat as she bounded after the toy. It was Kumi's favorite thing to do-playing fetch-and Rei had taken the dog and herself out for some fresh air and exercise on that Saturday morning.


A yelp caught Rei's attention and she noticed a woman clutching her head in the direction she had thrown the ball. A horrifying thought arose, the ball must have hit the woman on her head! Apologies streaming from her lips Rei ran towards the injured passerby. Kumi was twisting around the woman's feet, tail wagging so fast it was just a blur in the air. Rei had the impression of a hummingbird's wings before her attention went back to the woman.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten: Knowing Enough

"You knew those men," Michiru wasn't asking but rather stating the fact as she handed Haruka a pack of frozen peas. "And they knew you."

They were in the art student's apartment with Haruka sitting on the very couch where they made love. The thought of it lingered on the surface of her mind but she tried ignored it. There were more pressing matters to take care of. She carefully placed the frozen bag over her bruised and swollen knuckles. How much of it should she tell Michiru? Could she trust the student? Then again, Michiru had risked her own life by returning to the fight. At the very least she was owed some kind of explanation.

"They're a couple of goons who work for a loan shark." Michiru sat down in the other couch across from her and nodded for Haruka to go on. "A while ago I was desperate for money. Every bank I went to denied me so I had to find an alternative. I was able to borrow some but I couldn't pay all of it back in time. I started making deliveries in order to pay off the rest of the debt. Those men were the ones who usually made the deliveries but I ended up taking their work away. They developed a grudge because of that. They probably didn't like me from the start either because I wasn't a typical woman."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Trouble Follows

Haruka's shift was finally over. She sighed in relief, as she stepped out the back door and into the dark alleyway.

"Wait, Haruka!" Michiru called out behind her, and the tall woman whirled around, trapping the art student between the door and herself. The music from the bar could still be heard through the closed door.

"What do you mean wait?" Haruka growled. She was furious but had held it in during the evening. Being nasty to the customers wouldn't have been good for business. "Somehow you ended up here at my job. On a night that I'm working no less. I want to know how you found out where I was. You didn't come here to hang out with friends, or pick up anyone. You sat there all night drinking one drink, those eyes of yours on me the entire time. So, just what are you doing following me around?"

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Eight

Disclaimer: Lyrics mentioned in this chapter are from the song called "Closer" which is the property of Dido.

Chapter Eight: The Hunter And The Hunted

Two weeks. Give or take a day or two, it had been two weeks since Michiru's encounter with the handsome Haruka. She would have been lying to herself if she couldn't admit she'd been counting the days. The time had passed quickly; Michiru's charcoal portrait had catapulted her into a series of events which marked a very important time in her life as an artist. But as busy as she was, she simply could not forget the feeling of Haruka's toned body moving against hers. For the first time in her life, Michiru could say that perhaps she had fallen in love. And fallen hard for a stranger no less. Memories of the too short evening spent with the woman assailed her and a slow burn ignited within, much like a burning ember that catches flame with a gust of oxygen, growing and consuming as time went on. It wasn't the first time the feeling visited her and Michiru had tried to some degree of embarrassment to "scratch the itch" so to speak on her own without avail.

"Michiru...," a low voice, Nagi's, interrupted her flow of thoughts and Michiru looked over to her right to see the short brunette staring at her quizzically, "class is over. Are you okay? You look a bit flushed."

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Learning About Love

A oneshot from the Water Lilies universe.

Learning About Love

A crescent moon hung in the early summer sky above Tokyo. In many homes across the city, and especially in a western styled home in Azabu Juban a seven-year-old, pink-haired girl was being tucked into bed.

"Mommy?" Chibiusa called out in a quiet voice to the woman who was about to turn off the light and exit the room. There was a question she had to ask, it was growing bigger and bigger within her with every day that passed, ready to burst out at any moment. She just had to say it now.

The beautiful blonde woman with twin tails turned around with a small upturn of her lips. Her blue eyes displayed infinite patience. "Yes, Chibiusa?"

