
Welcome dear reader! The majority of these stories depict romantic relationships between women and may contain sexual situations. If you do not like this sort of material please find suitable reading material elsewhere.

If you do like this sort of thing, then please, read on. ;)

Thank you.

p.s. I love feedback- so any comments are more than welcome! :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Epilogue


Makoto sighed in satisfaction as she placed the box on the floor and squeezed her way through the many boxes across the room to the open window. She had worked up quite a sweat and the cool springtime breeze felt incredible on her overheated skin. Ami grinned at her from across the room, footsteps light as she gracefully navigated towards the brunette and the window. She slid her arms around Makoto and although the tall woman felt quite hot she welcomed the smaller woman into her arms. She bent just as Ami stood on tiptoes, their lips lightly brushing together. Makoto felt a familiar stirring within her the moment Ami's lush lips touched hers. A different kind of heat pulsed gently inside her.

She felt Ami's cool slender hands on her forearms before the small woman slid them in feather-light touches up her arms to rest on her shoulders. Fingernails gently scraped against exposed skin at the nape of Makoto's neck and the tall woman drew in a deep breath. The woman in her arms gave her a sweet little smile. But Makoto knew there was more to the eye here. She was being toyed with. Her eyes narrowed as she mock-glared at Ami.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cute and Misunderstood: Chapter One

Chapter One: The Typhoon

Fat drops of rain hitting the windows broke her concentration away from charcoal lines, swirls, and careful smudging. Taking two steps back she surveyed the drawing that had engrossed her for the past hour. She shook her head in frustration, waves of teal green hair captured in a ponytail bobbing in silent agreement with her. It still wasn't right somehow. And the deadline was two days away. She muttered what she considered a lady-like curse as she gnawed on her lower lip with her teeth. Am I going to make it in time?

The raindrops pounded against the window panes and she suddenly realized how quiet it was in the clubroom. She was the only one left. Whooshing winds buffeting the side of the building brought home the fact that all the other students with good sense had left before the conditions outside worsened; she sighed at her folly. She had heard the reports of course, a typhoon was making its way towards the city and all students were warned off campus. They were told by faculty members to leave, they didn't have to go home as long as they weren't hanging around St. Lulim Academy.

A set of lone footsteps echoed in the hallway, stopping directly in front of the clubroom door. It slid open to reveal a female faculty member. "Miss Kaioh! What are you still doing here?"

Monday, October 24, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Twenty

Disclaimer:Song lyrics for "You Get Me" belong to Teitur Lassen. 

Chapter Twenty: You Get Me

Ami stared and Makoto stared back, neither knowing where to start or how to break the silence. The innocuous smell of toast and eggs lingered in the air. Ami had in fact arrived home with the intention of immediately having breakfast before settling in to work. With Makoto's unexpected presence, appetite had been rudely shoved over to make way for shock. Ami suddenly realized how much smaller the kitchen felt when Makoto was there. Or maybe it only seemed that way because she was so aware of the other woman.

Ami was the first to speak. "I never expected I would find you here."

Makoto looked down at her feet, shame evident in the action. Immediately she looked back up, directly into Ami's eyes. "I wanted to see you...I wanted to apologize."

Those words served as a catalyst. Ami felt the dam holding every emotion she had felt regarding Makoto break within her. "How could you?" she beseeched, the buried pain of years finally exposed to the light of day. To the person she loved. "How could you just leave like that...I did not demand anything of you, I just wanted to spend time with you." She dropped down into the seat Hana vacated, unable to stand and face Makoto after the outburst.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Six

Chapter 6: The Whip Wielder

Minako Aino noticed them the moment they walked through the door. She knew who they were and what they sought. Although she had never been a patient of the Healer, she recognized the blue-haired woman. She did not know the name of the taller woman, but there was a strange air about her-an other-worldliness if it could be called that. She would be the Traveler. Minako was one of the select few who knew a Traveler had been summoned. If Minako's main occupation was a seller of pleasure then her second would be a collector of information. There was no one who knew more of what was happening in Verdantia than Minako herself. Not even the Neo-Queen and her advisor knew as much as Minako did. Whether it was wild rumors, idle gossip, or highly guarded secrets, somehow they all made it into Minako's den of iniquity where she stored them for further use. Alcohol made short work of loosening the tongues of her customers; she also had some very loyal informants. Of course, because of this the Neo-Queen often made use of her services.

She watched as they walked up to the bar, the Healer leading the way, her expression somewhat uncertain. It amused Minako when she surmised the short-haired woman had probably never set foot in a place like this before. She listened in as they stood a few feet away from her while Naru asked for their orders. The Traveler looked like the drinking type; the Healer, on the other hand, did not seem like she ever partook. They also looked desperately in need of a bath and some sleep. It appeared as though their trip from the Southern Forests had been quite rough indeed. Not surprising really, given the rumors that had reached her ears lately.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Setting Out

It happened so quickly but to Ami it was a scene burned into her very retinas. She was rooted to the spot, could only stand and stare as Makoto stripped off her clothing. Lean muscles rippled across a lightly bronzed back and Ami's fingers twitched in response. She felt a sudden need to trace her fingers over every contour of that magnificent expanse of skin. Her gaze wandered down to the Traveler's exposed posterior and felt her breath catch. If her fingers twitched before, they positively tingled now at the idea of touching Makoto's perfect rear. The brunette began to wade into the water and every little movement showcased the work of art that was her body. Lean muscles subtly undulated under silky smooth skin.

