
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: Hope

Summer arrived in Tokyo, the heat skyrocketing to unbearable heights and it was only July. Ami grimaced as a trickle of perspiration made its way down her back. A less than ten minute walk across campus and Ami was drenched; she desperately desired a cold shower and beverage and not in that order. Wiping her brow as she stepped into the dorm room. A squeal of delight from an unseen Usagi alerted her the woman was home and in high spirits. She stepped out of her shoes, placed her bag neatly on her desk in her room and headed for the kitchenette for a drink of water.

Usagi stood in the little area, one hip resting against what little counter space they had. The phone was glued to one ear, a happy grin resting on her lips. Chatting away animatedly, she gave Ami a small wave of greeting as the young woman entered. Ami was curious, she wondered what sort of news would have the blonde practically bouncing. She smiled and waved back, one blue brow perked, before pouring herself a glass of cold water.

'Tell you soon,' Usagi mouthed the words to Ami and the younger woman nodded in reply before heading out to attached living room/eating area which contained a couch and an armchair along with a small square table. Perched on the edge of the armchair she took a deep gulp of cold water. She usually enjoyed summers but in a city the magnitude of Tokyo there was far too little to like. Usagi emerged from the kitchenette a moment later.

"Ohhh. My. God!" Usagi squealed again, hopping from one leg to the other. Ami waited patiently; she was used to the blonde's quirks by now.

"Ami! I'm going to Okinawa for summer break! Okinawa!" the blonde was utterly ecstatic.

Usagi's happiness was contagious, Ami smiled widely, thrilled for her friend. "Oh! That is exciting!"

"I know! Dad even mentioned I'm allowed to bring friends along." Usagi's smile dropped for a moment, "It's too bad you're heading back to Yukikura for break."

"Perhaps next time." She smiled to the blonde, grateful the woman wanted her along on her vacation.

"Sure, let's plan something for Christmas break when you get back," suggested Usagi as she dropped onto the couch with a sigh of contentment but the goofy grin never left her face.

"Okay. Anyway, I'm off to take a shower, I feel disgusting after traipsing about outside." She returned her empty glass to the kitchen area and entered the bath. Despite the closed door she heard an excited shout of 'Okinawaa!' from her roommate and giggled before stepping into the spray of the shower.

She sighed as the water hit her skin. What a luxury running water was, she thought to herself. Her thoughts turned back to Usagi, she truly was happy the other woman would be going on vacation. She was exciting about heading north to Yukikura as well and the long train ride would give her ample time to start whatever projects she needed to work on. Ami was determined to get back on track with her studying; she passed her exams but she wasn't thrilled with the grades. Her grandmother would most likely question the drop in scores and she had no idea what to tell the older woman when she asked How would she be able to explain she was well and truly distracted from studying for the first time in her life?

Her thoughts once again turned to Makoto. Lately, the athlete came over to spend time with Usagi and Ami at least once a week. On those particular days, Ami had adverse reactions; ecstatic yet full of anxiety at being around the green eyed woman. There were times when Usagi would shoot her concerned looks and Ami figured those were the moments when she was in danger of simply staring at her crush while in a daze. If Usagi hadn't been nearby the previous week Ami would have dropped a large bowl of popcorn all over the floor.

The incident started when Makoto came over Friday after dinner. Upon opening the door, Ami forgot to breathe. Due to the heat the woman wore a somewhat loose sleeveless shirt that draped over her chest and displayed her toned, tanned arms; her tight cutoff shorts were practically pasted on her lower half.

"Hey Ami!" Cheerfully greeting the teen with a wink, Makoto was unaware of the effect she had on the younger woman.

"Is it Mako-chan?" Usagi called out somewhere in the room behind Ami, prompting the girl to finally inhale.

"Hello Makoto," Ami smiled, if a little crookedly, "please come in."

"I brought a movie, just in case. Anyone interested?" Makoto asked as she sauntered in holding up a bag from the nearby video rental place.

Usagi grinned in response to Makoto's question, "sure." The athlete grinned in joy and Ami found herself envious of the recipient of that smile. Feeling the need to compose herself she fumbled for the perfect excuse to leave the area and found one.

"I'll go make popcorn," she volunteered.

"I'll help with the drinks." Usagi offered, accompanying Ami to the kitchen area. "What did you get anyway?" she asked over her shoulder to the brunette behind her.

"A horror." The roommates could hear the glee in the tall woman's voice.

Ami froze in the midst of reaching into the cabinet for the popcorn. Blue eyes wide, she turned to a humming Usagi.

"Usagi! Horror? I'm not good with horror!" she whispered frantically to the older woman.
The blonde stared back at her, a devious expression on her face. "What are you talking about? This is the perfect opportunity! You can sit next to her in the dark and when you get scared you use the chance to hold onto her. I know that idiot well, she never misses a moment to rescue a damsel in distress." The blonde rolled her eyes while imagining her childhood friend in knight in shining armor mode.