"My chest feels funny," the little girl whispered and Usagi's face was immediately drawn with concern. It took the woman two seconds to return to her daughter's bedside.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Above and Below: Part Two

Still panting from her previous exertion Rei squeezed into the break in the wall. It was an extremely close fit and if the crevice was much smaller she would not have been able to move forward at all. Her hands braced the rocky wall pressing against the front of her body. Her back fared no better as the compressed earth grazed against her from behind. With no room to walk normally she inched forward sideways emerging into an enormous cavern after a yard or two. The entire space was lit by a strange fluorescent glow emanating from giant crystal formations which shot out from the walls and ceiling.

The scene in front of her was like nothing she had ever seen before and Rei's jaw dropped, her mouth a small 'o' of amazement. The light from the crystals lit the cavern so brightly it rivaled daylight. Pillars dotted the space and upon closer inspection of one nearby she could see the formation of it came about as stalagmite met stalactite, unifying them into a single unit from floor to ceiling. Her hand came away with a gritty layer of dust when she automatically pressed it to the pillar in curiousity of the texture before dropping it back to her side. She encountered more pillars as she wandered further into the incredibly large cavern. There was no way to know where the exit could be and she could only hope to eventually stumble across it. Ears alert for any noise, her footsteps were almost silent if not for the small sandy crunch underfoot, each grain seeming to carry a pinpoint of the green glow within itself. Spread out over the floor into beyond it created quite a spectacle, stardust sprinkled over the floor instead of in the sky above.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: A Late Night Conversation

The streetlight in front of the house cast Haruka's warped shadow against the front door as she unlocked it as silently as possible. She opened the door quietly to prevent disturbing everyone sleeping inside; it was one-thirty in the morning. Late nights were a thing of custom for Haruka, she worked long, odd hours and arrived home at strange times. Some nights she arrived home much later if other jobs popped up but no such opportunity had presented itself tonight and so she had come straight home.

"I'm home," she announced quietly to the darkened hallway before she took her boots off. As she stepped further into the house she noticed a flickering light through the archway leading into the living room. Someone was still awake, really, it could only be one person. Making a detour into the kitchen, she grabbed a beer from the refrigerator then headed into the living room and plopped herself down on the couch next to the figure. The metal gave a sharp, loud crack and a hiss as she popped the top of the beer can. Taking a long pull of the contents she sighed in satisfaction as the liquid left a cold, biting trail down her throat.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight: Above and Below:Part One

"I received a visitor today," Minako announced, wasting not a moment upon Makoto's entrance into the drawing room. Minako's lips quirked and although both Makoto and Ami noticed, they remained silent and waited for the blonde to continue. "We've been summoned by her Majesty, Neo-Queen Serenity."

"What? Why?" Makoto blurted. To say the Traveler was surprised was an understatement, and she surmised from the Healer's expression of amazement that Ami had not anticipated such news either. She had been expecting a meeting where they discussed the information they sought from the blonde.

"Your appearance in Verdantia fits a much larger role than you thought. It was her Highness and her advisor that predicted your arrival," Minako explained. "Queen Serenity requested I discover your and Ami's whereabouts, which I would have happily complied with had you not come to me. Our meeting was destined."

Makoto could only stare at Ami in disbelief at Mina's words.


Wake up.

Wake up!

A voice spoke loudly and Rei woke instantly, knowing the voice came from inside her head. It was a familiar sound from her childhood; a voice that could be kind and loving or stern whenever necessary. When that voice spoke: Rei always obeyed. It was time to wake up. Her violet eyes opened slowly to greet utter darkness. Rei groaned as she stirred and the fine layer of dust covering her crumpled form shifted, motes floating into the air unseen as she rolled from her side onto her back. She coughed and brushed her face clean as best as possible in the dark; the jerky movement set off a pounding in her head that made teeth grit. She gently probed the spot below her right temple from where the pounding seemed to emanate and her fingers came away with a sticky substance. She bought her fingers to her nose and sniffed the sticky liquid gingerly; the copper scent of blood assailed her and she winced.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Barley Tea and Tatami

A oneshot from the Water Lilies universe.