For the first time in her life Ami came face to face with unmasked desire and it left her stunned and gasping for air. Her entire body felt hot. She had seen plenty of naked forms in her line of work as a Healer. In every one of those cases she had felt a sense of detachment but for her Makoto was so very different. The woman just seemed larger than life and not just because she was much taller. Every time they were together Ami realized her eyes were drawn to Makoto. The brunette was a feast for all senses. Whether it was listening to her husky voice, watching the play of light in her eyes or across her face or simply spending time together, these were all things Ami enjoyed. Even the woman's occasional crankiness was welcome.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen: Déjà Vu

Tokyo Station, the busiest of all stations located in the large city teemed with all sorts of visitors intent on reaching their destinations. Announcements for arriving and departing trains were broadcasted overhead in a courteous if somewhat robotic monotone. A group of three, two adults and a child stood by one of the many idling trains. Goodbye hugs already dispensed, Chibi-Usa and her mother waved at Ami cheerily as she boarded the train car. "Goodbye, aunt Ami! Please visit us again!"

"Yes aunt Ami, please visit again. We miss you!" Usagi chimed in with a playful smile.

Ami smiled at the two females waving at her, so alike in their enthusiasm. If Usagi had been much younger, or Chibi-Usa much older, she would have sworn the two were siblings instead of mother and daughter.

"How would you like to visit me instead? The Fall festival will be here soon." Ami called back through the open doorway of the train car. The idea to extend an invitation had struck her the night before but with Makoto constantly in her thoughts all else had been delegated to the back of her mind.

Chibi-Usa turned and wide red eyes to her mother, "Could we, Mom?" The excited question was loud enough for Ami to hear over the bustling mass in the station.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: A Place of Magic

She stared openly as the woman let her silver hair loose from its ties. In the privacy of her own bed chambers the silver haired woman undressed with ease; she was used to having an audience of one in her rooms. Realizing she would be distracted, the visitor looked around while the other woman undressed; after all, there was an important matter to be discussed first and foremost. Her garnet eyes wandered, landing on walls richly decorated with tapestries-weavings of graceful women long gone. This was a splendor which she would never get used to.

"So it worked?" Hope shone in the voice floating from behind the long silver curtain of hair as the woman bent to undo a garter belt.

Suddenly hot in the cloak, she found it difficult to speak with the view in front of her. Clearing her throat, she answered, "Yes. Everything is going as it should. There will be movement in the near future."

The silver-haired woman stood upright, completely naked and breathtakingly beautiful. She clapped her hands together, obviously quite pleased. Blue eyes glowed. "Wonderful!" She crossed the room towards her visitor, almost seeming to glide in the process. "Now, what about this kind of movement?" the silver haired woman asked as she brushed her body provocatively against the garnet eyed visitor in the dark cloak.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen: A Helpful Hand

Two weeks had passed since Makoto returned to Tokyo, but thoughts of Ami, Yukikura, and Otari Village stayed with her. Despite distracting herself with work her thoughts constantly returned to Ami. In the midst of a simple chore, or while working on a report, Ami's face would float up from the depths of her mind, interrupting whatever trail of thought she was following. Once, while in the middle of brushing her teeth, she recalled Ami's face the moment she climaxed, sweet with ecstasy yet bitter with tears as she called out Makoto's name.

After the first week she decided to call someone who had the knack for romance down pat. Of course once Mina had answered her cell Makoto had not done much but mumble how she had ruined her and Ami's friendship. She could not bring herself to speak of the matter further when questioned by Mina. How could she begin to explain what happened when she couldn't quite understand all of it herself? She hesitated in answering any specific questions until the persistent blonde conceded with a sigh and switched topics. She had avoided all calls from Mina since then.

Her days were very much a blur, all melding into a blob of gray. Sleep did not come to her as it did before no matter how much she exercised and exerted herself during the day. Those nights she sat outside the small terrace of her living room staring out at the brightly lit spread of Tokyo before her. There was a certain beauty of the glittering city at night but even this she did not notice. If she had known it would be like this after sleeping with the doctor, would she still have made the choice? Makoto couldn't even answer that question. The thought she was doing the right thing by leaving Ami constantly warred with the guilt of hurting the woman. She was protecting herself from a life of love and complications and in doing so had exposed Ami to pain instead.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen: Shoulders to Lean and Laugh on

The building in which Makoto resided was indeed as beautiful as Usagi claimed while driving over. Ami stood at the base of the structure counting the twenty-plus floors before her eyes were drawn to the subtly twinkling lights at the very top. The sleek lines combined with floor-to-ceiling glass walls and landscaped surroundings were all very nice; but something about the entire picture disturbed Ami. What it was struck her immediately as she followed Usagi into the lobby, which was pretty, stylish, tasteful-and sterile. It did not suit Makoto at all. Ami could not picture the brunette being at home in such an obviously manufactured environment.

She took a deep breath in an attempt to calm her nerves which had gone haywire when she stepped out of Usagi's car. Makoto is up there somewhere.

The thought made her heart thump wildly as she trailed after Usagi. Thick carpet muffled their footsteps from the lobby into the soft recessed lighting of the elevator. Ami caught sight of herself in the mirrored walls of the compartment and anxiously brushed her bangs back from her forehead. Her face appeared pale except for two high spots of color in her cheeks.

"Ami..." Usagi's reflection peered over her shoulder and Ami met her friend's inquisitive look.

"Nervous?" Usagi asked. A small encouraging smile lit up her ultramarine eyes while she waited for Ami's answer.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Under the Autumn Leaves

Disclaimer: All Sailor Moon characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha

Under the Autumn Leaves

They followed the winding path into the trees. Warm bits of color, yellows, browns, oranges,crimsons and myriad shades in between splattered atop trees like an artist's palette of paints awaiting the touch of a brush. Their very breath was taken away every so often as they strolled side by side, fingers loosely entwined. Fallen leaves along the path crunched under their shoes creating a melody of their footsteps. They were the only ones in this section of the park. They could hear the songs of birds deeper in the brush and this pleased them. They turned to each other and smiled, perfectly aligned, harmoniously synched in their enjoyment of this nature filled afternoon.

