
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Two

Chapter Two: Falling

"Ami Mizuno, meet Makoto Kino," introduced Usagi Tsukino with a happy grin. Sunlight turned the blonde's long ponytails into burnished golden tails and the poetic side of Ami might have taken note of the lovely image but Usagi was forgotten for a moment as Ami stared at the gorgeous vision in front of her. Makoto Kino, with her rich mahogany brown hair and emerald eyes stood next to Usagi without a self-conscious bone in her tall toned body. And what a lovely body it was, Ami thought to herself without a hint of lasciviousness. Even if she had felt any lust at that moment Ami would not have been aware of it. The sixteen year old was knowledgeable in many things, but of her own budding sexuality she was not.

Ami gulped as her hand came into contact with the tall woman's; her own feeling rather small in the larger woman's calloused grasp. Green eyes scrutinized her, a hint of mirth and curiosity lurking within their forest-like depths. She colored at the inquisitive look, unaware she was holding her breath as Makoto's gaze lingered on her eyes and lips. A not so subtle throat-clearing drew Ami out of her daze and her blush deepened.

"Nice to meet you," she blurted, relieved that she did not stutter.

"Likewise!" Makoto grinned, exposing brilliant white teeth in the process.

Ami suddenly found herself at a loss for words, her shyness apparent. Luckily for her, Makoto did not seem to notice nor paid notice to her bashfulness. Instead she addressed what everyone else thought but did not say upon meeting the sixteen year old.

"You look really young. Like, high school young." Makoto was rewarded with a smack on her arm by Usagi for her bluntness.

"Mako-chan!" Usagi's tone conveyed her reproach along with the unvoiced question, Don't you have any tact at all?

"What?" The tall woman rolled her eyes at Usagi but continued to grin at Ami.

"It's okay, Usagi. Everyone thinks it anyway," replied Ami with a small smile before explaining to Makoto, "I'm sixteen. I graduated high school early."

"Whoa, really? What's your field?" There was genuine interest in the twinkling green eyes and in the voice of Makoto.

"Family medicine," Ami answered a little shyly. Usually quite self-conscious, she had a tendency of of becoming even more bashful when mentioning any topic relating to her dream of becoming a doctor.

"A doctor? I'm very impressed." There was new found respect in Makoto's voice as Ami nodded in response to the brunette's question.

Makoto laughed as if a sudden thought struck her and the teenager watched as afternoon sunshine danced over Makoto's features, from her radiant white teeth to the highlights of lush chocolaty hair. "Hey Usagi, you have a genius for a roommate! Maybe now some of her brilliance will rub off and you'll finally get some good grades," Makoto nudged Usagi who countered the brunette with a glower.

"Hardly a genius, Makoto-san. And I'm only a first year," Ami deflected humbly, before asking "what are you studying?" She intended to defuse Usagi's annoyance towards the tall woman but she realized she was also very curious.

"Botany, especially the ecological aspects. I'm in my second year. And please, just call me Makoto," The brunette answered before giving a charming flick of her hand as if chasing away all formality.

The younger woman smiled, "That's wonderful, Makoto. And you find time to play basketball as well," Ami could not hide the admiration in her voice if she tried.

"You've seen me play?" Makoto appeared surprised. Ami figured it was because her own studious image did not fit the type to be found near a basketball court; much less know the location of one.

"I dragged her to a game the other day," Usagi answered before Ami could.

The brunette smirked, "You just came by to ogle a sweaty Mamoru, didn't you?"

Ami's lips twitched as she tried to suppress a smile when Makoto stated the real reason why Usagi was so into basketball. She was enjoying the friendly banter and apparent closeness these two shared.

After becoming fast friends with Ami, the blonde had been pretty blatant about her interest in the popular dark-haired student, Mamoru Chiba. Upon disclosing her crush she inquired about Ami's love life in return and the teen simply blushed before mentioning she did not have any crushes or otherwise.

To Ami's consternation, Usagi then exclaimed it was her mission to introduce Ami to new people. Ami had waved off the suggestion, thinking perhaps in time Usagi would forget. She did not have time to date, she was only interested in studying. The more she studied the better she would do, placing her a step closer to her dream.

