
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: Realization 

Winter receded, making way for Spring and its welcome greenery. A pleasant time for Ami, she did well in school, and enjoyed her budding relationship with Rei. The parallel was not lost on Ami and a dreamy smile adorned her face every so often. A harsh winter of heartbreak dwindled in the distance and a fresh new start was apparent to the teen. But there were times when Ami inevitably compared Rei to Makoto, the undesirable thoughts seemingly popping up out of thin air.

The dark haired woman was an exemplary definition of a refined but passionate woman while Makoto exuded a beautiful yet wild and raw magnetism. True, they were as different as night and day but neither were any less charming. Ami would dismiss the thoughts quickly, guilt overtaking her at the traitorous observations. However despite the few unexpected comparisons, Rei remained a very pleasant constant in her life, Makoto's appearance few and far in between.

Ami might have found it strange, given the athlete's tendency to show up every week if not for Usagi mentioning the brunette being busy during the coming months. The teen attributed the change due to Makoto spending more time with her blonde girlfriend before rebuking herself for assuming something that not her concern. If Makoto was happy then, she should be happy for the brunette. Usagi had mentioned the news quite casually, her marine eyes seeking any telltale signs of distress from her younger roommate, satisfied when she found none. The blonde was happy to see Ami adjusting well instead of wallowing in first love heartbreak the way Usagi herself had done at fifteen. She was proud of her friend, simply put.


Ami slowly walked back towards her dorm on one particularly cool but sunny Friday after beginning her second year of university. Lost in the display of blossoming greenery surrounding her, she was startled at the buzzing in her pocket. Still not quite used to the newly purchased mobile phone, she fumbled for the vibrating device. A smile bloomed on pink lips as the caller's name revealed itself on the tiny display screen.

"Hello," she answered, the smile unconsciously reflected in her voice.

"Hi," Ami could imagine twinkling mauve eyes that accompanied a smile, "how was class?"

"It went well, although Professor Ishigawa assigned quite a load of homework." The teen did not sound the least put-out, instead she sounded as if she was giving a description of the current weather which she was enjoying.

Rei laughed over the phone, a sound of chimes tinkling amidst a gentle breeze and Ami could not help but smile as well. "Ami, you're the only girl I know that would sound that positively enthusiastic about homework!"

A light blush graced the younger woman's cheeks as she giggled before teasing back, "You mean to tell me my roommate neglected to inform you of that little tidbit when you pried her for information regarding me?"

A slight gasp could be heard before Rei commented, "Touchè! Some one is being rather feisty today." A voice not belonging to the raven haired woman could be heard in the background before Rei continued. "Anyway, I was calling because I want to know if you're still interested in spending the evening with me? I can meet you in an hour at the teahouse?" There was a hopeful tone in the older woman's voice.

"Of course, I'll do some homework while I wait."

"Oh? I'm starting to get jealous of your homework." Rei teased again.

"Please don't be, I want to get it out of the way so we're free to enjoy the evening." Ami truthfully admitted, her voice soft. Through all their dates the dark haired woman had been very patient with Ami, going only so far as to hold hands or exchanging kisses. The teen was curious about going a bit further with the older woman and figured the evening would be a good time as any to try.

A little of her nervousness might have leaked through however because all Rei said in response was, " Ami..."

The younger woman thought perhaps it would be best to end the conversation there instead of delving into the deeper topic on both of their minds over the phone. "Ah Rei, aren't your classmates waiting on you?"

"O-oh, yes!" Rei's voice was rather flustered, almost sending Ami into giggles but she restrained herself.

"I'll see you in an hour. Bye, Rei."

"Bye, Ami."


A few moments later when Ami walked into her favorite establishment she received a shock. Makoto wore a white apron, and a smile as she served a customer located near the door. A bunch of squealing girls occupied the table next to it and Ami recognized them as part of the athlete's fan club. Wherever Makoto went, they were sure to follow, Ami thought to herself wryly. As Makoto tended to another customer, it occurred to the younger woman perhaps this was what Usagi meant when stating the brunette was going to be busy.

As she berated herself for jumping to the wrong conclusion Makoto turned around and caught sight of her. The welcoming smile she wore grew considerably larger and warmer upon spotting the younger woman and Ami felt a familiar twinge in her chest. How was it possible for the brunette to elicit such a reaction without saying a word, she wondered. She sighed to herself while responding with her usual calm smile.

"Dr. Ami! It's so good to see you. Do you usually come here?" The brunette asked, placing a warm hand on Ami's forearm. The blue haired teen almost squirmed at the touch but somehow dredged up the restraint to remain still.

Being in Makoto's presence sent conflicting thoughts racing through her. She wanted to stay and bask under the woman's attractive smile while her brain urged her to leave. Things were going well with Rei and getting distracted with Makoto would only jeopardize the current relationship she had with the dark haired woman. But she couldn't just leave, because Rei would be meeting her here soon.

"Hi Makoto," she greeted back, mentally making her decision. "Yes, it's one of my favorite shops. Although I haven't visited in a couple of weeks." Ami explained as she took a corner seat at a table for two. Makoto handed her a spare menu she usually kept in one of the large apron pockets.

"When did you start working here?" She asked the brunette.

"Two weeks ago," Makoto answered with a smile. "So, what will you have?"

"A milk tea please," she requested before adding, "oh and a blueberry scone."

"Excellent choice." Makoto winked at her before walking off. Ami pinked, unaware she ogled Makoto's rear and long legs in the crisp brown trousers.

She caught herself a moment later, realizing she was no better than the horde of fan girls following the athlete around. Sighing to herself again she removed a textbook from her bag and donned a pair of reading glasses. Immersed in reading, she was unaware of the taller woman standing next to her with a slightly amused smile until the brunette gently placed the teacup down on the table.