Fall had arrived quickly unlike the slow saunter of summer. Despite schools reopening, and stores prepping for a busy holiday season they were thrilled at the arrival. They loved the brisk air that came with autumn, could very well smell the change in the cool air as the boastfully green leaves of summer discarded their warm weather wear, deciding instead to go out with a bang; a veritable explosion of colors. Just the smell of the air was exciting. There was no rhyme or reason for it but the feeling enveloped them anyway. They were lovers in love with Fall. They were lovers in love with each other. And so, on one perfectly cool, crisp bright autumn day, they decided to go for a walk in the park.

Monday, September 5, 2011


"What the hell-"

The slam of the bathroom door punctuated Makoto's exclamation. Long legs in faded blue jeans strode to the door and tanned knuckles rapped on the unyielding wood.

"Come on Ami, open the door now!"

"You were undressing her!" The muffled shout did not prevent Makoto from discerning the seething tones in which Ami spoke.

"I explained what happened. Ami, will you just open the door? Please?" Cajoling did not seem to work at all as silence spread through their apartment. Makoto could feel a fury growing despite her efforts to stay calm.
Her hands grabbed the trim around the door, squeezing the wood with increasing force that would splinter and break if she did not stop. Her knuckles protruded whitely from the backs of her hands.
One minute of quiet.

One minute, thirty seconds.

Two minutes had passed since Ami last replied. No sound emerged from the bathroom beyond the door.
Makoto's forehead made a small thud as it dropped on the wood. "Ami..." A soft snarl of her loved one's name, and still no response.

"Fine then. I'm leaving." Her hands dropped to her sides, she could still feel the grain of the wood pressed into her palms not a moment ago. She made her way back to the couch where she had carelessly dropped the motorcycle helmet and her keys upon entering the apartment.

Makoto had almost made it to the front door when she heard the click of the lock and the door opening behind her.

"Wait, Mako..." The voice called out hoarsely from behind her and Makoto's body stilled, and stiffened. The balls of her feet were planted flatly on the floor, her back straight, her shoulders thrown back. In that instant she resembled a strong steadfast oak neither bowing or bending to the harshest wind. She did not turn to face Ami.

"What?" She could have been asking for a second cup of tea, the anger which had quickly flowed into her nowhere apparent in the word.

Once again there was no response from Ami but Makoto heard the tentative footsteps of the smaller woman as she crossed the room behind her. Even so, she did not turn. The set of her shoulders relaxed when she felt Ami's arms wrap around her waist from behind. She could feel the warmth from Ami's body as it pressed against her back.

"I'm sorry. Please don't go." The words were muted, absorbed into the cloth of Makoto's shirt but she heard them clearly. "I'm sorry."

There was a loud thump as the helmet fell from Makoto's fingers followed by the jingle of keys as they crashed to the floor. She gathered the smaller woman into her arms as she turned and Ami buried her face into Makoto's chest.

"You know, of the two, people usually call me the hothead." She joked. Ami trembled in her arms and Makoto felt a wetness penetrate the shirt. "Ami..." Surprise and concern colored the name of her beloved.

"I-I'm sorry!" Ami sobbed into Makoto's chest and the tall woman brushed the shorter woman's hair soothingly.

"It's okay," she reassured, "It's fine now. I just wanted you to talk to me."

"I walked in and saw the two of you and she was shirtless and I was so scared I lost you to someone else."

"Nothing happened, love. She received a cut while training and I helped her clean and dress the wound," Makoto explained once more.

"I know." Ami nodded, "I believed you but the picture of you two standing there...it couldn't leave my head and I got so angry at myself for even thinking you would do that to me. My love is selfish, I only want you all to myself."

"I feel the same," Makoto said quietly before a soft laugh erupted. Ami looked up at her in puzzlement and Makoto grinned while she gently swiped at the smaller's woman's tear trail with a callused thumb. "Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot. I would have probably killed someone if I had seen you in a situation like that without knowing the circumstances."

"Well, it really is no surprise you're known to be hot-headed." She rested head against Makoto's chest again.

"Wha—what are you doing?"

The brunette had bent and picked up Ami in her arms, her calf and thigh muscles flexing under jeans as she strutted towards their bedroom. "Why, I'm going to renew my vows I made that day."

"Mako-" a blush of excitement spread across Ami's cheeks as she stared wide-eyed at the brunette.
Laying Ami gently down in the middle of the bed Makoto bent and kissed her at the corner of her parted lips. "I'm going to prove how much I love and want you over and over again."

"Mako..." It was the barest of sighs, yet Makoto heard and felt the love uttered in those two syllables.
"Only you."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bach and Motorcycles

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha. I am merely borrowing the characters for a while to indulge in my own whims. 

Bach and Motorcycles

"Ami..." The exhalation that was her name, caressed by the husky timbre that was Makoto's voice made Ami feel as if molten lava ran through her veins.

"Yes, Mako?" She waited with breath held unconsciously.

"I love you." The words once said, never failed to make Ami's heart race until she felt it would burst.

"I love you too, Mako."

She could hear the smile in Makoto's voice when the woman spoke the next words. "I know... I'll see you soon."

"Hurry..." Ami paused, imagining the breathy word sending one of Makoto's chocolately eyebrows quirking. If they had been face to face Ami would have seen the other woman react; she would have uttered a sweet laugh of delight at being right. Pleasure overtook her at knowing Makoto so well.

"I will. Bye love." In the background, in between the syllables spoken by the brunette, Ami could hear the rumbling of a motorcycle engine. Unbidden, the sensation of the vibrating machine between her legs sprung forth, and she almost gasped.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: The Healer

Makoto woke in a bed she instantly recognized as not her own. Where am I? Wherever she was, she could tell it was late afternoon due to the waning sunlight streaming through the window near the bed. Sitting upright, she absently noted she felt a little sore in the mid-section but her attention was really on her surroundings. The large room, if it could be called a room, was a combination of bedroom, living room, kitchen and eating area. She could see the exposed low wooden beams and rafters would not have provided much room for a second floor had there been one.