Then she had found herself at a basketball game sitting beside an enthusiastic and rowdy Usagi who yelled out encouragement for the team Mamoru was on. She did not particularly care for the game but Usagi's behavior was interesting to watch. Until she found her gaze glued to a tall brunette with striking features who played intensely, if not more so than the men on the court. She could not move her eyes away from the woman who stood close enough at times for Ami to see the perspiration trailing down various exposed body parts.

And now the woman was standing right here with her having a conversation. This is certainly a surprising turn of events, thought Ami. It was quite unexpected finding out Usagi knew Makoto. She was pulled from her thoughts as the athletic woman spoke again.

"Well if you were there why didn't you bring cute Ami to say hello?" Makoto asked her blonde friend.

The word cute followed by her name sent the blood rushing to Ami's cheeks again as she listened to the two friends. She could not comprehend exactly why she felt such elation at Makoto calling her cute.

"And risk getting trampled by your little fan girls?" Usagi laughed, "No, thank you."

At the term fan girls, Ami subtly surveyed their surroundings and noticed a few women gazing adoringly at Makoto while some directed glares at Ami and more particularly at Usagi. A chill ran down her back at the flagrant animosity. Ami wondered why for a moment before she understood the girls were jealous at the rapport Usagi clearly shared with their idol. At the same time Makoto seemed to realize the outdoors were no longer safe as she noticed the growing amount of women nearby.

"Er-I don't think it's a good time to continue chatting. I was hoping to avoid any groups on my way out," Makoto admitted with a sheepish grin.

"Oh, that's too bad," said Usagi with far too much cheer. Ami thought to herself how she'd never really seen the somewhat sadistic side of the blonde until now and hid a smile behind her hand.

"Whatever." The brunette did not bother replying to Usagi's smart-aleck comment. "It was very nice meeting you Dr. Ami," she turned to the sixteen year old, lightly touching her shoulder before adding with a charming smile, "I hope we meet again." The advent of the nickname combined with the touch on her shoulder sent Ami's heart reeling.

Makoto walked away a few steps before turning around again, "Call me later, bunny-girl," she took off, her long legs easily allowing her to overtake other students walking along the path. Ami watched her walk away before turning back to Usagi.

"Bunny-girl?" Ami asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She knows I hate it when she calls me that," Usagi explained with a light scowl before her expression transformed into a grin, "don't you dare try it!"


A few nights after being introduced to Makoto, Ami could not sleep. Despite a long day of classes and studying she did not feel tired in the least. Her mind wandered over to Usagi, the blonde woman was most likely asleep already, Ami surmised as she looked at the clock. She thought back to the first time they met. Ami was anxious about having a roommate, thinking perhaps the roommate would be less than happy sharing with a sixteen year old. Instead Usagi surprised Ami with her friendly attitude and her willingness to be friends with someone younger than herself. They quickly became close encouraged by the blonde's frank and sweet personality. Thanks to Usagi's friendship her days were a little brighter; she did not feel so homesick for Yukikura.

She already knew having Usagi in her life was something to be treasured. Wondering if she would ever meet other friends like Usagi, her thoughts segued over to Makoto. She was charmed by the athletic woman who had a confidence unlike anyone Ami had ever met. Images from the first time she saw the brunette flashed like a montage in her mind. She recalled the focused green gaze of the woman as she expertly handled the basketball, the sweat on her skin glistening. Hair slashing the air as her movement across the court echoed a dancing ballerina, grace evident in every action. Fierce and beautiful, Makoto's muscles sinuously moved underneath lightly bronzed skin.

A squeezing in her chest left her alarmed, she placed a hand over her heart only to find it beating rapidly under her palm. She let out a breath, realizing she held it for the longest time. She felt overly warm especially her face. Her first thoughts were there had to be something medically wrong with her. Ami didn't think she was having a heart attack, there was no tingling along her left arm or any other symptoms associated with it. How curious. I hope I'm not getting sick.

