
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Discovery

My little sister.

Ami awoke to to the echoing of Makoto's words from the previous evening coupled with the shrieking of her alarm. Even though it was Saturday she always got up early. Today she felt like staying in bed, it would take too much energy to simply get up.

Of course Makoto couldn't possibly want someone like me.

A knock on her door interrupted further thought.

"Ami? Are you awake?" A soft, tentative voice drifted through the door.

The urge to burrow deeper under her covers came over her but she knew Usagi probably wouldn't leave her alone until they spoke. The blonde spared her from answering however, when she spoke again.

"I'll come back later."

Ami squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to let more tears have their way with her. Over the course of the previous evening she had shed too many, even after she left Usagi to the final bit of cleaning. Curled up in bed, she cried to herself; her logical mind could not comprehend why humans chose to pursue an emotion like love when it had such negative repercussions. Giving in, she pulled the covers over her head with the thought that it might not be so bad to sleep the day away.


The rapid departure of autumn ushered in the first day of December. In spite of the cold, a few leaves held steadfast to the bare trees around campus. A rush of wind swept by, claiming victory over a lone clinging leaf; it made a crunch under Ami's shoe as she walked back to the dorms.

Wearing a pea coat and wrapped in a scarf, she shivered when another gust of wind came from the north, penetrating right through her clothing. Quickening her pace, she hurried indoors, seeking shelter from the gray afternoon and its icy blasts of air.

Brushing windswept azure hair out of her eyes she was surprised to find Usagi at home as she entered their shared space. There were many days Ami arrived home first due to the blonde being out with Mamoru. Since Ami's birthday the two inevitably found themselves dating. Ami was very happy for her friend, things were going well between Usagi and Mamoru. Her roommate being home before her, left her pondering whether something might be wrong.

"Hey Ami, welcome back," Usagi greeted with her usual sunny smile.

I suppose everything is fine then. Good.

Ami greeted her with a smile of her own. "Hi. You're home early today."

"Yes, it's too cold and I can't stand being outdoors. Although I'll have to go shopping for a gift tomorrow. If it's going to be this cold again, I'm already dreading it." The blonde woman sighed.

"Oh? Is it someone's birthday?" The younger woman inquired as she removed her coat and scarf.

"Mako-chan's birthday is coming up in a few days," Usagi answered.

The day after her birthday, Ami spent the entire Saturday in bed. It was the first time she stayed in bed without being sick. With the exception of the morning, Usagi left her alone the entire day. She slept on and off, needing the rest. Ami awoke to a darkening room, the sunlight starting to fade, indicating the oncoming darkness. Shifting in bed, she turned from her side onto her back, staring up at the ceiling. Knowing she couldn't continue in this manner much longer she figured a day to indulge in such behavior would have to suffice. A soft knock on her door broke her sightless reverie and she answered in a husky, sleep-laden voice.


"Ami, are you hungry? I just made dinner. Please eat something."

The young woman could hear the silent plea in the blonde's voice. About to answer, her stomach gurgled in an embarrassing fashion. Ami laughed quietly to herself, the sound filled with chagrin instead of mirth.

"Okay, I'll be right out," she answered.

"Okay." Ami detected relief and warmth in that one word, the other woman's footsteps fading as the blonde walked away.

Pushing the covers aside she got out of bed and entered the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror, her hair was in disarray, her eyes red. She brushed her teeth and washed her face before joining Usagi in their living room. The table was already set and shame filled her at the sight. It occurred to her that her indifference probably hurt the older woman; and she knew she needed to apologize. Sitting down at the table across from Usagi, Ami did not make an effort to pick up her chopsticks.

Usagi directed a gaze at her, concern in her marine eyes. Ami held her gaze, giving the blonde a small smile, unaware it held trace amounts of sadness that was easily seen.

"I'm sorry."

At Usagi's quizzical look, Ami figured she needed to elaborate. "I wanted to apologize for the way I acted last night and today. No matter how I'm feeling and how understanding you are, it isn't right to ignore someone."