The bed she sat in, along with a simple wooden dresser was located in the corner of the room furthest from the door. From the door her eyes were drawn to the kitchen. Dried plants in various stages hung from the low rafters of the kitchen area. They're herbs, she realized.They left a curiously pleasing aroma. Pots and pans also hung down from the rafters. A medium sized pot sat over a low fire in a rustic looking stone fireplace. Makoto's stomach rumbled as her nose detected a delicious scent wafting from the pot. Furniture was sparse but it, like the wooden window frames and door, gleamed softly as if someone had taken time and care to lovingly polish the surfaces.

There was one long wooden table covered in a woven white cloth in the middle of the room. Makoto noted two places were already set with simple mugs and spoons. A small wrapped bundle was placed in the middle of the table and she had a strong suspicion it was probably a loaf of bread. Instead of chairs, two long benches served as seats. The rest of the space in the remaining corner of the room contained two well-stacked bookcases as well as another table. However, this surface was neatly covered by bottles and flasks and items she could only compare to what would be a chemistry set with liquids of all colors.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Sixteen

Disclaimer:  the lyrics for "Do What You Have To Do" is the property of Sarah McLachlan and Nettwerk/Arista Records. 

Chapter Sixteen: A Mission of Love

Ami sighed, staring down at the book in her hands without seeing the words. It had been three weeks since she returned from Otari Village with Makoto. Sitting in the living room, she attempted to read the novel she started a week ago. I wonder what Makoto is doing now? Is she sleeping well? Probably. I'm the only one who had her heart broken for the millionth time. An exhausted feeling swept through her and she sighed again; she had not slept well at all upon returning home. Each night had passed with very few hours of fitful sleep.

Her days at work were not any better; she barely made it through the hours and avoided all efforts made by Yuri to talk outside of work. She was well aware of the concerned looks the young woman kept shooting her way. She did not think she could go through a conversation about her listless manner or an absent Makoto, no matter how well-intentioned Yuri wanted to be.

I did say we were two adults simply enjoying each other's company. Stupid of me really-it was not that simple after all.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Fifteen: Painful Reminders

Makoto was glad the day remained beautiful and clear when she stepped out of the ryokan with Ami in tow. She volunteered to drive and they easily found a family restaurant thanks to Ami's recollection of passing one on the way into the village. Ten minutes later they were in a small parking lot filled with cars and the few odd trucks and motorcycles. Within moments they were seated and served beverages by a cheerful middle-aged waitress. Menus were whisked away as they quickly settled on what they wanted to eat: Ami picked a simple salad topped with avocado and pears, and as the restaurant offered an all-day breakfast menu Makoto chose a platter of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast.

With the waitress out of hearing distance Makoto frowned at Ami. "That can't be all you're eating."

"Why not? It's healthy and delicious."

"It's rabbit food," Makoto growled good-naturedly and Ami laughed.

The doctor's laughter was infectious but movement behind Ami caught Makoto's attention and she glanced beyond the woman's shoulder. Ami's back was to the door and Makoto sat facing her, which provided an excellent view of the entrance. A family of three had just entered, the man leading the way with a grim look on his face while his harried-looking wife trailed after him. A little dark-haired girl all of five years old held onto the woman's hand.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fourteen: Of Love and Denial

Makoto stared up at the ceiling, wide awake. All the lights extinguished, it was dark in the room but she had quickly grown accustomed. Ami slumbered next to her, the smaller woman cuddled up to the brunette's side, one hand under her cheek while the other rested on Makoto's bare belly. Ami looked so peaceful in her sleep; a strange painful pang struck Makoto. For the tall woman sleeping next to Ami might have been a pleasant experience except for the thought weighing heavily on her mind. It refused to let her sleep as it floated to and fro in her head. It downright frightened her.

Ami loves me.

She tried to rationalize what kind of love Ami meant, the same argument chasing itself around in her mind. No, maybe she meant love like a friend? That has to be it, she concluded until the next line followed, like it did many times before. Don't be a fool! You think she slept with you because she was bored? Friends don't sleep with each other.
She rubbed her forehead in frustration. Just what had she set in motion with that kiss? Thoughts flew at her, riotous, out of order. How long has Ami been in love with me? It can't have been that long, she never gave an indication. You let your lust cloud your judgment; things will never be the same. I'll never be able to look at her the same. Thirteen years of friendship ruined. Oh god, this is so wrong, I can't do this.

But she knew that last thought was a lie. I still want her. For once, being with someone has never felt so good.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Unveiled

Otari Village was a small hot springs village nestled in a region of natural splendor in the Nagano prefecture. An ideal spot for tourists and locals interested in nature during the summer, it also boasted several ski resorts in winter. Despite living less than three hours away, Ami had never found the opportunity to visit the area before. Hana wore a wide smile when Ami informed the old woman she would be going away overnight with the brunette. She assumed Makoto, being a nature buff, had already visited at least once.

"Have you visited Otari Village before?" Ami asked curiously, in spite of her assumption. Her hands were safely positioned at ten and two on the steering wheel.

"Yes, a few times," Makoto confirmed from the passenger side of the mid-size car. She was turning the knob of the radio, hoping to find some suitable music-something that didn't annoy herself or Ami- while they drove along. She gave up in disgust after a minute and rested her hands on the headrest. Her seat was pushed all the way back to accommodate her long legs and Ami couldn't help but admire the brunette's toned thighs in tight jeans every so often. Now with Makoto's hands behind her head Ami had an excellent view of the woman's ample chest covered by a pink polo shirt. "I thought this might be a good way to kill two birds: I get to show you the flora in the area and you get to relax away from home."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Twelve

Chapter Twelve: Plans

An incredibly pleasant breakfast several hours behind her, Ami was lost in thought at her desk in the clinic. The pen stood still in her fingers, its task of entering notes into a patient's chart at a pause. Years ago, if anyone had asked her if it was possible for Ami to fall deeper into love with Makoto Kino, the doctor would have shaken her head and replied with a negative. However, after last night she had been proven wrong. Even so, she could not shake the idea that this was a dream and eventually she'd have to return to reality once Makoto left for Tokyo. The thought hurt but it was far too late to go back to the way things were now. No, right now she would simply accept what the other woman was willing to give no matter what the future held.