Barley Tea and Tatami

Makoto sat on the tatami floor of the living room with her legs crossed. The wide sliding doors of the traditional house were pushed open to let in the summer light of the early Friday afternoon. Scents of various flowers from the inner courtyard rode in on light breezes that flowed through the rooms and corridors of the house every so often. It was a lovely day to be outdoors; but in spite of that the botanist was trapped inside for the duration of the report she was currently working on. The nodding flowers and whistling birds could not compete for her attention because there was something much better in store. It was not the completion of the report she was looking forward to but the fact that she would soon be free to spend the rest of the day with a certain blue-haired doctor.

Her emerald gaze was glued to the notebook screen perched on her lap. A smile appeared on her lips as an image of a smiling Ami floated in front of her mind's eye while her fingers flew furiously fast over the keyboard. For the past week she had been away due to work. She could have stayed and completed the report in Hokkaido while enjoying the heavenly weather but ultimately she preferred the comforts of home and especially the comfort of Ami's nearby presence. The smile morphed into a joyful grin as she typed the very last sentence.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood:Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Rumors and Reputations

By the next day the typhoon had blown itself away and it was business as usual at St. Lulim Academy. Despite being up late Michiru did not feel tired. Like the day before she was in the clubroom standing in front of an easel; but unlike yesterday the portrait before her sat untouched as she stared out the window. The sun shone down upon the trees, grass, various plants and students all across the campus. She thought being out in the sun might feel a lot like how she had felt when Haruka had looked at her.

"It would have been nice to say goodbye to her at least," Michiru muttered to herself as she bit the tip of her finger. A light pink flushed her cheeks when she thought it was one of the very same fingers used to touch the blonde in intimate ways.

"Oh! Our dear Miss Michiru is staring off into space with a most interesting look on her face, Hikari!"

Michiru looked to her left to find her classmates Nagi and Hikari looking at her in an intrigued manner. A friendship between the women had developed naturally as all three shared many of the same classes, but Michiru liked the shorter dark-haired Nagi more than the tall blonde Hikari. She just could not bring herself to trust the standoffish Hikari as readily as she did the warmer Nagi. Michiru always considered herself a good judge of character and listened to her instincts when it came to allowing people into her life, but she could not just disregard Hikari out of respect for Nagi: the two were cousins, even though they did not share a family resemblance.

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Don't Look Back

The very first moment Michiru experienced Haruka's kiss, she had known she could never accept a kiss from any other. The kiss had proven that what she had felt upon meeting the blonde was not a fluke. Standing in the middle of her living room with mere inches between them Michiru felt the heat of arousal wash over her followed by the warmth of rightness. This is where she was meant to be: in this woman's arms. Haruka's kiss tasted of honeysuckle carried on a warm summer wind. It did not take much for Michiru to imagine herself with Haruka in a field, the music of breezes rustling through the trees and dancing through the blades of grass with the sun shining down upon them. She was surrounded by the heat and taste and smell of the woman.

When Michiru loosened the robe and slid her fingers across Haruka's skin, she could feel the tense form of carved muscles. The blonde woman's body felt like a Greek statue come to life: Michiru's own Galatea made of flesh and bone, tendons and sinews, underlain and intertwined to create a being of perfection for Michiru alone. But Haruka was not made of cold ivory; the very proof of it was the heat generating from the blonde.
She could feel the trim blonde shudder at her touch and she wanted to feel more, wanted to tease more until Haruka cried out. She slid her hands upwards and slipped the robe off the woman's shoulders. Strong shoulders bunched under Michiru's fingers and she felt Haruka's hands release their hold from her hips and slip under her tank top. Her skin was electrified beneath the blonde's hands, the rough calluses eliciting an arousing, chaotic sensation as they lightly caressed her back. She moaned into Haruka's open mouth and the blonde seemed to drink the very moan from Michiru's lips before deepening the kiss. When they broke apart Michiru immediately stepped back and slipped her own meager clothing. She missed the feeling of Haruka's hands on her skin as they returned to the woman's side.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: Lying To Oneself

What just happened?

Haruka's forehead made a small thud as it connected to the tiles of the shower. Hot water washed over her body and Haruka had to admit the heat of it felt very good after the cool rain of the typhoon. What the hell just happened? It had only been minutes since the incident at the bottom of the stairs. Haruka barely had time to take in the comfortable kitchen before she was guided into a small hallway and ushered into the bathroom where Michiru demanded her wet clothes. From the moment the blonde met the other woman she had not felt in control at all. It infuriated her how easily she had gotten caught up in the woman's flow.