Eventually, she slept.


The next day in class, a tired Ami discreetly yawned while she paid attention to the professor as he ventured into a long winded explanation of common medical practices of old. She sat near a window enjoying whatever little breeze meandered through when a laugh drifted by. Because she was only on the second floor she was able to discern a brunette lazily walking by with an unfamiliar blonde. The tall woman seemed to be enjoying herself, joking back and forth with the woman and Ami drank in the sight of a happy Makoto.

The brunette wore cut-off jeans just above her knees, sneakers and a green button down shirt opened at the throat. The sleeves rolled up to her elbows revealed strong forearms. Ami smiled when Makoto turned to the blonde, raised her hands in the air and waved them wildly as if to illustrate whatever point she was making before laughing out loud again. She wished she was close enough to hear what Makoto was saying.


Ami glanced to the front of the room, everyone turned to stare at her and she flushed.

"Y-yes, Mashima sensei?" She wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole, all the attention made her want to hide. Usually Ami did not mind being called out in class, her embarrassment stemmed from the fact everyone knew she had not been paying attention.

"Since you seem to already know the material kindly tell us about the Hippocratic Oath."

Ami easily recited all she knew of the topic, leaving a few students impressed and gaping. The professor seemed satisfied.

"Very well, Mizuno-san. However, please leave the daydreaming at home next time."

"Ye-yes sir!" she stuttered. A few classmates tittered before the professor requested their audience again. A frown marred her features as contemplated how she could let herself get so distracted in class.


"Alright Ami, what's wrong?"

"Huh?" Startled out of her textbook Ami looked up at her roommate. "What makes you think something is wrong, Usagi?"

"You've been acting odd for a few weeks now. Plus, you've been reading the same page for thirty minutes. I know the textbook can't be that interesting. " The blonde pointed out, a smirk on her lips before her expression changed to one of concern. "You've been distracted, you study twice as much and you're not getting enough sleep."

Ami flushed at Usagi's words. The woman was right, despite staring at the pages spread out before her not one word made it into her consciousness. She cringed inwardly as she opened her mouth to deny the charge. About to commit a wrong, she could not see any other path in front of her.

"Nothing is wrong, Usagi. I'm just a bit nervous about the upcoming exams." This was the first time she lied to the blonde and she hoped Usagi could not tell the difference. In a way it was true, due to her unusual behavior she was doing poorly in her classes which increased her anxiety. It was a vicious cycle, she worried about her grades and increased her study time. It left her tired and frustrated with thoughts of Makoto constantly intruding.

Due to her shy nature she did not feel comfortable enough to tell Usagi the root of the problem. She thought she would be able to resolve it on her own. But no resolution loomed on the horizon, instead sleepless nights left plenty of room to think about the woman and in the daytime the incessant hope of running into her on campus provided ample confusion. Ami was at her wits end but refused to acknowledge the fact much less disclosing her dilemma to someone else; even if that someone else was her best friend.

"Okay," Usagi looked at her, doubt written on her face but she decided not to push the issue. Ami, while grateful for the reprieve could not rid herself of the guilt she felt. She hoped whatever this problem was, it would solve itself soon enough.


Usagi looked up in the midst of eating, her eyes narrowed. She was having dinner with her younger roommate in their dorm room. Ami sighed before laying her chopsticks down neatly and Usagi decided it was time to put at end to this. This-meaning the continued lack of focus, loss of appetite and constant distractions the younger woman obviously experienced. The exams were two weeks behind them and Ami's behavior had not changed one bit although the teenager did seem somewhat relieved with her passing grades.

Laying her chopsticks aside as well, Usagi finished chewing, her blue eyes reflecting worry.
Ami seemed distant as ever, she did not realize the blonde sitting across from her was giving her a thorough once-over. She jumped when Usagi spoke quietly, startled out of her reverie "Okay, this has gone on long enough."

Ami opened her mouth to ask what she meant but closed it as Usagi shot her a look, shock overtaking her when she realized the older woman was angry. The blonde could see her gentle tone surprised Ami when she continued.