In the midst of an intense kissing session with Makoto, Ami could think of nothing but getting closer to the brunette. How she had burned to feel the woman's skin against her own all these years. Rational thought and patience deserting her, Ami had been reduced to simply enjoying the sensation of Makoto's strong hands, warm body and hot mouth. Slipping her hands under the hem of Makoto's tank top, Ami moaned heavily at the sensation of toned abdominal muscles covered in velvety soft skin. It was the first time she had ever felt something contrast so wonderfully; Makoto was hard and soft all at once and it staggered her senses.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Verdantia: Chapter Two

Chapter Two: The Muur-Kami

Red eyes with dark pinpoint pupils glared out of the gloom into the bright circle of sunlight. The stones towered in the center of the clearing. The Muur-Kami had been asleep when the booming and crackling rocked through the forests. It had grunted, instantly awake and up on its four legs. It knew the signs of course- it could smell the change in the air, an almost electric current seeping into the stink of the cave it called its home. The third head, growing out of the back grunted in annoyance upon being awakened and the Muur-Kami turned its neck to growl menacingly at the protesting appendage.

The head cowered behind the others, features barely discernible in the blackness of the cave; the Muur-Kami resumed its padding towards the mouth of the cave while bones—some animal, and some human—crunched underfoot. It had been a while since a meal presented itself. Especially one of the Others, a being from a different place, newly born to this world and weak. Drool dripped from its open maw as it remembered the taste of sweet marrow that could only belong to the Others. It had been many years since such a meal, but time was of no consequence to the Muur-Kami.

The heads adjoined to its back shrieked joyfully as it stalked towards the center of the forest. It arrived quickly, peering out at the weakling Other as it gasped for air, struggling. It wouldn't be long before night arrived, the blight of the infernal sun gone and the Muur-Kami would pounce. Oh, how it would feast! The heads tittered in excitement and it let them enjoy themselves as it continued to watch, crimson eyes glued to its prey. Inky tendrils of oily blackness rising from between the growth of heads along its back weaved to and fro in the air patiently. These four tentacles could not stretch very far but they were strong, easily providing aid when the Muur-Kami hunted.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Long Walk

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

A Long Walk

Ami panted for breath, her right hand slipping out of her pajama bottoms. Her hand was damp, fingers sticky and wet, her throat dry as she heaved for air. The urge to cry already overwhelmed her and she didn't fight it, instead she allowed the tears to run freely. Curling up into a fetal position she wondered when it would end once and for all. The pain, guilt, sadness, lust and last of all, love. The love for someone who had no intention of ever loving her.




The clock on the wall above her head clicked disapprovingly onto two a.m. When will you stop this torture? It seemed to ask and Ami seconded the sentiment. She was wide awake, restless. The exertion of satisfying herself had long ago ceased to make her tired. Laying still for a moment her mind raced. Studying held no appeal. Neither did swimming. Many nights she stayed awake like this. Sometimes she was captured in a fretful sleep which left her bleary eyed and sluggish throughout the day.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Eleven

Chapter Eleven: Temptation

The first one to get dressed, Ami stood outside the front door of the house for a moment, deeply breathing in the night air. Asking Makoto to go on a ride with her had been purely impulsive, a whim to get rid of nervousness due to the sudden intimacy of sitting together in the homey kitchen. However, the summer night, balmy and highlighted by silver moonlight didn't seem to be helping; she felt more anxious than ever. Taking several deep breaths she headed towards the garage.

One particular thought, though, kept bothering her. Either it had slipped Makoto's mind that Ami kissed her back or Makoto just didn't want to mention it, preferring to shoulder the blame herself. Both theories had the smaller woman experiencing guilt for not coming clean about her own willing participation. When it happened, she had wanted that kiss, wanted it much more than Makoto might ever imagine. Stopping in front of the open garage door, the moment replayed itself in her head. Her hand came up to lightly rub her lips as the memory unveiled itself. Makoto's lips had felt so very right against her own, not to mention how good the brunette was at kissing.

Just what am I doing? She shook her head to dispel the picture and its accompanying feelings.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Verdantia :Chapter One

Chapter One: The Speaking Stones

A pristine blue sky spread overhead, vast, never-ending, but it could be hardly seen under the thick canopy of the forest. Nevertheless, Ami enjoyed the walk; every so often through a break in the luscious foliage she caught a glimpse of the gorgeous clear sky. Cool under the trees, she was happy to be wearing her woolen cloak over her favorite white tunic with dark filigree patterns around the collar and the edge of the three-quarter sleeves. A long, flowing skirt hugged her waist, the hem fluttering around her calves, just an inch above the lace-up moccasin boots she wore. Ami found the boots were not only comfortable to hike in but they protected her legs from the underbrush.

Today she was collecting herbs but it certainly did not feel like any kind of work to her. She paused in her forward motion for a moment to appraise her surroundings. Nearby a low plant with flowers similar to daisies caught her eye, the petals small and white with a center of gold.

Ah, feverfew.