"It's okay, really it is. Come on, let's eat." Taking a bite of rice, she encouraged Ami to eat as well.

Pushing aside her worries, Ami introduced a topic she knew the blonde would enjoy. "So I see you met the man of your dreams last night."

She knew she did the right thing when Usagi sported a huge grin, a faint blush appearing on her cheeks. She gave the impression of wanting to bounce out of her seat. "He asked me out on a date!"

"That's fantastic, Usagi!" Ami found herself excited for her friend.

"I know!" Usagi practically squealed. "I can't believe Makoto brought him to the party just to meet me." The blonde cursed herself after she spoke, upon uttering the brunette's name Ami's genuine smile turned sad.


"It's okay, Usagi. I'll be fine, I came to university to study anyway, not for romance." Usagi looked as if her heart broke at the statement; Ami had meant to reassure the blonde of the fact but it was more than obvious she was trying to convince herself as well.

"Please let me apologize too, Ami. I think-no, I know, I was wrong for getting your hopes up. I thought perhaps there was a chance between you. You see, Makoto may flirt but she does not allow most people to see the real her. Whatever barriers she erected, I didn't see them whenever she interacted with you."

Ami was quiet for a moment, before laying a hand on top of Usagi's own. "Thank you. Please don't blame yourself, I don't. "

A grateful smile adorned Usagi's lips.

Ami took a sip of tea the blonde had thoughtfully provided, deliberating on whether she had the right to ask the question in her mind.

At the younger woman's thoughtful look, Usagi spoke up. "What is it?"

"I was just thinking...you said barriers and I wondered why Makoto felt the need for them."

"I've known her for a long time but if there is anyone who can explain it best, it has to be her. It isn't my place to tell you, I am sure you understand." Usagi replied, not unkindly with a smile.

Ami blushed at the tactfully answered question.

The rest of the meal carried normal conversation about the party. Ami made sure to tell the blonde how much she enjoyed Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna's company. She even mentioned her thoughts of Minako but did not speak of her jealousy towards the woman. Although she did wonder out loud why Minako assumed Usagi was the one she was in love with. The blonde agreed, before smoothing her hair back and pouting seductively.

Affecting a sultry voice and pose, she joked, "Why that's easy to figure out! I am irresistible after all."

Ami laughed, thinking how wonderful it was having a friend like Usagi.

It was not until a few days later, when Usagi had a conversation with Makoto that they found out why Minako made such an assumption. Before the party, Makoto had informed Minako why Mamoru was invited; the brunette intended to introduce him to Usagi. Minako thought Ami overheard that part of the conversation, which made her upset at the time. With tact once again, Usagi was careful not to mention who Ami was really in love with.

A month ago, the mention of Makoto would have caused the younger woman to flinch but today she strode straight to her desk and deposited her bag. The blonde understood what a struggle it had been for Ami the past couple of months; they had spoken once or twice about what happened at the party but unless Ami brought up the topic, Usagi veered away from it. The younger woman tried her best to be friends with the brunette and it seemed to be working. Makoto continued to visit the roommates, with Minako occasionally in tow.

"Oh! Then I need to get her something too. Do you mind if I come along as well?" The roommates did not spend as much time together since Mamoru and Usagi began dating but the younger woman did not mind, although she missed the older woman sometimes.

Usagi was thrilled at the question. "That will be perfect! We can go to that little tea house after. They have the best scones!"

Ami could already picture the blonde's face while perusing the desserts at the quaint little shop and smiled. She was pleased at the chance to be able to kill two birds with one stone on the outing; shopping and spending time with her best friend.