"All of this-" Usagi waved her hand in a semi-circle to mean an all encompassing gesture regarding the situation, "it's obvious to me it isn't just about the exams. I'm not completely sure what it is about but you need to talk."

The younger woman's eyes watered at Usagi's kind tone.

"I want to help you Ami. You're a good friend and I don't want to lose what we have. I'm worried. Really worried, because you don't eat or sleep and you're constantly out of it and I can't recall the last time you acted like yourself. Granted, we've only been friends for a few months but this Ami I am seeing, it's not you."

Ami nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm-I'm not sure where to begin."

"The beginning is always nice." Usagi joked. She was rewarded with a small laugh from the younger girl.

"Okay. The beginning..."

The blonde woman smiled encouragingly.

"There's something wrong with me," The blue haired teen confessed as she looked away. "Strange thoughts prevent sleep, and when I finally do fall asleep, I-I get these dreams." Ami's voice dropped and the other woman had to strain to hear the last bit. "They leave me so very confused."

Usagi's eyes widened slightly, an idea finally forming in her mind. "Is it about a person?"

The young woman nodded again before licking dry lips. Looking down at the table she caught sight of the glass containing water and gladly picked it up to take a sip.


Ami coughed in surprise. Shaking her head vigorously she choked out a 'no.' Usagi raised an eyebrow, patiently waiting for elaboration.

"It's-we-ah...Mostly kissing." A flush covered Ami's face and neck and Usagi was willing to bet it probably covered the entire girl's body.

"Who is it?"

Ami looked away and Usagi sighed internally, expecting the girl would have a hard time answering even if she wanted to. In spite of her attempts at drawing the young woman out of her shell Ami remained an intensely private person.

"Well, whoever it is, it sounds like one serious crush," Usagi remarked.

"A crush?" Ami stared at her, blue eyes wide, surprise flickering in the depths.

"Don't tell me you've never..." Usagi felt so surprised she could have been bowled over with a feather.

"No...never," Ami confirmed while glancing down into her lap.

"You really are an innocent," Usagi declared. She didn't think the girl could possibly blush a deeper shade of red but Ami proved her wrong. "Sorry, I just...Wow..." She trailed off uncertain how to put the girl at ease again. "Anyway, it's fine if you don't want to tell me. Although, I do wish I could help."

"It's fine, Usagi. I don't think you'd be able to help even if you are friends with Mako-" Ami clamped a hand over her mouth cursing her blunder.

Usagi's jaw dropped. "Mako...to? You like Makoto?"

At Usagi's incredulous tone, Ami stood up, her eyes watering as she blindly made her way to the door. Before she could open it the blonde laid a hand on her shoulder and gently stopped her.

"Please, Ami, wait," Usagi felt relief when Ami turned to face her.

"You think I'm strange, don't you?" the teenager's question was laced with bitterness as she tried to shrug out from under the blonde's hand but Usagi's grip tightened, refusing to let her go.

"Of course not! Ami, I don't care who you're in love with!" Usagi exclaimed. She felt somewhat hurt the teen thought she carried such prejudices but she pushed the emotion aside. Right now, Ami needed a friend more than ever.

"You don't?" Ami raised a tear streaked face towards her and Usagi smiled gently.

"No, I don't. I wasn't raised to think that way. Plus, I guess you haven't noticed but I have quite a few gay friends. Makoto included, and I've known that idiot forever." Usagi hugged Ami to prove she really did not care about the young girl's orientation.

The blonde could see Ami struggling to process everything the blonde said, unaware she was being hugged and while her back was stroked in a comforting manner. Usagi knew Ami had a lot to think about but it was also important the teenager knew she at least had the support of her closest friend. She held Ami until the need for sleep overwhelmed the younger woman. More than happy to oblige Ami, she drew the girl to her bed, unconscious of the motherly smile on her face as she tucked the younger woman in. Sleepy blue eyes drifted closed, slumber immediately blanketing Ami.

She looks younger than ever, Usagi thought before she turned off the light and exited the room.

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