Her hand was a few inches from the plant when a loud crackling sound reverberated through the forest air. She froze when what sounded like thunder followed, booming, echoing throughout the forest. As the noise continued birds shrieked and scattered into the air, dark petals taking wing into the blue cloudless sky. In all her years of living on the outskirts of the forest she had never heard a noise quite like it. Through clear patches of canopy and undergrowth she could hear and see all manner of winged and legged wildlife as they fled from the peculiar sound, which seemed to originate from deep inside the Inner Forest.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Ten

Chapter Ten: The Scent of Jasmine

Soft lips moving under hers responsively, a sigh of contentment emitted from deep within...
Makoto opened her eyes and sighed. Sitting up and pushing aside her covers forcefully, she stalked into the bathroom. It was the same dream again, the one where she was kissing Ami. And Ami was kissing her back just as intensely. The first time it happened she had been home for a week and the dream left her feeling rather puzzled upon waking. Now it happened often, whenever she thought of writing or calling Ami. For some reason or another it made her nervous and so she held off contacting the woman.

Makoto ran a hand through her mahogany hair in frustration as she stood in front of her bathroom mirror. Her hair looked wild, random strands sticking out of the brown mass. The skin under her eyes was starting to look dark due to the restless nature of her sleep. Not once had she ever felt so confused about someone in her entire life. Of all people to leave her so distracted: Ami was her friend, she couldn't be feeling this way. And why only now? Makoto was fully aware something had changed between her and Ami during her last visit to Yukikura. But what?

The thought that she found Ami attractive and wanted her was a new one for Makoto. Yes, she had always known Ami was good looking but she had never before seen her in such a light. Deep down she knew she was being unfair; from the moment they met to the present, she viewed Ami as the sixteen year old she met in university but somehow during the course of the past few visits she came to see her finally as a grown woman. Makoto had to admit to herself that Ami was so very appealing.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Verdantia: Prologue

Disclaimers: The character Makoto Kino belongs to Naoko Takeuchi. Margie and Ran are mine, as is this particular plot. If the idea of same-sex relationships offend you then please find something more better suited to your tastes. Thank you. 


Somewhere in downtown Manhattan, a little bar called The Cat's Paw sat nestled between a Greek restaurant and an electronics shop. Inside, smoke hung in the air, still and thick. Makoto Kino sat at the bar staring down into her drink. In a moment of self pity she thought to herself, I can't do this anymore.

"How long are you going to sit there feeling sorry for yourself?" Margie asked. In her early forties, wisdom and youth contrasted and entwined in her dark eyes. In another time and place Margie would have been a gypsy. At the moment she was a bar owner, welcoming the lost and the weary. Dispensing advice and the occasional home cooking, she was like a second mother to Makoto. Almost.


Her head snapped up at Margie's tone. "How long are you going to stay like that? That girl wasn't worth your time and she knew it. Although I do wish she would have picked a better way to let you know."

Makoto sighed. "It doesn't matter. I'm done with women." She downed the drink and passed her glass to Margie. Margie looked at Makoto. She hadn't changed much since the first time she walked into the bar seven years ago.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Storm

 Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

The Storm

Ami woke with a sleepy smile on her face. Her eyes closed, she enjoyed the languid feeling that came with the warmth of the comforter that smelled freshly laundered. The sounds of rain could be heard from outside; drops tapping staccato rhythms against the window pane, dancing between the eaves before slithering in snake-like patterns down the walls and windows.

Yes, a nap had proven most refreshing especially since she had practically crawled in from her overly long shift at the hospital. The apartment was dark and quiet when she had arrived home. Stumbling through the door and slipping out of her practical low-heeled shoes, she barely made it to the couch, tucked her hands under her cheek and curled into the fetal position before her eyelids closed and, her breathing evened out.
She snuggled further down into the sheets, the softness rubbing against her skin making her sigh. Skin...she realized she was now only wearing her boyshorts and nothing else. Beyond the walls of the bedroom she could hear a faint humming, and the low voice of the television as the weatherman spoke of the impending thunderstorm.


Makoto must be home. The smile on her face grew larger as thoughts of the brunette made their way in. Makoto's presence explained how Ami moved from the couch in the living room to their bedroom, with her clothing removed. The thought of the tall woman taking off her clothes, piece by piece, made a warmth that had nothing to do with the bed covers crawl over her. She could practically feel Makoto's hands on her skin and it left her tingling.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Nine

Chapter Nine: Fireside Confessions

 Yukikura, three months ago:

"She likes you," Makoto stated, effortlessly stepping over the large rock in her path. The late April day was cool but not cold, a perfect day for hiking the botanist mentioned and Ami had to agree with her. Earlier in the day Makoto had decided to kill two birds with one stone by asking Ami if she wanted to take a hike to see the water lilies. It had been purely a whim on Makoto's part asking her suddenly but Ami was happy to reply immediately with a yes.

"Huh?" The query was a little more than a huff of air as Ami stepped over the rock as well. Apparently while riding her bike gave her exercise, it was not enough to keep her in the same shape as the fit brunette.

"What are you talking about, Makoto?"

"Yuri. She likes you."

Ami shook her head even though the brunette could not see her. "Impossible."

The botanist turned around, "Why is it so impossible? She was beside herself when asking you over for dinner. You didn't see the way she looked at you. When was the last time you went on a date anyway?"

"It's not a date, it's just dinner at her place. She's a nice young woman, that's all." Ami insisted. There was no way Yuri could be interested in her. Although, Ami had in fact noticed the young woman was attractive but that was the extent of it. "Anyway, you shouldn't spy on others."

Makoto made a noise that could be determined as rude but she didn't speak.

"And," Ami added, "I made it a rule not to date people I work with."