They met the next day once Ami's class let out, meeting at the agreed time. Arriving at the location the young woman found the blonde was not alone. A pretty raven haired woman stood beside Usagi, laughing with the blonde. Ami could see both Usagi and the woman attracted plenty of admiring glances. The woman's dark hair fell like a curtain down her back, her violet eyes sparkling and Ami's gaze went back to her a few times as well.
Usagi spotted her approach and waved her over. "Ami, this is Rei Hino. Rei and I are in the same class with Naru. Rei, this is Ami Mizuno, my roommate."

"Pleased to meet you Rei-san," smiled Ami, as she held out her hand.

"Just Rei is fine, and pleased to meet you as well," Rei smiled back warmly, as she shook Ami's hand. The young woman immediately felt at ease in Rei's presence.

Turning to Usagi, Rei stated, "Now that your shopping buddy is here, I'll get going. See you later." Taking two steps, she stopped and faced Ami, "I hope to see you again, Ami." With a smile she walked away, a sway in her hips that did not go unnoticed.
Usagi looked back and forth between the retreating Rei and her obviously staring roommate but kept her mouth closed. Putting an arm through Ami's, they set off for different shops with the hope of finding the perfect gift for their friend.


"Happy birthday, Makoto!" Ami said as she handed the brunette her present.

"Ami, thanks!" Looking at the present in her hand Makoto glanced back up at Ami with childish delight. "Can I open it now?"

"Of course," Ami blushed, "It's your present after all. I hope you like it."

Makoto proceeded to unwrap a leather bound, beautifully illustrated botany tome. Turning a few pages she gasped before catching the young woman in a hug she was not prepared for.
"Thank you! It's beautiful and I love it."

Upon being released, Ami found herself the recipient of a few vehement glares from a couple of women. Makoto's birthday was a much bigger affair than Ami's; the athlete's dorm was crowded with people. She noticed the women seemed to outnumber the men twice as much, all vying for the tall woman's attention.

The evening passed by in a blur as she spent it chatting with the people she knew. Eventually she started to feel lightheaded. Touching her forehead, she found Usagi looking at her with concern and suspicion.

"Ami, did you drink the punch?"

"Yes, I had some a while ago. Why?"


"Yes. I think two cups."

"Oh geez! Don't drink anymore punch tonight. Someone spiked it."

"No wonder...I feel a bit dizzy." She remarked to the blonde. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Do you want me to go with you?" asked Usagi.

She waved away the other woman, "No, thank you. I'll be fine."

Knocking on the door brought forth no answer so she turned the knob and stepped into the small room. The scene before her sobered her up in a way coffee or cold water could not.
She recognized the tall build of the woman standing in Minako's arms. It could only be Makoto. The blonde woman sat on the counter, her long legs wrapped around the lower half of the brunette's body. Intimate, sensual, the two were locked in a kiss, Makoto's hands buried in Minako's hair as their bodies fought to get closer.

The sight brought to surface all the feelings Ami buried deep within her, physical need, heartfelt love and betrayal. The lovers were too caught up in each other to realize a third party had even entered and she bolted from the room before discovery, chest aching for air among other things.

Grabbing her jacket she rushed past Usagi without a word, almost running back to their dorm. Trying her best to not cry she was unaware twin trails already made their way down her face.


A splash of freezing water interrupted the lovers. They pulled apart, drenched and shivering.
Sailor Mercury advanced a step towards Minako, a growl of anger emerging from her lips. "Get away from her. She's mine!"

Makoto backed away, her expression confused. "What the hell? Who are you?"

A bright burst of golden light erupted from Makoto's right. She glanced over at Minako to find the blonde in a scandalously short magical girl outfit that matched the woman attacking them.

"Venus Love Me Chain!"

Makoto blinked as she felt something rope-like wrap around her. She gawked at Minako. "Y-you too?" She sputtered in fright.

"That's right, I claim you as the Senshi of Love's property. That frigid bitch can go to hell." Minako laughed maniacally before snatching up Makoto under one arm. Leaping out a window, a crazy laugh could be heard in the distance along with a "help!"

Ami stared at the women receding in the distance..."Uh...this is so not worth it..."

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