"I couldn't!" Ami whispered, face aghast as she retrieved the popcorn from the microwave and emptied the bag into a large bowl.

"You can and should!" Usagi replied as she nudged the younger woman out of the kitchen. She almost collided with the girl in front of her when Ami abruptly stopped.

"What's the-" Usagi's voice faded away and all Ami could focus on was the view in front of her. She stood in shock, the bowl of popcorn in danger as she stared at the scene in front of her. On her hands and knees, Makoto's perfectly shaped jean-clad behind stuck out as she fumbled with a cable between the wall and television. Ami was a not a girl to be ruled by her hormones but at that moment she simply wanted to drop the popcorn and cling to the tall woman, hands grasping the woman's bottom.

Awaking from her stupor at the mention of her name, she looked down to see the bowl being tugged out of her hands by an amused Usagi. Her face suffused with crimson, she allowed the blonde to take the popcorn and stepped back, while she mimicked a fish out of water.

"Uh-I-I'll be right back." She dashed to the bathroom and braced against the closed door while she tried to calm down. How mortifying to be caught ogling the woman's rear like an outright pervert!

"Take your time." Usagi called out good-naturedly.

"Something wrong?" The huskier tones of Makoto's voice was heard asking, having missed the interaction between Usagi and Ami.

She was torn between never wanting to leave the bathroom and sinking into the floor, never to be seen again. Taking a deep breath instead, Ami stepped cautiously in front of the mirror and looked at herself. The blush in her cheeks seem to be receding. It was a good thing Makoto had not been the one to notice. Usagi, she could deal with, the blonde would tease her for a bit but who knows how kindly the brunette would have taken to being eyed like a piece of meat. Sighing, she splashed some cold water on her face before joining the other two in the living room.

The athlete sat on the floor, her back braced against the armchair as she tossed popcorn into her mouth. Spotting Ami, she asked in a concerned manner, "Are you okay?"
"Yes, thank you," Ami replied, smiling weakly before taking a seat on the couch next to Usagi.

"Everybody ready?" Makoto asked, then proceeded to start the movie.
Usagi leaned close to Ami, whispering confidingly, "It was a nice view. Don't worry, I would have done the same to Mamoru too."

The young girl flushed and sighed, resigning herself to a very long evening.

Turning off the water, Ami dried herself off and got dressed. Despite her nervousness last week, the horror movie, Makoto's attractiveness driving her to distraction and Usagi's teasing comments it had been fun evening. She smiled to herself as she joined her roommate in starting dinner.


"Are you ever going to tell me about this young man who has you in such a state?" Hana asked the nervous young woman sitting across the table.

Ami almost dropped her chopsticks, red invading her cheeks. "G-grandmother?" Since she arrived in Yukikura the previous evening, Ami dreaded such questioning from Hana. The older woman did not miss much thanks to her observant nature and the teen was afraid Hana would see through her like a thin leaf held up to sunlight. Her fears were justified with the question.

"What makes you think I met someone, grandmother?" Ami asked, fruitlessly trying to buy herself some time to formulate an answer that would appease the woman.

"You forget, I've seen it before with your mother. She was the same way when she fell in love with your father and tried to keep it from me," Hana chuckled.


Ami sighed, her shoulders drooping. "He's...actually a she. I-I like a girl."

Hana's gray eyebrows lifted skyward.

She looked into her lap, waiting for inevitable disapproval from the older woman. She had decided at the very last moment before she answered that she would speak the truth. Having never lied to Hana as a child, she did not intend to start now. If it meant the woman could not be as accepting then so be it. However the truth could not stop her from shaking; adrenaline coursed through her veins as she expected the worst.

"You surprise me," There was a curious tone in her grandmother's voice.

Ami looked up defiantly only to find herself bewildered by the soft smile on her grandmother's face.

"Finish your dinner, child. We can talk about this in the courtyard. It's going to be a nice night."


A full moon fastened itself to the dark blue curtain of night, illuminating the inner garden in hues of silver. Hana sat comfortably with her legs folded, her kiseru unlit in one hand. Ami sat to the older woman's left in silence. She stared up at the moon wondering what Makoto would think of such a view. Eventually, Hana would speak and so she waited patiently while enjoying the quiet with the woman who raised her. There were plenty of warm summer nights shared in this manner as Ami grew up.

"You were expecting another kind of reaction," Hana stated, her voice low and strong despite her age. She stared at the moon as well.

"Yes," Ami replied softly, hesitating to speak louder so as not to fracture the nocturnal beauty of the garden.

Hana chuckled before speaking again, "I couldn't give you the reaction you were looking for. It would make me a hypocrite."

"G-grandmother?" Ami uttered a croak of amazement as Hana's words settled themselves into her brain.

"Her name was Keiko, I met her a few years after your grandfather passed away." Hana began her story and Ami sat still and silent, enthralled from that first sentence. It seemed like her grandmother would always be full of surprises.

Notes: Kiseru - a traditional long stemmed smoking pipe.

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