Makoto paused, waiting for Ami to catch up. "You have too many self imposed rules. You, my friend, need to loosen up," she said lightly. Casting an appraising eye on Ami, Makoto took in the appearance of the short silky blue hair, deep eyes, pink lips and creamy skin. Ami, as usual, did not seem to know how physically attractive she was.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight: Oblivious

Right before graduation Makoto was offered a job in the botany department of the university. Considered one of the more promising students, she was assured a research and fieldwork position. Overjoyed, the brunette immediately accepted. Not long after, she heard rumors of a new strain of water lilies circulating and she set out north to find out for herself. It was near Mount Yukikura Makoto located the strange and exotic plant flourishing in a large pond. She made note the plant did not seem to affect either flora or fauna in the surrounding area. There were no forthcoming clues about how the plant came to be but she vowed to find the origin. She also wondered to herself why the name Yukikura sounded so familiar.

It was not until she returned to Tokyo and explained her assignment to Ami and Usagi over dinner one night that she discovered it was the younger woman's hometown. She noticed Ami seemed eager for news of her village and Makoto filled her in as best as she could. The botanist was invited to stop by her home once Ami was back in Yukikura, which would be less than a year's time.

Throughout the years, the village of Yukikura along with Ami and Hana saw Makoto intermittently. She visited the young doctor and her grandmother every time she was in the region to inspect the growth of the waterlilies. Calculations were all well and good in a lab but the botanist was in her element in the midst of nature while taking samples and making notes.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven: Realization 

Winter receded, making way for Spring and its welcome greenery. A pleasant time for Ami, she did well in school, and enjoyed her budding relationship with Rei. The parallel was not lost on Ami and a dreamy smile adorned her face every so often. A harsh winter of heartbreak dwindled in the distance and a fresh new start was apparent to the teen. But there were times when Ami inevitably compared Rei to Makoto, the undesirable thoughts seemingly popping up out of thin air.

The dark haired woman was an exemplary definition of a refined but passionate woman while Makoto exuded a beautiful yet wild and raw magnetism. True, they were as different as night and day but neither were any less charming. Ami would dismiss the thoughts quickly, guilt overtaking her at the traitorous observations. However despite the few unexpected comparisons, Rei remained a very pleasant constant in her life, Makoto's appearance few and far in between.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Water Liles:Chapter Six

Chapter Six:An Unexpected Encounter

The next few days were a blur for Ami, much like Makoto's party. She got up from bed, attended classes, returned to her dorm, attempted to study; only to do it all over again the next day. Usagi tried her best to bring Ami around but her efforts proved futile, eventually she gave up knowing Ami would not stay in her current state forever. And she was right.

After her classes one day Ami wandered outside and sat down on one of the many benches scattered around campus. In too deep of a daze, the wintry cold was ignored as the scene with Makoto and Minako played through her head once again. The lingering suspicion she tried to push to the back of her mind during the past couple of months was now a fact, Makoto and Minako were definitely together. Even betrayed however, Ami could admit she did not have any feelings of animosity towards either women, simply because she had not been in the equation to begin with. How could she dislike someone who was not conscious of her presence as a romantic prospect?

But logical thinking combined with facts could not wash away the miserable ache tormenting her. She wished she could have been the one in Minako's place, her arms around Makoto, her lips on the brunette's. Shoulders slumping forward, she sighed.

"I didn't take you for the brooding type."

Monday, April 11, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Five

Chapter Five: Discovery

My little sister.

Ami awoke to to the echoing of Makoto's words from the previous evening coupled with the shrieking of her alarm. Even though it was Saturday she always got up early. Today she felt like staying in bed, it would take too much energy to simply get up.

Of course Makoto couldn't possibly want someone like me.

A knock on her door interrupted further thought.

"Ami? Are you awake?" A soft, tentative voice drifted through the door.

The urge to burrow deeper under her covers came over her but she knew Usagi probably wouldn't leave her alone until they spoke. The blonde spared her from answering however, when she spoke again.

"I'll come back later."

Ami squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to let more tears have their way with her. Over the course of the previous evening she had shed too many, even after she left Usagi to the final bit of cleaning. Curled up in bed, she cried to herself; her logical mind could not comprehend why humans chose to pursue an emotion like love when it had such negative repercussions. Giving in, she pulled the covers over her head with the thought that it might not be so bad to sleep the day away.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Four

Chapter Four: Fragile Flower

"I know! We'll have a party!"

Ami looked up from the textbook in her lap. It took her a moment to realize what Usagi was referring to. "Are you sure?" She asked with a worried frown.

The blonde ignored her roommate's expression, "Yes! It's not everyday a girl turns seventeen."

The younger woman hesitated. "I don't know, Usagi..."

"Stop being such a wallflower!" The blonde got up from her seat and danced around the room, "It's time to become a butterfly. A social butterfly! Emerge from that cocoon of yours." She waved her arms about, as if they were butterfly wings.

Ami placed a hand in front of her mouth as her lips twitched at Usagi's antics. "Wouldn't that make me a caterpillar instead of a wallflower?" She asked dryly.

"Emergggge." Usagi sang, as she fluttered about their living room.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Three

Chapter Three: Hope

Summer arrived in Tokyo, the heat skyrocketing to unbearable heights and it was only July. Ami grimaced as a trickle of perspiration made its way down her back. A less than ten minute walk across campus and Ami was drenched; she desperately desired a cold shower and beverage and not in that order. Wiping her brow as she stepped into the dorm room. A squeal of delight from an unseen Usagi alerted her the woman was home and in high spirits. She stepped out of her shoes, placed her bag neatly on her desk in her room and headed for the kitchenette for a drink of water.

Usagi stood in the little area, one hip resting against what little counter space they had. The phone was glued to one ear, a happy grin resting on her lips. Chatting away animatedly, she gave Ami a small wave of greeting as the young woman entered. Ami was curious, she wondered what sort of news would have the blonde practically bouncing. She smiled and waved back, one blue brow perked, before pouring herself a glass of cold water.