"Here you go. Enjoy!"

"Oh, Makoto! I forgot where I was for a moment." The teen adjusted her glasses in a nervous manner.

"No problem," said Makoto, a cheerful smile on her lips. "Are those new glasses? You look really cute with them!"

Blood darkened Ami's cheeks and she was saved from answering when a familiar waitress, Miyu, if Ami correctly recalled her name, called out, "Makoto, a hand please? You're not getting paid to flirt with the customers!"

Instead of looking properly chagrined, Makoto offered Miyu a shameless grin before joining the other woman. Ami noted the woman made a sound of derision but blushed at the brunette's attention nevertheless. It seemed even she could not withstand the bundle of charm that was Makoto. Ami's heart squeezed painfully as she doubted her ability to stay friends with the woman who could easily break so many hearts.


The intensity of Ami's kisses astounded Rei but the dark haired woman did not complain. Literally. She was in no position to complain as the younger woman's body was pressed atop her own, their lips fused together, their tongues involved in an age old dance. She did not care to fret either. Earlier, when they met Ami seemed distracted but Rei associated the younger woman's attitude to the conversation they had over the phone, or rather the undertone of the conversation. She figured it would only be normal for Ami to feel nervous. It was one of the reasons why she never pushed for a more physical relationship. She figured when the girl felt comfortable enough then things would happen naturally.

As their lips separated for air Ami moaned when Rei kissed her neck, the dark haired woman's hands traveling from the younger woman's shoulders to her waist. She felt the girl stiffen then relax immediately as her hands worried the hem of Ami's shirt. Kissing Rei again, Ami grabbed her shirt and pulled upwards and over her head when they broke apart. Chests heaving, Rei stared up at the woman straddling her, the dark blue polka-dotted brassiere contrasting prettily against the creamy skin of Ami's torso.

A blush of embarrassment covered the young woman's face as the woman took in the sight before her. Rei acknowledged the amount of courage it must have taken the young woman to sit still while being observed like a sculpture on display. Taking Ami's hand in her own she entwined their fingers before tugging her lower, until their lips joined gently. Ami sighed sweetly against her lower lip and Rei shivered when the girl deepened the kiss. Their bodies shifted together, and the dark haired woman wanted closer contact.

Rei suddenly felt a warm drops of water on her cheeks quickly followed by more. Brows furrowed in bewilderment she pulled away. Ami was frozen, her eyes closed as tears escaped in a trail.

 "Ami?" Concern was apparent in the older woman's voice which drove a larger chunk of guilt straight into Ami's mid-section.

"I'm s-sorry." Her hands balled into fists she got off the woman and turned away.

"I'm so very sorry, Rei," Ami whispered as she drew in a harsh breath.

"Why? What's wrong?" Rei's voice low in return, she couldn't quite figure out the sudden situation.
Ami turned to grab her shirt, quickly pulling it over her head. She made her way to the door but Rei grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry Rei, I-I have to go."

"Stop telling me you're sorry and explain what's happening here, Ami!" Anger emerged with every word. The unexpected harshness from Rei's made Ami stiffen and the older woman felt it. She softened her tone. "Please tell me what's going on. You owe me that at least before you run away."

Ami turned around to see hurt and confusion in Rei's purple eyes and her heart clenched. How had she allow herself to come so far, to harm the wonderfully patient woman standing in front of her. It was selfish of her to think she could have ever resolved anything this way. It was time to face her real feelings and she could only hope for Rei's forgiveness. She steeled herself, desperately seeking the right words.

"It's the waitress, isn't it?" Rei asked, with abrupt insight. She knew she was correct when Ami paled, the younger woman's mouth opening without offering a sound. Now that she thought back to the afternoon, it all made sense. Earlier, at the teahouse Ami occasionally stared at the new waitress. Rei had not found it odd, she did appraise the brunette as well, though not as openly as the younger woman sitting across from her. It was the first time she had seen Ami so aware of someone else and chalked it up to mere curiosity.

"Yes." Ami's defeated voice brought her back to the present.

"Let's sit and talk about this." Rei offered and Ami mutely accepted, nodding her head as she avoided the older woman's eyes.

Ami gingerly sat on the edge of the seat, while Rei sat back and crossed her legs.

"So...what happened?" The older woman prompted.

And so it all came out, haltingly at first until the words rushed out in a torrent along with tears. Throughout it all, Rei listened, a compassionate expression upon her face. She had felt hurt, still did as a matter of fact but it was nothing compared to what Ami was currently experiencing. She did not have the heart to tell Ami that an emotion of that capacity would probably take a long time to fade. Instead she provided what Ami needed most of all at that moment- a friend with a shoulder to cry on; after all, she had been there once upon a time as well.

The present:

Hana faked an impressive yawn and claimed tiredness in an attempt to leave the room. Neither Ami nor Makoto seem to hear, and she was relieved to leave the tension behind. The girls, although twenty-nine and thirty-two respectively, they were still girls compared to her age, were too involved in an awkward dance and it wore her out. Truly, she was too old for drama. She winced when the sound of a slap resounded behind her and paused mid-step. Maybe she wasn't too old for drama after all, as long as it did not involve her.

"What the-" Hana could hear Makoto's shocked, husky voice.

"How could you?!" Ami sounded absolutely furious.

"What do you mean?" An irate tone was creeping into Makoto's voice.

"How can you not remember?" Hana nodded, oh yes, Ami was livid. "How can you sit there and not remember kissing me and leaving without a word the next day?"

Hana sighed as she resumed the walk to her room while shaking her head. That girl Makoto had certainly done a good job of bungling things. The old woman sighed again, she hoped fervently for everything to be alright in the morning. She would not be able to enjoy her breakfast with those two awkwardly shuffling around each other.

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