Her lips still tingled from kissing Michiru. Her right hand, which hung at her side, moved of its own accord until she realized her fingers were touching her lips. She could not get rid of the sensation. Desire had blindsided her until she could do nothing but heed its call. She stared at her hands which only minutes ago had grasped the heated flesh of the teal-haired woman. They could recall perfectly the softness to which she had clung.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Verdantia: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: It Begins

Minako was staring in concentration at the Koi Pond's ledger when the rapping of knuckles on her office door made her look up. She rubbed the bridge of her nose between the tip of her thumb and forefinger before sighing and snapped the large leather-bound book closed. Her business was doing well but the numbers always gave her a headache. This ledger issue was best left to the accountant after all. But even the meetings with the accountant were tedious, Minako concluded with another sigh.

She sat back in her chair before calling out, "Enter."

The visitor, a woman with shoulder-length brown hair, entered and closed the door gently behind her before striding to stand in front of Mina's desk. The blonde had never seen the woman before but she only had to take one look at the visitor to know that the woman worked for the Neo-Queen. The knowledge of it was apparent in the visitor's ramrod straight posture. She wore civilian clothing of muted colors but the starched neatness of her attire were a giveaway. She may as well have worn her typical armor, Minako thought.

"You are Mistress Aino?" came the query, much to Mina's amusement. Even the women who worked for Minako did not call her that. Perhaps it was because Minako discouraged such proper custom. At most, some of the women insisted on calling her Miss Minako and the blonde had given up on dissuading her staff from using the prefix.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: Familiar Strangers

A furious gust of wind buffeted Michiru's back while she extracted her keys from her bag. She shuddered when the blast hit her, only to go still when she felt that new but already deliciously familiar warmth of the blonde's tall frame behind her. She could no longer feel the wind and she realized that there was a purpose to the woman's act-Michiru was being protected from the typhoon's fury. Flames ignited in her cheeks and in her lower belly. Didn't this stranger realize what her actions caused within Michiru? Was the blonde doing it on purpose? Michiru bit her lips as the stranger moved in closer, she wanted to turn and catch a glance of the woman's face. Not being able to see the woman caused a flash of nervousness accompanied by the unnameable emotion she felt when they stood talking in the rain. Her long, delicate and artful fingers suddenly felt clumsy as she pushed the key into the lock.

Since she arrived in the city for school five months ago Michiru had not invited any of her friends over to her second floor apartment. She did not like the notion of inviting just anyone into her private space and yet here she was with a stranger standing at the door to her home. A very cute stranger, but still a stranger. Just what was she doing? Following your instincts. The idea manifested itself and she pounced on it, readily agreeing. The magnetic attraction she felt the moment she locked her gaze onto the blonde's convinced her to persuade the woman to follow her home. Long callused fingers brushed past hers and gently took the keys from her hands. A tingling heat unlike anything she had ever felt before blossomed immediately on the skin which was lightly grazed and she almost moaned out loud from the sensation.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter Two

Chapter Two : Opposites Attract

Michiru blinked once more to clear the rainwater out of her eyes. Despite the glare on the stranger's face she did not feel threatened at all. Or perhaps she did not feel that way now because she saw her rescuer was a woman. A very attractive woman. Michiru was entranced; she had never seen wet hair look so captivating before. The wind flung her wet blonde locks to and fro, water dripping from the ends. Nor had she ever felt such heat from a navy blue stare.

"What the hell are you doing?" the woman growled at her.

Too relieved to pay attention to the aggravated stranger, Michiru continued to take in the woman's appearance. She was dressed in all dark clothing, and the art student had to admit the jeans, button down shirt and motorcycle boots gave the blonde an edgy looked that appealed to her. Her rescuer did not look particularly dangerous until the woman took a step forward and leaned towards her. Michiru felt a thrill scampering up her spine. The stranger smelled of the rain and wind with an underlying hint of soap and cologne.