'Tell you soon,' Usagi mouthed the words to Ami and the younger woman nodded in reply before heading out to attached living room/eating area which contained a couch and an armchair along with a small square table. Perched on the edge of the armchair she took a deep gulp of cold water. She usually enjoyed summers but in a city the magnitude of Tokyo there was far too little to like. Usagi emerged from the kitchenette a moment later.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Water Lilies: Chapter Two

Chapter Two: Falling

"Ami Mizuno, meet Makoto Kino," introduced Usagi Tsukino with a happy grin. Sunlight turned the blonde's long ponytails into burnished golden tails and the poetic side of Ami might have taken note of the lovely image but Usagi was forgotten for a moment as Ami stared at the gorgeous vision in front of her. Makoto Kino, with her rich mahogany brown hair and emerald eyes stood next to Usagi without a self-conscious bone in her tall toned body. And what a lovely body it was, Ami thought to herself without a hint of lasciviousness. Even if she had felt any lust at that moment Ami would not have been aware of it. The sixteen year old was knowledgeable in many things, but of her own budding sexuality she was not.

Ami gulped as her hand came into contact with the tall woman's; her own feeling rather small in the larger woman's calloused grasp. Green eyes scrutinized her, a hint of mirth and curiosity lurking within their forest-like depths. She colored at the inquisitive look, unaware she was holding her breath as Makoto's gaze lingered on her eyes and lips. A not so subtle throat-clearing drew Ami out of her daze and her blush deepened.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Disclaimers: Characters belong to Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.
Song lyrics owned and performed by AIR.

If two women together romantically offend you then this story is not for you. However if you do like this type of thing, read on. ;)

The following scenes were inspired by French electronica/pop duo AIR's song of the same title 'Venus'.

'You could be from Venus
I could be from Mars
We would be together
Lovers forever
Care for each other'

Rei smiled, her eyes closed as she felt a warm body laying next to hers before snuggling into her arms. Opening her violet eyes she looked down to see the top of Minako's head as it rested on her shoulder. Her long blonde hair was luminous, even in the dark.

"I knew I'd find you here." Minako's hot breath skated across the skin of Rei's neck which sent a shiver of pleasure up the raven haired woman's spine. Minako felt the shudder, tiny as it was and lifted her head. Pausing for a moment to stare down at the woman under her, a sweet smile grew on pink lips. She looked into pools of mauve, tenderness swimming deep within the depths. She likened the view to a koi gracefully moving in a pond. 


She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back the peal of laughter that threatened to escape but it was too late, Rei already spotted the amusement in her azure eyes and in the corners of her twitching lips.

"What's so funny?" Whispering to the woman, her mirthful smile matched the one her lover wore.

"I'll tell you later," Mina whispered back, her head dipping to capture Rei's lips with her own. The softest brushing of lips followed; leisurely, patiently all the time in the world theirs, for this moment of intimacy. Identical blushes adorned their cheeks when she lifted her head and resumed the previous position of her head on Rei's shoulder.

Water Lilies: Chapter One

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its characters are the property of Naoko Takeuchi and Kodansha.

Chapter One: Down the Mountain

"Maya-san," Dr. Ami Mizuno paused before she completed the rest of the sentence, "perhaps it's time to reconsider moving in with Takeda-san and Yumi-san."

A chuckle combined with a twinkle in the dark eyes in the elder woman who sat across from Ami indicated she was far from offended at the younger woman's suggestion. "Ami-chan," name said fondly, Maya merely smiled as she replied, "I was born in this house and I intend to stay here until the gods tell me it is time to pass on."

Ami smiled back before taking a sip of the tea the older woman provided. It was an old argument between doctor and patient. Concern for the elderly woman living alone halfway up the mountain constantly motivated Ami to persuade Maya to move in with her son and daughter-in-law. Most of the time the argument was in the form of light banter between the two, however the woman was serious about having Maya move in with Takeda and his wife. She did not care that coming to Maya's house resulted in a forty-five minute trip, she enjoyed the routine house calls to patients; at home they were far more relaxed which ensured a better patient. No, the argument existed solely because Maya had watched Ami grow up from a toddler, resulting in a relationship of that of a relative. And the older woman certainly treated her kindly, as kindly as Ami's own grandmother, Hana. The idea that anything could happen to Maya up here in the mountain without anyone knowing anything made Ami press the issue.

But Maya was a stubborn old woman who refused to budge, also much like Hana. Ami swallowed a sigh along with the remaining bit of delicious green tea. There was no point in continuing the conversation now. She glanced outdoors through the wide door left open to provide light and air into the living room of the traditional style house, and judged it was time to get going, Maya was her last appointment for the day.

Friday, January 14, 2011


She wriggled on the bed, unaccustomed to wearing such clothing or rather, lack of clothing while she waited for her lover. The heat of desire wound around in her lower belly, moving slowly but surely as the cool air hit the exposed skin on her body. Squeezing her thighs together, she hoped Sawako, her girlfriend of a year, would come home soon. Every second that passed was making her question this spontaneous decision to surprise the older woman. Tsumugi Kotobuki, or Mugi as she was known to a select few shifted anxiously again. The pale pink lace teddy she wore covered her generous assets while leaving nothing to the imagination. Garters and thigh-high stockings completed the outfit.

Passing a lingerie store on the way to Sawako's, she made an impulse buy of the sexy lingerie she now wore. Mugi had sported a faint blush while purchasing the items; the saleswoman assured that her boyfriend would love the outfit. She did not correct the saleswoman on the gender of her lover, instead smiled politely and paid. Despite being somewhat embarrassed about buying such items she was also quite excited at the thought of welcoming home Sawako in the barely there clothing. Crossing her legs restlessly, she stood up and bashfully appraised herself in the full length mirror. A rosy hue appeared on her cheeks. It was the first time Mugi had ever worn something so revealing with the idea of "that" in mind. She wasn't a prude by any means, but sex was one thing she was hesitant about discussing openly due to her upbringing as a proper young woman. Sawako, she found had no such qualms in that regard.